
Chapter 114

Chapter 114: Diamu Helen

Zhao leaned on Karl's broad chest, and could even hear Karl's heartbeat. She couldn't help but feel full of security, and then thought that she was actually leaning in Karl's arms. , immediately broke away from Karl's arms, his cheeks were so red that he didn't dare to look at Karl..

"What are you doing here? I heard Mr. Tony Stark say, aren't you a busy man? Yesterday you became a billionaire. Now you come to my little laboratory, which makes me feel honored! "Zhao Helen said with her back to Karl, and then she said directly to Karl in a strange way..

"Of course I'm here to see you, my Sapphire, don't listen to Tony's nonsense, you can't believe a word he says, I'm a billionaire now, please beg me, I'll invest in you. "Karl said to Helen Zhao with a smile, and even made a joke..

"If a billionaire like you invests in me, should I sleep with you? " Helen Zhao rolled her eyes at Karl and then said to him mockingly. She had encountered many such situations when she was looking for investment before. Most people were attracted by her beauty..

"That's not necessary, as long as you become my wife, I will give you 100 billion as research funds, plus I have such a handsome man accompanying you, aren't you tempted? "Karl didn't care at all about Helen Zhao's cynicism and continued to tease her..

"What, you're not afraid that I'll take the money and run away? That's hundreds of billions? "When Helen Zhao heard Karl say so narcissistically, she gave him a blank look. Then she looked up and down. It seemed that what he said was right. After that, she bluntly said to Karl that she took away his money..

"I'm not afraid. My woman is in charge of all my money. If she wants to take the money and run away, I can become a pauper in three minutes. But do you think it took a lot of effort for me to get that money? No, no, no, money is just a number to me, and it is also the most worthless thing here. "Karl said to Helen Zhao calmly, almost saying the golden words of Mr. Ma from his previous life..

"OK, OK, OK, I know you are very capable, but please leave quickly, I want to study it! "After hearing this, Helen Zhao thought of Carl's ability to teleport. In addition, Tony Stark's large amount of vibranium seemed to have been given to him by Carl. At least it can be seen that if Carl wanted money, he would probably Easier than drinking water.

"Well, my Sapphire, I'm leaving and I'll see you next time. "After Carl heard what Helen Zhao said, he disappeared. Zhao Helen did not look back and continued to do his experiments until he found that no one was talking for a while. When he turned around, he found that Carl had left, but he There was a brilliant sapphire the size of a pigeon egg sitting on the table that I was leaning against, shining dazzlingly in the sunlight!


Karl just thought that the earth seems to be gestated by a member of the Celestial God Group. It is called: Diamu. It is a seed spread by the Celestial God Group on the earth. It will be bred in the earth and the god will appear. However, the god needs to gather on the earth to appear. After the life energy of the earth reaches the standard for the birth of a new god, the Eternals sent to the earth by the god group will destroy the entire civilization, allowing the new god to appear!

I had seen this post on a forum in my previous life before, but if it was true, then things would have gone viral. Carl immediately came to No. 117A Bleecker St

reet, where the Master's New York Temple is, and he decided to go Talk to the Supreme Mage. If this is true, then the Supreme Mage must know something.

After arriving at the location of the temple, he found a halo of sparks appearing. Karl understood that the Supreme Mage already knew that he was coming, so he stepped in directly, and then appeared in several ancient buildings. At this moment, he was in an ancient building. At the top, there was a tea table in front of him, where the Supreme Mage was sitting, waiting for him..

"Master Supreme, is the earth giving birth to a member of the Celestial Group? "Karl asked her after sitting in front of Gu Yi. If there really is one, if it can't be solved, he will probably run away in a few years. Although he doesn't know that the member of the God Group has appeared, but One God has appeared. But to destroy the life of the entire earth and destroy the earth.

"Yes, there is indeed a member of the Celestial Group gestating in the core of the earth. "Gu Yi poured Karl a cup of tea and then spoke slowly, and told Karl that there was indeed a god group gestating, which also made Karl understand that his guess was right..

"then you should know that if it were conceived, the earth would…."Karl stopped talking to Gu Yi halfway through. He knew that Gu Yi understood what he meant, and he also said this because he wanted to know if Gu Yi could do anything..

"I know, but I can't do anything to it. I don't have much time. I believe you should know the reason. What's more, if you touch the member of the Celestial God Group now, the cultivators of the Celestial God Group will notice it. Now is not the time. What's more, these should also be his business. "Gu Yi said to Karl after taking a sip of tea, and even said that there was nothing she could do now. She had no choice but to do anything to the members of the God Group..

"Have you already….."Karl naturally understood what Gu Yi said. Her end was coming soon, which meant that she didn't have much time. Of course she couldn't die from her lifespan. There are many things in Marvel that can extend lifespan, and people like Gu Yi's spirit How could it be impossible to find an existence that can travel across the multiverse? Absorbing Dormammu's energy may just be to understand the dark energy.

There are countless things on earth that can extend lifespan. If it is said that Ancient One absorbed dark energy in order to extend his lifespan and caused his own death, or because his life span is approaching death, Karl does not believe it at all. If ordinary things are harmful to Ancient One, If it's useless, then what about the dragon bone? This is something with residual energy from the power of law. How could it be useless to Gu Yi? It's probably the sequelae of magic. Kamtaj's magic is borrowed, it's not his own. .

It is energy borrowed from all major dimensions, not to mention that it has to be returned after death. But as the Supreme Mage, how can Gu Yi return it after death? She can even return it because she has guarded the earth for hundreds of years and turned into a holy spirit to follow eternity. Go, she directly dealt with the dimension lords and demon gods of all major dimensions, because they could not find eternal trouble and could only hold it in themselves.

It's also possible that Gu Yi is tired and doesn't want to live anymore. If she says her life span is over, she won't believe it even if she is beaten to death..