
Marvel: Reborn as Harry Osborn with Company? FML

Reborn as Harry Osborn in the MarvelVerse with some company. (multiple Isekai's. no harem.)

OnanMaster · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs


Testing the wall sticking was Easy. you just had to will yourself and you would stick. to be honest. sanding upside down sticking from my foot soles on the ceiling with my arms crossed was quite badass. I bet I could give some thug a heart attack just with that.

The next thing would be super strength. for that, I would need some heavy shit. Osborn Mannor was in the northern part of Queens. I probably needed to go to the warehouse district or the docks to find some abandoned heavy machinery to see my power level.

The thing is I'm already in 2009. soon it will be 2010 and Tony stark will get taken hostage. after that Harlem, followed shortly by Thor in New Mexico.


I could deal with Iron man. I knew he was held hostage in northern Afghanistan in some caves near the town of Jensen. Gulmura? Gilmira? something like that. after finding the village I would have an easy time tracking them down. the point was not to rescue stark but to save Jensen. he was a good man and he was a brilliant scientist. I bet Oscorp can use him.

Hulk vs Abomination would be a problem. i need to design the WebShooters and get all the web cartage variants ready before Abomination makes its entrance. contact Spiderman and make sure he evacuates the civies while I just distract... maybe destroy Abomination. I remember reading that you could suffocate him if you threw web fluid down his throat. what about a web grenade down his throat?

Thor was the most fucked up one. I probably could only do damage control and evacuate the Civies. A Destroyer made out of Uru and enchanted by Odin himself is not something to be trifled with.

time to check and do some adjustments to my suit. i don't need the Exo skeleton anymore, in fact it will probably hinder me more than help. Grabbing some random car keys and walking down to the garage I pressed the unlock button and saw a Maserati. Noice. the engine roared and I drove to save house number 3.

"Dad. I'm sorry. but safe house number 3 was discovered." Pandora said as I was driving.

"by who? which organization?" fuck fuck fuck. that Exo skeleton could change the power balance in all wars.

"it was not an organization. but someone close to you. I promised not to say anything else... they are waiting for you at the safe house" I could force her to answer with the override command. but that would be like being Xavier and mind raping random people just because it's a habit. and even though she was an AI I still considered her my daughter.

I just floored it and used my enhanced senses to avoid a collision. after stopping with a screech in front of the warehouse I took two EMP grenades from under the passenger seat. each car had that hidden compartment. I made sure of it when I was younger.

After entering the warehouse I entered, it was dark. clapping my hands the system went on and the lights turned on.

There sitting on a leather chair was someone wearing the Ghost Exo suit. face covered by the mask. clearly male. well built and radiating confidence.

"you are wearing private property. take it off and I will not press charges for stealing my tech." a coarse laugh came from the man in my suit thanks to the voice alterer.

"you have grown in confidence boy" the man got up and took out his face mask.

"Bernard?" WTF?

"When in costume I'm Ghost."

"ohh helll no!. how? how the fuck did you found this palce? also, why are you wearing the suit?"

Bernard laughed and shook his head.

"you have been asleep for 4 years. Do you think I would not have examined everything? even your watch? lovely girl. congratulations on creating her." he said with a chuckle.

"you traitor" I just grumble into my watch.

"sorry. but you were gone. I needed help, I can only do so much alone," says Pandora apologetically.

"so what? you break into my safe house and do what?" I ask

"I became what you always wanted to be. son. i became Ghost." that makes me choke for a second.

"Pandora. don't tell me he became a Vigilante." I could barely take it anymore.

"nooo. he did not..... he became a Hero. Sorry Papa." closing my eyes and groaning in pain.

"Ber... Ghost. what have you done?" I was massaging the bridge of my nose as I sat down in front of a TV ready for the videos. I had already set up the social media and servers before going into vegetable state.

gonna go get a drink with some frendos. peace mofos. perhaps next chapter tonight, edited before going to sleep.

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