
Marvel: Picking Up Goddess Hela at The Beginning

Another Title: Sign-in Marvel: Getting General Zod's Powers from The Beginning. ___ Lin Fan traveled through the Marvel world and obtained the sign-in system. As long as you keep checking in every day, you can get all kinds of things. "Kryptonian General, Zod's template..." "One-handed Ferrari driving skills..." One day, Lin Fan found a little loli in front of his house. As a result, he never expected that the other party was actually the Princess of Asgard, the goddess of death Hela. Little Hela: "As you can see, I am Hela, the goddess of death..." Little Hela: "I want you to take care of me until I retake Asgard..." Little Hela: "Well, Lin Fan, the food you cook is delicious..." _______ Another Translation, please enjoy it.

Pitch_black · Movies
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6 Chs

Chapter 2: Gwen Stacy.

Imperial State University.

Lin Fan stepped out of a taxi and looked at the university gate in front of him.

"It seems that this Marvel world is much more complicated than I thought."

In this university, Lin Fan also knew two people.

One is Gwen Stacy, student council president and band drummer.

The other is Peter Parker, a genius student.

It's just that at this point in time, Peter Parker hasn't become New York City's friendly neighbor Spider-Man.

Gwen Stacy has not yet become his girlfriend.

In these days, Lin Fan also checked the information of several other main characters.

Stark Industries was still making weapons, and Tony was a rich playboy.

A seventy-years-old popsicle is still frozen in the North Pole.

A green fatty has not yet appeared in the public eye.

In other words, the plot of the Marvel Universe doesn't seem to have unfolded...

"Lin Fan!"

Suddenly, a white and tender hand behind, placed on Lin Fan's shoulder, pulling Lin Fan's thoughts back.

"Hey, Gwen."

Lin Fan turned around, looked at the fair-skinned white girl behind him, and greeted her familiarly.

This girl is Gwen Stacy.

One of the two girlfriends of the future Spider-Man.

And she and Lin Fan had known each other for a long time.

Because the person who handled the case of Lin Fan's parents was Gwen's father, George Stacy, the sheriff of the New York Police Department.

At that time, in order to take care of Lin Fan's emotions, George asked his daughter who was the same age to take care of Lin Fan.

Over time, the two became good friends.

They also went to Imperial State University together.

"Lin Fan, have you worked out recently?"

Gwen put her hand on Lin Fan's arm and squeezed it lightly.

Through the clothes, she could clearly feel the well-defined muscles on Lin Fan's arms.

When she patted Lin Fan on the shoulder just now, she also felt like she slapped a rock.

Although, he only possessed General Zod template for three days.

However, Lin Fan's current physical quality has far exceeded the limit of most human beings.

Facing Gwen's question, Lin Fan just smiled and replied, "I think there is a reason for this."

Gwen also nodded.

She seemed to be agreeing with Lin Fan's fitness achievements.

"It's getting late, let's go to the classroom first."

"By the way, Lin Fan, I arranged a new piece with the band this afternoon. Would you like to come and listen?"

The two walked into the school side by side.

Lin Fan thought that there was a ticking time bomb at home.

If I didn't go back to see it sooner, I might have brought disaster to my house.

"I think next time."

"I have something to do at home, I have to go back first."

"Okay, then next time."

Gwen said very cheerfully: "The lab is here, I'll go first."



After saying goodbye to Gwen, Lin Fan also continued to walk towards the classroom, feeling a little worried about the situation at home.

A goddess who has never lived on earth is now washing dishes.

No matter what Lin Fan thought, he didn't think Hela could do it well.

"Forget it, let's buy some new ones."

Without thinking any more, Lin Fan walked into a classroom.

At the same time...

Inside the manor.

Hela looked at the fragments of the plate on the ground and raised her palm slightly.

A dark green energy instantly wrapped all the fragments and rolled them all into Hela's hands.

Immediately afterwards, four brand new plates appeared in Hela's hands.

Although four broken plates were repaired.

But Hela's expression did not show a trace of joy, but a trace of displeasure.

There are still some slight gaps in the corners of the four plates.

"It's still too slow to recover."

"Looks like it's better to eat more of what he made."

Hela chose to stay because she found out that when she had eaten the dishes made by Lin Fan.

The recovery of her divine power has actually sped up a lot.

Although she didn't understand the reason, at least it was good for her.

And the food that Lin Fan cooks is really good.

"Before that old thing discovers, at least 70% of my divine power must be restored."

Hela looked up at the sky outside the window.

Staring in one direction with deep eyes, she slowly opened her mouth and said, "Odin..."

"You wait for me!"

Saying that, Hela squeezed her hand, and violent dark green energy erupted in her palm.

In an instant, the four plates in her hand turned into powder and fell to the ground.

Looking at the white powder on the ground, Hela said lightly, "It can't be recovered."

"The second paragraph of housework study, cleaning..."

At this time, a new video sound sounded from the tablet next to the sink.

Hela turned her head curiously and looked at the video content on the tablet.

On the tablet, a white woman wears an apron.

She took a broom while teaching in a proper manner.

Hela also held up the tablet and looked at it with interest.

"I see..."

After watching the content on the video, Hela looked around the room for a long time.

Finally, she saw the broom and the bucket placed in the corner.

With a slight movement in his hand, the broom and the bucket flew over and landed on Hela's hand.

"It's pretty good to pass the time..."

Imperial State University.

As the bell rang, the professor walked out of the classroom.

Gwen also put away the book on the desktop, when a boy walked up to Gwen.

"Hey, Gwen."

"You are so beautiful today..."

Hearing the man's compliment, Gwen grinned. "Thanks, Peter."

"How's your experiment with Professor Connors?"

Hearing this, Peter scratched his head: "There has been no progress."

"But I think a breakthrough will be found soon."

"Come on, I believe in you."

With Gwen's encouragement, Peter's eyes flashed a strange light as he looked at Gwen who was packing up.

Finally, he mustered up the courage to ask that sentence.

"Gwen, can we have a meal together after school?"

"Sorry, Peter, the club still has a training program."

"I may not be free today."

Hearing Gwen's polite refusal, Peter's fighting spirit that had just been ignited quickly died down.

Before he could ask any more questions, Gwen had already packed up.

"See you tomorrow, Peter."

Seeing Gwen leaving, Peter raised his hand and waved: "See you tomorrow, Gwen..."

It wasn't until Gwen disappeared from his sight that he slowly put down his hand.

"Oh, look!"

"Someone wants to make an appointment with the girl and was rejected. It's so sad..."

Behind Peter, a few bullies from the school immediately started booing...