
Marvel: Playing the Oldest Game

When one asks what the oldest game known to mankind is, what do you answer?  Is it chess?  Is it wrestling? It is the good ol' game of tag?  No? Can they rule the world with those games? Can they become untouchable with them? No. Then what could a man do when he gets stuck between heroes, villains and immortals?  He can play. Play the game of politics. __________________________________________________________________________ Alternative Synopsis: Son of a corrupt politician reborn as Harry Osborn.  __________________________________________________________________________ Tags: Evil MC, Ruthless MC, Dark, No Harem, Weak to Strong MC, God Complex MC, Marvel. __________________________________________________________________________ Warning: Slow Paced __________________________________________________________________________ I own nothing other than the OCs, everything else belongs to their rightful owners.  __________________________________________________________________________ Hope you like it.

GreedyFrog · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

The Expected Deal

"You want to join a dojo, Master Harry?" 

Amanda was shocked. She had never seen Harry being interested in working out. He would rather spend his time out with his friends than work out.

But before she could think of a reason, the reason was presented in front of her.

"Training is trendy nowadays. Girls like boys who are strong and have a well trained body." He shrugged. "And gyms just help you build muscles, to be strong enough one needs to learn martial arts." 

Amanda sighed in relief realising that it was still the same Harry that only cared about his public appearance. 

"I see." Amanda nodded. "Do you want me to look into some dojos, young master?"

Harry shook his head. "No, a friend recommend me a decent dojo. I will check it out later today."

"Then is there something you want me to do, master Harry?"

Harry nodded. "I want to know if dad will be back anytime soon. There were a few things that I needed to talk to him about."

Amanda raised an eyebrow. She wondered what the boy that didn't like talking about his dad wanted. 

"He should be back soon, but when exactly..." Amanda shook her head. "That even I don't know."

Harry sighed. "I see. Thank you anyways, Amanda."

"It's my job, Master Harry." Amanda bowed. "Is there anything else that you need?"

"No, you may leave." Harry said. "I will call you if I require anything."

"As you wish." 

Saying this, the head maid left the room and Harry slumped on the sofa. Wondering what could be his next move.

He was worried a bit. There was so much he could do, there was so much he had to do. But he wasn't certain in what sequence he should start on them. 

For now, he needed to be free from all the surveillance and while he had some plans, he needed Norman to be back for them to work.

But just as he was contemplating his moves, he received a call. 


He picked up his phone, and once he saw the number he grinned. 

Jumping off the bed, he locked his door and walked towards the window. Figuring that no one was outside, he picked up the call.

"Been a while, Denning."

"It's done." Denning said. "They took the bait."

Harry grinned. "About time they did."

Maya Hansen was nervous. She bit her nails in worry while Aldrich Killian barely seemed phased by the man in front of him. Instead, he was grinning with greed. 

"You do realise that it is a ridiculous amount of money, don't you?" Killian said, making sure that the man wasn't bluffing.

"If I didn't, I would have never given you the offer."

The man seemed unfazed which gave Killian confidence. 

"The idea that you have is brilliant and while the others don't see just how ingenious the idea is, I do." The man said with a calm smile. "I want it." He showed enthusiasm. "I want it before the others and if what I think is correct, it is only a matter of time before the others come after you."

Killian nodded. 

The project that they were working on was not something just anyone could see through and the ones that did either called them stupid or dangerous. 

However, Killian also knew that once they succeed —which he knew they would— their life might even be in danger. So, it was good to have a sponsor that also guaranteed their safety. 

"And I believe that my ideas can be implemented in your project." 

Killian nodded. He was astonished as the man managed to guess some of the plans he and Maya had about the project and even added some ideas of his own that even they didn't think of.

He found the man to be a genius. 

However, this was exactly the reason Maya was worried about the man.

He seemed to know too much, even more than them. She was worried that the man had an ulterior motive. But she couldn't do much about it. 

Killian had already seemed to make up his mind about it and she knew better than anyone else just how much they needed a sponsor. Especially someone willing to give them protection on top of that. 

"How long do you think this project will need?"

The man asked, making Killian think for a while. 

"If nothing goes wrong and we have enough resources." Killian rubbed his chin. "About six months."

