
Marvel: Reincarnated as Kaguya Otsutsuki

I got reincarnated into the world of Marvel as Kaguya Otsutsuki.

SimplyAwesome · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Testing Powers

After all the freaking out and sudden rush of power, I calmed myself down.

First of all, I am in Marvel. And now I have Kaguya Otsutsuki's powers and body.

Wait...I don't know if I am on the level of Kaguya. And if I am, the real one or revived one? Because I think that Kaguya before she got sealed was more powerful. I hope I have the same power and potential before she got sealed.

I can certainly feel a vast amount of energy in me, and I don't think it is anything besides Chakra. It is very dense and carefully contained in my body, lest I destroy the building itself.

I took a breath, and tried going back to my human form, and I transformed back to the blonde girl. But I could feel the power in me. Maybe I instinctively did the transformation jutsu? Afterall, Otsutsukis are natural at using Chakra.

I will think about it later on how it works, but let's test a bit of my powers.

I tried focusing through my Byakugan, and the world changed. Veins came into view across my face, my freaky eyes becoming more freaky.

It felt weird having a near 360° view, more so I could practically see the whole earth. I experienced less headache than I thought, but I stopped using Byakugan.

I closed my Byakugan and focused on my third eye, the Rinne-Sharingan. The darkness vanished and I could now see with my third eye. It felt very weird. I could see 180° with this eye, but the way it moved on my forehead was too creepy.

I opened my eyes again, and now had a different view than before. Before, the brain combined the views of the two eyes, but now, it was combining the views of the three eyes.

I can't even describe how it felt constantly seeking 180° horizontally plus almost 180° vertically too.

Thankfully, it looked like my brain was capable of processing this easily and I got comfortable with the new perception fairly easily, however weird it may be.

Then I thought about when I used my Byakugan. I was easily able to see the whole earth. It meant that my occular powers are very powerful. I can expect myself to have same level of powers than Kaguya.

I imagined a barren land with oxygen in a separate dimension, and a portal like Kaguya used appeared before me, and I could see a barren land.

Without even realising, I flew to the other side. It's time to test my powers a bit.

In the dimension, I could only see barren land. Using Byakugan, I found that there is no sign of life here. An ideal place to test my powers.

First, I tried making a Rasengan. It quickly appeared on my right hand. I kept increasing the chakra, and it kept getting bigger. I flew upwards, and dropped the blue ball.


I watched in amazement as what my jutsu did. The crater looked like I dropped an atom bomb!

"Shadow Clone Jutsu!"

I was amazed at how I just created about a million Shadow Clones.

Using Jutsu is very simple to me. I just have to know how to flow chakra and imagine what I want, and viola!

I still don't understand how forced it was having loosing in Naruto. Girl could just make an army of shadow clones, and even though she didn't have fighting experience, she would absolutely win! Shadow Clone is so easy! Just divide your chakra in half, imagine making a copy of yourself and done! She could have just seen Naruto doing that with Byakugan! Heck! She could just copy that jutsu with Rinne-Sharingan!

And why didn't she just take control of Naruto with Rinne-Sharingan? She was so stupid...

And she was afraid of Momo-chomo with so much power. If she just trained with all the time she had, she could one-shot Momo-chomo and Birdy. Though I think Isshiki would be a tough case.

Shaking away these thoughts, I did some jutsus and combinations like Thousand-handed Buddha or something, Susanoo, Kirin, Rasenshuriken, lava-spitting, making ice, and whatecer came to my mind.

When I dismissed the clones, the memories returned to me, but didn't cause much strain. My mental capability is too high now.

I made a mountain and deatroyed it with Tsunade's technique of pushing chakra in my fists just before contact.

After some time, I got bored so I returned to the original world. I will have to find a teacher for taijutsu and ninja training. But that is not a problem with my Byakugan.

I am going to enjoy my new life as an overpowered being!