
Marvel outer gods (Cthulhu) ENG

Broken stars, dead universe. Countless unobservable beings whisper between dimensions... "The great king in black, the source of the original Chaos, the lord of the future and time, the terror of the starry sky, the lord of the abyss..." Alex sighed softly, countless stars were instantly annihilated, and the singing of praise became more and more magnificent. "I really miss the simple and ordinary life at the beginning." ... Thanos: I haven't been sleeping well recently, and I often have nightmares. I heard that many people are like me. Ebony Maw, who lives next door to me, died suddenly today … Machine Translation is annoying and translating every single page takes too much time to read. So I thought of translating this novel in English . I hope you like it . It is not perfect translation as I am not a native English speaker myself , but it is somewhat bearable. Disclaimer: This Book is not mine. This is a Fan Translation. Name: Summon The Cthulhu From Marvel

A_poky1ninja · Anime & Comics
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86 Chs

Indescribable Things

In 1941, in northeastern RUSSIA, in early winter, the small border town of Ramsey.

The temperature has dropped to at least 30, and the howl of the cold wind seems to be wrapped in a cold steel knife, as if it wanted to kill all my life on this earth.

Although there are infinite resources here and it is considered the barn of Russia, it also has its ruthless side.

Here is the plain of Siberia, here is "the land of tranquility"!

Soon, this place will become a restricted area for life.

But there is no creature except human beings!

The strength of the human being is in the struggle, in the constant struggle and in the struggle against heaven and earth!

They have created countless creations that can survive the disasters of heaven and earth.

Resistant houses, luxurious clothes and...

A hot radiator!

"What a great invention!"

Alex leaned comfortably on the radiator, eagerly enjoying the heat.

The spooky weather on the outside will make people obsessed with warmth.

It's a shame that people are not animals, they can hibernate when they find a warm place.


Alex reluctantly let go of the radiator, got up and opened the door. As expected, it was the owner downstairs who came to deliver the breakfast.

"Alex, here's your breakfast."

"Thank you for your hard work."

Alex said politely, and had the apparently unappetizing breakfast.

As usual, the fat landlord who looks like a bear must leave directly and the conversation must end there.

But the strange thing was that the fat innkeeper remained motionless at the door, as if he were hesitant to talk.

"Anything else?" Alex asked tactfully.

The fat boss hesitated for a moment and finally said: "Have you had nightmares recently?"

Alex's heart turned upside down, but he forced the composure on his face: "Why do you ask that?"

"Hey, it's really strange. In recent days, everyone who was around has had nightmares, but they can't remember the content of the sleep after waking up.

This was already quite strange, but something even stranger happened this morning, which caused many people to panic. "

The fat owner's eyes were loose, and he didn't realize that Alex's expression was becoming increasingly unnatural, and he continued:

"The tenant next door died suddenly last night. The officers said it was a suicide, but why is his body covered in mucus and his eyes and three fingers are missing?"

The fat owner seemed to have thought about that scene, and his expression became even more stunned, and even began to murmur to himself, saying some strange words that people could not understand.

"I think you should rest well and everything will be fine."

Alex patted the owner on the shoulder to wake him up and consoled him casually.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I haven't slept well recently, it seems that I should really rest well."

The owner turned around and left after talking, but obviously he wasn't well that way.

Alex quickly closed the door, hurried to the bathroom to pour water, rubbed his face hard and suddenly raised his head to look at his face in the mirror covered with drops of water.

"It turns out to be true!"

The commotion in his heart is simply indescribable.

Alex didn't belong to this place originally. The land in which it was and the current land are two completely different worlds. For some reason, he came here after taking a nap during lunch.

Fortunately, the place where he woke up was the city's train station, and he didn't freeze.

Fortunately, Alex has a big heart, so he doesn't get entangled in things he doesn't understand.

Fortunately, his second foreign language at the university is Russian, so there is no obstacle to communication.

First he sold the Longines on his wrist and then rented a house to settle down, with the intention of learning a little about the world first.

Everything is going well.

The story in the newspapers The news of the success of Stark Industries's "Tomorrow's World Expo" is striking.

Alex easily knew that the world he was in was the world of Marvel.

Fortunately, he knows enough about Marvel, so he can be here without getting too nervous.

(I didn't find any sense in the sentence so I modified it)

But now, even if he has a big heart, at this moment he is about to jump out of his chest!

Every night he goes to sleep with the same sleep.

In the dream there is a broken universe with no end in sight.

There is a strange silver gray Dragon on the huge Fixed Star. The Dragon's scales are made up of a pile of deformed and broken meat wings.

There is a worm-shaped monster whose size is indescribable. It looks like a large number of worms that change shape. A human face with green eyes peeks out from the inside.

A giant with an octopus head, a man's body and a rotten bat wing on his back swims among the stars.

There is another existence that cannot be described or understood, giving people an absolutely unknowable, indisputable, incomprehensible and inconceivable feeling.

It is accompanied by infinite, invisible and shapeless strange creatures that hold various musical instruments and play inaudible movements.

I'm afraid!



I can't understand!

The strange thing is that Alex wasn't afraid in the dream. I knew I should be afraid, but I just couldn't be afraid. He even felt that everything in front of him was so beautiful and harmonious.