
Marvel: Reincarnated as Aldrich Killian

He was reincarnated in the Marvel universe as the super villain Aldrich Killian and obtained the Supreme technology system. He then created Baymax at the beginning. Tyrant and Terminator were developed in half a year. In one year, artificial intelligence was invented and spacecraft developed the solar system. Ten years later, when Thanos began his journey to collect gems. Killian took the suitcase from the Protoss warrior on the side and opened it directly. 'Here! There is a box full of gems, you can choose any color you want!' ..... Warning: No nationalism, you heard right, no nationalism, at least it's not unreadable, whatever, this is a Chinese fanfiction, I'm just posting it, I'm not editing too much, I'm just making it not unreadable

Muzan_Zoldyck · Movies
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69 Chs

Chapter 66: Praying for cooperation between pharmaceutical companies.

[ Edited ]

The purpose of his visit this time is obviously to see the enormous role of virtual projection in medical treatment.

Imagine a patient who needs surgery and, before that, Baymax first scans the patient's entire body and models it.

Then the virtual projection will give a perfect one-to-one reproduction, and the doctor can judge and operate on the model without taking risks, this is simply a divine artifact for surgery.

And if all this is completed by a robot that has medical knowledge and a 99% execution capability, it will be even more impactful and perfect.

"Of course, win-win is not a problem, in fact, it's not just about the private internal culture of our company, but also about the public statement.

What I emphasize is benefiting society, giving back to the people, and providing a better life."

"Of course, these are inseparable from the joint maintenance of various people and the company behind them, but I think we need to study some cooperation methods and details." – Killian also spoke immediately.

"Of course, this is a project agreement jointly developed by several of our companies, Mr. Killian, you can take a look first."

"Many things are a bit difficult and can be discussed in a timely manner."

After hearing Killian's response, Laszlo and the presidents sighed in relief.

Then he took out a cooperation agreement and handed it to Killian.

They are fully prepared for this cooperation.

Now the overall situation is more important than their arrogance and selfishness.

The equipment has been monopolized by force by Pioneer Technology.

Although they can rely on the previously sold equipment to rest on their laurels and continue operating in the pharmaceutical field.

But this time with the Pioneer Technology press conference, everyone was scared, worried that it would drag on longer.

Although a company wants to develop these drugs from scratch, alone, it will take a few years and decades.

But with a robot like this, several versions of smartphones and network signals, and a virtual projection they've never heard of before, what is impossible?

So, the few remaining company executives who hadn't yet had any conflict with Killian gathered in an instant and tried to find a way to approach the armored carrier Pioneer Technology in advance.

For this, they have even prepared 30 billion dollars each, and Laszlo Novartis, as the sponsor, has invested 50 billion dollars, totaling 200 billion dollars, and wants to cooperate with Pioneer Technology.

You should know that these are real cash flows, no matter where you invest, there are countless projects that will allow them to make money.

But now, there is still a possibility of rejection.

It may be a bit ridiculous to say it out loud, but even though they want to give away their money, it's still possible that they will be rejected by this very strange company.

"Well, to be honest, I would say you are much better than idiots like Alex."

After reading the entire two-page simple text contract, Killian nodded and smiled at them.

After finishing speaking, he changed the subject and said, "Only 200 billion will be used to establish New Pioneer Pharmaceutical Company, 49% of the shares is too much."

"Mr. Killian, this is not 200 billion dollars in real estate, this is cash flow.

Even for several of our companies, it is very difficult to gather so much cash flow at once, and this is all our sincerity."

"We have no ambition over this new company.

The 49% shares, the six of us only have 8% of the shares on average.

We can't do anything at all and just want a guarantee."

After learning that Killian had issues with the share allocation of their plan, Laszlo immediately took the initiative to speak.

Using 200 billion dollars to exchange for 49% of the shares of a newly founded company is definitely a big step back.

Pfizer's market value is now only about 200 billion dollars.

If they really want to work together, they can acquire this company completely.

But now Killian rejected it and asked for too much.

"Believe me, with such a huge gap in the pharmaceutical industry, you really don't think that I only care about medical equipment, do you?"

"You should know that even a small and medium-sized country has a pharmaceutical market with a potential of hundreds of billions, not to mention dozens of populous countries like China, India, the Soviet Union, the United States, and Indonesia, each of them has a market worth trillions of dollars.

"And as a businessman, do you think I would give this up?"

"Since you came here on your own initiative, let me tell you some news in advance.

The new drug has been successful and its effect will definitely exceed your expectations."

"By then, most of the diseases in the world will be vulnerable to it, and now I give you an opportunity: 200 billion US dollars, 15% of the shares, you can allocate them yourselves."

"I don't care if we cooperate or maintain the current relationship, as long as you're not like those fools who jump to cause trouble."

When he heard what Laszlo wanted to explain, Killian stood up directly and spoke to several people with great confidence.

That's right, the T-0 drug has been fully developed and is now in the final review stage.

Under Kennedy's operation and the military's call, everything is accelerating, now, as long as it passes the final FDA clinical trial, it will be officially launched and then Pioneer Technology will rise again.

As for the few people in front of him who wanted to cooperate, Killian only decided to give them a chance because the agreement they gave contained great commitments and concessions.

Otherwise, these 15 points would not be shared, only 8 points, do you want it or not?

As Killian's words fell, everyone present now looked embarrassed, with a bad taste in their mouths, and it was a pity to throw away the food if it had no flavor.

On the one hand, they feel that if they don't get on the big ship of Pioneer Technology this time and refuse, then there will be this conflict and the other party won't even cooperate with them.

On the other hand, they feel that only 15 points of 200 billion US dollars is really an unpleasant loss.

For a moment, everyone's eyebrows were furrowed and everyone had a headache.

"I'll wait for you in the office next door, once you've discussed it, you can ask the secretary at the door to call me."

Seeing that several people couldn't discuss it because he was there, Killian stood up directly and, after speaking to everyone, went out the door.

And it was after Killian left that Laszlo and the other presidents began to discuss it one by one.

"Laszlo, what now?"

"Looking at it, it's obvious that he has convinced us."

"What can be done about this? Technology is everything.

Now the technology is in his hands, if you want to stay stuck or not, you know what to do."
