
Marvel Short Stories

This is just a whole thing of completed Marvel prompts I've done! Mostly about Loki! Also it's mostly angst! WARNING SPOILERS!!!!

Drarry_Shipper23 · Movies
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12 Chs

Frigga teaching Loki Magic

Loki sat on the balcony looking at the stars and thinking about his practice today. At his age Thor was already the best in his class and right now Loki was the most behind, which he wasn't used to; he was great in his other classes except fighting. He felt tears starting to run down his face, he was trying his best. He heard footsteps behind him.

"Loki darling it's cold out here, so I brought you some warm goat milk" Frigga said walking up to Loki.

"Thank you, mother," Loki said quietly, his voice shaking.

"What's wrong Loki?" Frigga said warmly, putting her arm around Loki and pushing him closer to her.

"Everyone in my fighting class is better than me and I don't know what I'm doing wrong" Loki said cuddling up to her.

"How would you like me to teach you magic? That may help" Frigga offered.

He looked up.

"Isn't that cheating?" He asked.

"No, it's getting an advantage," Frigga said as she chuckled.

Loki giggled.

"I would love it if you taught me magic mother," Loki said eagerly.

"Good, now finish your milk and get to bed," Frigga said.

Loki groaned.

The next day.

He ran up to Frigga.

"Mother, when do lessons start?" Loki asked excitedly.

"Right now," Frigga said with a smile on her face.

Loki jumped up and down.

"Follow me darling" she said.

Loki grabbed her hand and followed Frigga downstairs to a room line with books.

Loki gasped.

"Is this your private library!" Loki asked excitedly.

"Yes, it is, now today we're going to practice stance, remember magic takes time and practice it can't be rushed"

"Yes mother! Now can we get to practice!"

Frigga chuckled, "Yes we can."

Loki and Frigga practiced stances and hand movement the rest of the day and for the rest of the week. Frigga would give a different book each day for Loki to read.

"Now Loki, you've been progressing quickly so I think it's time I teach you your first spell, one of the simplest spells is transfiguration" Frigga turned into a blue bird and back with a puff of gold "Animals are easier and later you can do people and clothing, the first time you turn into what represent you most and the more you practice the more control you have, however, magic can be very tiring and if you don't watch out for yourself there is a chance you can pass out so, if you need a break let me know"

"Yes mother!"

Frigga showed him the motions and encouraged him to try. Loki didn't get any change until his 5 time when he got cat ears and tail.

"Mother! What do I do!" Loki said, looking at the tail that was swaying behind him.

"Keep trying darling you're almost there"

Loki changed in a puff of green magic.

"Aren't you adorable" Frigga said as she looked at the black kitten sitting in front of her.

"Now try and turn back"

Loki transformed back into himself with another green poof.

"I did it mother! I did it!" Loki said excitedly as he hugged her tightly.

"Great job Loki! Keep practicing, and we'll keep learning new spells"

A month later Loki was progressing quickly, he had a natural talent for magic. However, as much as he was enthused with it, others found it strange for a man to learn magic.

Thor walked up to Loki who was practicing a new spell.

"Loki, must you insist on learning magic, you're embarrassing me" Thor said.

Loki looked at Thor.

"It's the only thing I'm good at brother!" Loki defended.

"It's for girls!"

Loki knew just what to do. Loki's body turned feminine.

"Is that better Thor?" Loki said sweetly in a slightly higher pitched voice.

"Loki, stop this madness! Just turn back!"

"Fine," Loki said changing back to his usual body and continuing to practice.

Thor stomped off.

Loki continued to learn magic from his mother until she had nothing left to teach him and did his own research.

Loki remembered that time of his life, it was his happiest time, now he was in a dark cage remembering years passed.

He hoped he would get to see his mother again.