
Marvel: Psychomimetic

Daniel Richards, a thirty-six year old man finds himself in the body of three-year old Richard Griffon. A young boy from a rather well off family. Finding out he is in one of the most dangerous universes in fiction with gods, titans and even demons roaming the streets. How does Richard ensure his survival no matter the situation especially with his poor superpower ==== Disclaimer: I don't own anything in this book apart from my OC. All other characters belong to their respective owner which in this case is Marvel. If you do wish to support me, you can buy me a coffee here https://ko-fi.com/kingfrosh

king_frosh · Anime & Comics
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The Baxter Foundation

Yes, Richard's plan was to get closer to the Baxters. Since he wasn't having a knowledge problem, he planned to get closer to Reed Richards. Reed's mind worked in a vastly different way from most people so he believed that if he could touch him then he would gain an even deeper understanding of what he knew.

"As much as I want to believe that, that should be impossible" He replied with a smile

"Well, it isn't exactly hard to do, the laws of Physics in this universe is something you can find online and if more is discovered, you can simply add them to further improve the space" Richard countered

"Let's test it then" Mr Storm said as he conjured a massive machine that looked awfully familiar to him

"This looks like an Inter-dimensional transporter…... wait you want to test the space with this?" Richard asked

"Yes, anything wrong with that and also how do you know about this?" The man asked with a frown on his face

"I may just be a 17-year-old but it doesn't mean I am dumb sir, with just a look, anyone smart enough would be able to guess what that thing is though, where is the trans-molecular converter. Without that, no one would ever be able to survive passing through the portal generated by this and also the power source…" Richard said as he began rambling on and on about the flaws of the device, this was the side effect of stealing knowledge, you also get a tiny portion of the person's passion for said thing.

"Guess the smart ones are truly attracted to one another" Mr Storm said as a chuckle left his lips

"Huh?" Richard asked waking up from his rambling and cartoon-Ish repairs. He had completely redesigned the entire machine and it was now smaller but functional

"How would you like to come and work with us here at Baxter Foundation" Mr Storm said not caring if the device was fixed or not,

"Oh…Oh…. I'm sorry… I didn't mean to ridicule your work, it's just that I am awfully familiar with this device, it was one of the things used in the making of this space"

"No... don't worry abo…. what?"

"Oh… you see to create a virtual space that truly reflects our universe, I had to go the extra mile. In our universe, there exists several layers of dimensions stacked on top of each other. A layer above this is the Digital Realm and below this, is ours and no, you aren't dead"

"Wait that means we are in-between realities now"

"Sort of but to solve your problems, we are absolutely safe. Neither side can access this place without these glasses"

"Oh…. my.... god, you can already travel between dimensions" The old man said completely flabbergasted

Richard didn't blame him for his reaction. He too would react even more dramatically if he found out that a 17-year-old had already figured out something that you have been battling with for years. As for the Inter-dimensional Portal, Richard had truly created it but that was only because unlike many people of this world, he could draw inspiration from literally anyone.

He was a next level Polymath and also what he had built was a small scale inter-dimensional portal so comparing it to what the Baxters were building was unfair after all when things are scaled up, they become a bit harder to build and from experience, He could say that not everyone would think of a tans-molecular converter.

When you think of portals, you just think of a doorway in space and time that allows people to go from point in space to another but in reality, to do that, you need a device that transports your molecules over said distance. Without it, the user would simply find himself shredded to pieces with no hope of return.

"Not really"

"Wait, if this place is between realms, then exactly how are we here" Mr Storm asked as panic began to set in

"Well, we actually aren't here, the glasses simply create a digital version of you from head to toe then gives you control of said avatar, you know like you control a character in a game" Richard Explained

"So, our bodies are still back on Earth, right?"

"Oh, I see the confusion now, you see the digital realm isn't some fancy realm like what you are probably thinking. It is just a space filled with messages, viruses, ads etc, basically the internet of the Universe"

"Oh…Oh! why didn't you just say that from the beginning"

"Well, I never said that it was some dangerous place with separate lifeforms"

"Then would you like to work with us, at least you have some experience in making something like this"

"Honestly I would love to"

"Then welcome aboard… oh and how do we leave this place"

"Just reach for your eyes to pull off the glasses" Richard explained as he did the same

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