The man nodded. "That's perfect. Then if you are okay with the conditions, we can make this deal."

Killian looked at Maya, and while she was nervous —she needed the money— so she gave her partner a nod.

Killian grinned. 

"Perfect." He said, extending his hand towards the man. "It's a deal, Mr. Denning."

Denning smiled and nodded. "Glad to work with you, Mr. Killian."

Denning and Killian believed that it was a good deal.

But Harry didn't.

"Six months is a bit too long." 

Denning raised an eyebrow at my statement.

"Didn't you say that as long as it's within a year, it works? Compared to one year, I call six months a far better result."

Back then it might have been, but not now.

"Things have changed. I need this done in four months or less." 

Denning frowned. "Is that even possible?"

I hope it is.

"Should be." I nodded. "As long as I give them the resources and the funds, they should be able to do it."

I needed them to complete the extremis before the things with Peter takes place. Because once they do, S.H.I.E.L.D will approach him and I cannot allow that in any way.

Spiderman was mine and I couldn't let some stubborn one-eyed guy take such an asset from me. 

Extremis was an insanely powerful drug and one of the versions allowed Tony to control all forms of technology, this was the extremis I was hoping for. 

I made sure to have Denning plant the seed of that idea in their heads. Rest was up to them and their capabilities. 

Secondly came the process of modifying the drug to suit my body composition. Without it, I might die and that was not an option.

"I see." Denning nodded. 

"Anyways." I said. "What do you know about the Chikara Dojo?"

"The dojo managed by Colleen Wing and Danny Rand?"


"You know of them?"

He nodded. "Of course, I do. They are quite popular."

"They are?"

He nodded once again.

"They both have very different fighting styles but they opened a dojo and taught both of their fighting styles. And quite a lot of assassins and mercenaries learnt from them."

"They teach such people?"

Denning shook his head. 

"Rand doesn't. Wing… I am not sure. For a while, she did. As for Rand, he taught those people thinking they needed it for their survival but when they turned to the dark side, he stopped teaching anything that one could use to kill."

This was not something I knew of. But from what I know about Danny, he would never willingly train a killer. 

Colleen was a different case though.

Denning smiled. "Don't tell me you plan to learn from them?"

I shrugged. "Maybe. It's never bad to learn a bit of self-defence and especially from someone like them."

Denning nodded. 

"Considering how you are planning on playing this game, you do need ways to protect yourself even without me or others guarding you."

That I did. And I needed to do that fast.

"Is there anything that you need me to do?"

"Actually, yes." I nodded and passed him a cheque, at which he smiled.

"Always ready with these, aren't you?" He grinned. "And I cannot complain."

He looked at me. "So, what do you want this time?"

"Firstly, I need a list and secondly I want you to be my spokesperson."

"Oh?" He seemed curious. "What kind of list do you want?"

I looked at him sternly. 

"You have been in this field for a very long time, so I want you to find people that can work as mercenaries. Doesn't matter if they have powers or not, if they do that's good. If they don't, it doesn't matter. But I want people that are new with high potential."

He frowned. 

"You want people that you can mould." He deduced and I nodded. 

"It is not possible for me to be everywhere at every time. I need people for that, people that I can trust and people that are skilled. And it is only possible with people that I mould myself."

I took a deep breath. 

"What do you think?"

He leaned on the sofa and thought about it for a while.

"It will be difficult. Finding new mercenaries with talent is difficult and making them swear their loyalty to you would be even more difficult." He said, but ultimately smiled. "But—"


"But it is not impossible." He said lifting his head. "As long as you keep paying me, I can find the people you need. It won't be fast, but I can do it."

For now, money was a bit of a problem. Especially with me constantly taking out such huge amounts was going to attract my father's attention… And when it would, I would have to find a proper excuse.

"Very well." I said. "Don't worry about the money. As long as you can find satisfactory candidates, I am willing to pay."

He grinned. "That's what I like about you. You are bold."

I shrugged. "Bold but hopefully I ain't foolish."

It's easy to be overconfident and slip up. 

Even my father did at one point… My real father. 

I cannot do the same.

After all, I don't want a death like his.