
Marvel: Playing the Oldest Game

When one asks what the oldest game known to mankind is, what do you answer?  Is it chess?  Is it wrestling? It is the good ol' game of tag?  No? Can they rule the world with those games? Can they become untouchable with them? No. Then what could a man do when he gets stuck between heroes, villains and immortals?  He can play. Play the game of politics. __________________________________________________________________________ Alternative Synopsis: Son of a corrupt politician reborn as Harry Osborn.  __________________________________________________________________________ Tags: Evil MC, Ruthless MC, Dark, No Harem, Weak to Strong MC, God Complex MC, Marvel. __________________________________________________________________________ Warning: Slow Paced __________________________________________________________________________ I own nothing other than the OCs, everything else belongs to their rightful owners.  __________________________________________________________________________ Hope you like it.

GreedyFrog · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

The Substitute

[A/N: Unedited Chapter, will post another one in a few hrs. For the first 10 days, I will post 2 chapters daily.]

Extremis, while not on par with something like the Golden Sentry Serum, was still an insanely strong serum. In my opinion, it was far superior to the Super Soldier Serum. 

"But there is an issue."

It was more of a headache and depended on my luck.

"Only 2.5% of the human population is able to withstand the effects of the serum." 

What happens to the rest 97.5%, you ask?

They die.

But I refuse to believe that there isn't a way to either make my body or the serum suitable for one another. It might take time and a lot of research, but it should be possible.

However, all this depended on Killian and Hansen accepting my offer. 

"And the question is…"

What can I offer? 

They do need the finances to continue their research but it will be impossible for me to sponsor them without Norman noticing me. And above all, I cannot take money from Norman's account… While I have millions in my account, it was nowhere near enough to sponsor such research.

And it was not like I knew how to synthesise the serum, all I knew were the effects and side effects of it. For everything else, I need to contact Hansen and Killian.

Now, there were ways to make money but it was all in the long run. I could invest in companies as I knew which companies would be at the top in a few years, after all, most of the companies were the same as in my old one. 

"Only if I was brought here a year sooner…"

I could have purchased the Stark stocks as they fell quite low when he was kidnapped.


"To do business and to stay out of Norman's sight, I need to find someone that can do the bidding for me."

It was going to be tough and almost impossible to do it with a normal human. I need someone with power. 

Someone who isn't afraid of getting their hands dirty.

"My best bets are mercenaries. A hero or a villain was out of the equation because of obvious reasons and I couldn't just make deals with well-known individuals without getting noticed by higher authorities." 

So, a mercenary it was.

Scrolling through the news, I looked for possible candidates. There were many mercenaries in this world, but I needed someone that was capable but not really necessary in this world.

In the massive influx of information, I saw a certain someone that interested me. 

"Daredevil strikes back!"

A news headline about a certain vigilante. 

Daredevil was one of the most famous vigilantes of Marvel with enough capability to do the bidding.

`Sadly he is too high profile… and too good of a soul.`

Thankfully, he was not the one that drew my interest. 

`The Paladin escapes the Devil once again!`

Another headline, but this time it was the person that drew my interest. 

"Paladin is a mercenary that cannot be trusted. But if you pay him enough… He will even act like a dog."

Paladin has been one of Daredevil's enemies and a mercenary with no loyalty. Such a person was very dangerous but for the job that I had in mind. 

"He is perfect."

And it wasn't impossible to contact him either. 

"After all, this isn't your average world."

The maids and butlers of the house were told to look after Harry. And if one had even the tiniest bit of intelligence they would be able to tell that it was not because Norman loved his son but to make sure that Harry's actions didn't affect him in any way. 

He couldn't care any less for his son.

And Amanda knew this very well. Being with the Osborn family from even before Harry was born, she had climbed up to the ranks to reach the position of the head maid. She was someone that Norman trusted with the house and with his son, and needless to say, she knew everything that went on with Harry. 

And Harry made her worried today. 

He seemed different. He seemed worried and anxious. 

It wasn't a good thing. Harry stopped caring about things like studies and bullies long ago. So, something that made him so uneasy had to be something big. 

And she had to figure it out before it was too late.

Skipping classes on a Friday morning might not have been the smartest move. Especially when there was a basketball match in school, but it was also the best time to skip without anyone noticing my absence. 

I wasn't the sports guy, that was Flash's thing. Neither was I the smart guy, that was more like Peter. 

"It hurts to think that I filled neither of the two roles."

But it was also good. 

I was just a rich dude who could vanish for a while even during major events. 

"Not entirely."

I was a tiny bit popular.

That could pose a problem… but for now, when the focus would be on Flash Thompson, I could vanish for a while.

"How may I help you, sir?" 

The woman had a professional smile on her face but it was not impossible to see that she was curious to see a youngster in such a place. 

"I am here for an appointment with Mr. Denning."

I wouldn't even bother thinking about the trouble I had to go through to have this appointment, especially without having my name or cell revealed. 

"Oh, let me see." 

Saying this, she started to scroll through the files on her computer with a bit of suspicion. But that suspicion vanished as she saw the name in the list of appointments. 

"Oh, Mr. Andrews." She smiled. "Sorry for the confusion, Mr. Denning is waiting for you."

Saying this she pointed me towards a corridor. "Room 34."

It was a nice place, expensive to be precise. And for him to have an attendee for himself, he sure was earning quite the sum. 

Even if it was not through the orthodox method. 

But rarely anything was obtained through the orthodox method in the present time.

Standing before the door, I did my best to remind myself to not make any mistakes. The person behind the door was not your average private investigator. 

*Knock* *Knock*

"Come in." 

The voice said. And as planned, I walked in. 

"I was expecting you, Mr. Andrews." He smiled. "Or should I say, Mr. Osborn?"

As I said, scary. 

I smiled. "Your reputation doesn't lie, Mr. Denning."

He laughed, seemingly used to such praise. 

He was younger than I expected, younger than Norman. Brown hair, Brown eyes and a square face, nothing extraordinary. However if a person made the mistake of judging this man by his appearance, it would be the end for him. 

"I was fairly surprised to find out that the son of 'The Norman Osborn' was looking for me. And given that you even changed your name, I highly doubt the reason you stated for your visit was any true."

I didn't lose my smile, after all, if he couldn't even figure that out… then my expectations would have been for nought. 

"I doubt any girl would have an affair behind your back." He raised an eyebrow. "Who would even cheat on an Osborn?"

This made me laugh. Harry was cheated on but that doesn't matter, it's not a future that I would have to face. 

"As I said previously, your reputation doesn't lie."

He smirked and pointed at the sofa. "And I thank you once again for your praise, but please take a seat. It's not every day I get such an important guest."

Another lie, but it didn't matter.

"So, I assume not even your father knows about your little visit? Otherwise, you wouldn't have bothered masking your identity." He deduced and I nodded. "I won't ask why, after all, the rich and powerful all have their secrets."

"Thank You." I said, giving him a nod.

He knew when to stop.

And that's when he asked the important question. 

"So, how may I help you, Mr. Osborn?"

But what I said was not something he expected.

"It's not something that Paul Denning can help me with." This got him curious and my next words had him agitated. "It's something only Paladin can do—"

And within an instant, I felt a sharp cold metal next to my neck.