
Chapter 113

Chapter 113:

After curing Helen Stacey, a few people started to eat. Nothing unpleasant happened. Even the gifts from Karl were accepted by them happily. George didn't say much during the whole process, as long as Helen was asking Carl to eat, while Gwen was eating a little absentmindedly because her father's behavior was so abnormal..

"By the way, Aunt Helen, I should be able to heal your body, please give me your hand. "Karl suddenly said to Gwen's mother. After hearing this, George suddenly raised his head and stared at Karl. Gwen also looked at Karl in disbelief, because Karl did everything he said..

"Really, then give it a try. "Helen Stacey was not particularly excited, because the greater the expectations, the greater the disappointment. In order to avoid George's attitude becoming even worse, she was very calm. She also knew her own body, and after so many years, maybe It was impossible to get better.

Carl took Helen Stacey's hand, and then activated the horse charm in the system space. A green light passed from Carl's hand to Helen Stacy's hand, and then spread Throughout her body, her face began to become more rosy than before, and she looked much healthier. At this time, Helen Stacy closed her eyes and felt the energy healing of the horse charm, which was very warm. It's comfortable.

"I…..I seem to be getting better, I don't feel any discomfort now, and I can even take a deep breath! "Helen Stacey opened her eyes suddenly, took a few deep breaths, and found that she was no longer uncomfortable at all. Then she looked at Karl and others in surprise..

"Okay, okay, you are finally okay, so good! "George said after seeing that his wife was really fine, with tears in his eyes, because Helen had been in a car accident before, causing trauma to her lungs. She could not take a big breath, and sometimes needed to use a ventilator. Once she suffered severe Breathing will cause lung pain and may even cause lung rupture. This is why George never refutes Helen's words, just to prevent her from being angry..

"Mom, you are finally fine! "Gwen jumped directly into Helen's arms and started crying directly in her mother's arms. Helen's health was almost a worry for her and her father. They worried about whether there would be something wrong with her body every day. Now she is finally fine. Got it.

"Thank you, Carl, and I apologize for my previous behavior! "George stood up and said to Karl, and was about to bow to him and apologize. Karl was so frightened that he immediately supported George. This was his future father-in-law, so he couldn't do this..

"Uncle George, you don't have to be like this. This is also a surprise and gift from me. "Carl said to him after helping George up. George was moved and hugged Karl. He had thought about it for countless days and nights to make Helen better, but even the doctor had no choice but to rest. After that ,

the atmosphere was much better than before. George also started to invite Karl to eat, even more enthusiastically than Helen. He even took out wine and wanted to have a few drinks with Karl. He was so happy today, and his wife's body Okay!

Karl didn't refuse, and even took out some dragon bones to help Helen and George absorb them, which not only increased their lifespan a lot, but also improved their physical fitness a little bit, which is what they can o

nly get after the first absorption. The effect would not be particularly great, at least there would be no such thing as getting sick. It wasn't

until late at night that Carl left Gwen's house. This time, his relationship with George was much better. After driving the Lamborghini home, He mobilized his own connections and once again got George back to the position of New York City Commissioner. Although he was the one who got him down, this time it was different. George was his father-in-law, so he was still suspended for inspection? The next

day George, who had just woken up, received a call from the city government, asking him to quickly return to the police station to take up a post. George immediately knew it was Karl's work and didn't say anything more. When he came downstairs, he saw that his wife had already helped him. After preparing breakfast, my whole face was radiant and my body was completely healed. After that, I felt happy..


On the other side

, Carl once again appeared in Tony's underground studio. He happened to see Tony studying the suits. There were even several already made suits, and there was also a huge suit that looked very good. Like the Hulkbuster suit in the movie, the entire suit is made of vibranium, and its defense is simply indestructible..

"Which one is the anti-Carl armor, Tony? "Karl said with a smirk on Tony's face. When Tony turned around and saw Carl's smirking face, he was startled. He didn't realize that Carl had been wandering around his studio for a long time..

"I'm still working on it. Just wait. When my anti-Karl armor is finished, I will beat the shit out of you. Also, the Zhao Helen you are looking for is not here with me. She has gone back to her own laboratory. You You can go there to find her. "Tony said fiercely to Carl, and then told Carl where Helen Zhao was going..

"Tsk, I'm not bragging, the speed at which you make the suit is far less than the speed at which I am getting stronger! "Carl said to Tony disdainfully, and after finishing speaking, he disappeared into Tony's underground studio. Tony didn't care to continue studying his armor, and at the same time secretly vowed to beat Carl's ass! From Tony

's After the underground studio disappeared, Karl came to Zhao Helen's laboratory. She was the only one in a white coat who was researching something. The laboratory was not big, but there were all the necessary experimental equipment, but Karl didn't see much of it. understand these things.

"Hey, when did you come here? You didn't even make a sound. You gave me a fright. Do you know? "When Helen Zhao turned around and saw Karl looking left and right, he was immediately surprised, but he breathed a sigh of relief when he saw it was Karl, and then said to Karl dissatisfied..

"If we in the East are generally frightened, we will put the other person's hand on our chest, or give the other person a hug to give the other person a sense of security. Which one do you want? Let me choose for you. How about the second one? "Karl said to Helen Zhao, even smiling evilly and approaching her direction..

"Pooh! You gangster, Dongfang is not like you, you just deceived me! I don't believe you. Helen Zhao said to Karl with a look of disbelief, but her body was held in Karl's arms without any resistance, and she even leaned on Karl's chest..