
Marvel: Reborn as Harry Osborn with Company? FML

Reborn as Harry Osborn in the MarvelVerse with some company. (multiple Isekai's. no harem.)

OnanMaster · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs


Waking up to the sounds of hospital machines was freaking annoying. i hated the Beeps the machines made every 15 fucking seconds.

My throat was parched. moth feel as if I have not drank anything for years.

"nuhhhs" is the only thing that comes out of my dry throat as i try to call for a nurse.

looking around I see a flower vase. reaching with my hand I just push it over the little nightstand and onto the floor.

a nurse rushes in due to the noise and sees me awake. before I can ask for water she sprints out yelling for some doctor.

as she comes back I just croak "water" weakly. the doctor is asking stupid questions and doing the whole flashlight eye check.

After 2 hours of pointless questions and me wanting to rip the IV lines and just walk away. Norman rushes in. is he genuinely concerned? jesus, he has greying hair and looks to have aged 10 years.

The doctors left me alone after confirming that I was ok, conscious. and rational.

"I thought I lost you" whispered Norman as he was clutching my hand. "I can't lose you. not like your mother. I can't. I can't. you are all that I have left. I can't."

He kept repeating that shit like a lunatic.

"It's Ok Da. it's ok. I'm awake now. let us get home. I got class tomorrow." I just chuckled as I said the last one.

"school? did nobody tell you yet? you have been in a coma for 4 years. I thought I lost you forever" Ok this is fucked up.

I raise and sit upright on the bed. ripping the IV lines from my arm I try to stand but something is not adding up and I trip and fall. the fuck?

Looking down I see I'm fucking RIPPED. like jacked up, also much taller.

This must be the spider bite. what the fuck has it done to me?

After getting up on my feet. helped by Norman that now was shorter than me. jesus it has been 4 years. I just sigh.

"let's go home Da. I'm fine just a bit of lost balance that is all" it takes me a few steps to re-learn how to walk with this new body. already done it once when I was reborn. not that difficult. "my clothes?"

"bernard will bring you some clothes son" first fucking time in my life that he calls me son and not Harry. shit, did it really fucked him so much for me being in a coma?

"it's ok Da. I just want to get home," I say as I sit in a chair for guests.

In 20 minutes Bernard arrives and almost smashes the glass door open when he opens it. he looks at me as if I was a ghost.

"It's good to have you back Master Harry," he says with a smile.

"It's also good to see you, Ber." I get dressed and discharged against the doctor's advice. they still wanted to keep me in observation I was having none of it.

We arrive at Osborn Mannor and I go take a shower. after the long shower, I exit and get into some casual clothing. a regular shirt and some shorts.

picking up the wristwatch connected to Pandora's hidden servers I turn it on.

"baby girl?" I say to the Mic.

"Dad?" almost like a whimper

"yea it's me. sorry for leaving you for so long" I say as I place the watch on my wrist.

"Dad!" she says now far out loud. "it worked. I cant believe it worked!" I was confused now.

"what worked?" I ask the watch.

"Me and well Peter we worked on a Serum to stabilize your condition. Grandpa could not cure you with his super soldier serum so I contacted Peter and... well made him devise something to stabilize you, using both of your blood." oh fuck.

"You are saying that Norman gave me the OZ serum and that it did not work so you contacted Parker and made him use mine and his blood to stabilize me?" I was facepalming at this point.

"yes?" she said a bit afraid.

"we will cross this bridge another time." I just sighed. without a lab, I could not get any answers to what the fuck had happened to my body.

"it was good hearing your voice again Pandora." I just say as I kiss the watch. "love you 6000"

"Love you too Dad," she says in a hushed tone.