
Marvel Ninja God

The God of Ninja has Arrived in the Marvel Universe, an American Comic! Roger is a young man who’s transmigrated from the Ninja World of Naruto unto the Superhero World of Marvel. Armed with the Ninja System from the Ninja World, Roger is ready to become the God of Ninja in the Marvel Universe!. Translator site: readfanfic . com P atreon: p atreon.co m/akiraninja99

nyawdao2 · Anime & Comics
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180 Chs

Tony's Escape

"Yinsen! Yinsen! Stark!"

Two terrorists with automatic rifles ran to the cave that held Tony, opened the observation hole on the iron door, and shouted.

"Say something, answer him."

Tony whispered to Yinsen, who was helping him put on the armor.

"They speak Hungarian, and I don't know Hungarian!"

"Then just say any Hungarian words!"

Yinsen had no choice but to stop what he was doing and use his uncertain Hungarian to reply.

However, it was clear that Yinsen's answer did not satisfy the terrorists at the door who continued to ask loudly.

A few seconds later, the terrorist, who had not received a further reply from Yinsen, gestured for his companions to open the iron door of the cave.


The moment the terrorist opened the iron door, an explosion blasted the thick iron door, and the terrorist at the door away.

After seeing this scene from the monitor, the usual cold expression of Raza finally changed, and he immediately gave the order.

"Everyone get your weapons, don't let Stark run away!"

The next second, Lazart suddenly remembered something, picked up the walkie-talkie in front of him, and issued the second command.

"Don't kill Stark; I want him alive!"

At this time, Yinsen in the cave continued to help Tony wear the armor.

"How's the explosion?"

Tony, who had already entered the armor, could not see the effect of the explosion, so he asked Yinsen in front of him.

"The explosion is perfect!"

"Of course, this is a bomb I made!"

Tony never doubted his ability. The reason why he asked Yinsen was to prove his thoughts.

"I'm almost done!" Yinsen's tone became a little excited.

"Wait, activate the power system first."

Yinsen put down the wires he was about to connect in his hand, turned around, and came to a computer with a shabby appearance but complete function.

"What should I do?"

The computer was installed with the program to activate the power system of the combat suit, but this program was completed by Tony alone, so Yinsen did not know how to start the program.

"Press the function button F11, and tell me after you see the progress bar!"

Under Tony's guidance, Yinsen successfully activated the power system of the armor. He then returned to Tony and continued with his previous work.

After completing the final assembly of the armor, Yinsen returned to the computer, and a worried expression appeared on his face.

"We need more time!"

The installation of the power system of the armor was less than half done. It would still take a lot of time to complete the installation.

"Hey, I'll go help you buy some time!"

Yinsen calmly said to Tony, who was in his combat suit. Then, ignoring Tony's dissuasion, he directly ran to the side of the terrorist who had been killed by the explosion and picked up the automatic rifle on the ground.


In his combat suit, Tony shouted, hoping to stop Yinsen from leaving.

However, Yinsen did not turn around. He picked up the automatic rifle in his hand and ran out. At the same time, he pulled the trigger.

Bang bang bang bang...

Bang bang bang bang...

Bang bang bang bang...

The gunshots were getting farther and farther away, and Tony's face became more and more stern.

Not long after, Tony heard a burst of intense gunshots from his combat suit, and then there were no more gunshots.

Relying on the time Yinsen bought, the combat suit's power system finally finished its installation.

When the system finished the installation, a burst of mechanical sounds rang out in the cave. The initially bright cave quickly dimmed and became dark.


On the rugged mountain road twenty to thirty kilometers away from the cave, Roger, sitting in the off-road vehicle, suddenly felt a different energy fluctuation.

"This energy fluctuation? Damn, it's still too slow!"

Although Roger had never come into contact with the arc reactor before, he was sure that the energy fluctuation just now was caused by the ark reactor on Tony's chest.

In this backward mountainous area of Afghanistan, other high-end technology couldn't exist, so energy fluctuation would only come from the arc reactor on Tony's chest.

There was only one possibility for the energy output of the arc reactor to increase to this level instantly: Tony had activated the steel combat suit - Mark One.

If Tony had not activated Mark One, Roger would not have been able to sense the energy output of the arc reactor.

The energy required to prevent the shrapnel from entering the heart was too small, and it was impossible to sense it accurately.

However, it was different now. When he activated Mark One, the ark reactor on Tony's chest released tremendous energy; This allowed Roger to sense Tony's location.

"Something has happened to Tony. I have to go over first!"

As soon as he finished speaking, his figure disappeared from the SUV.

Although he had sensed Tony's location, Roger was somewhat depressed because Tony was still more than 20 kilometers away from him.

Without leaving Flying Thunder God's Formula behind, he could only rely on the Body Flickering Technique to travel.

Although the technique could allow the user's speed to be imperceivable to the naked eye, causing the effect of flashing.

But in the end, this technique was only to gather chakra on foot and then strengthen the chakra to carry out the high-speed movement.

In other words, the road still had to be run by yourself, but the technique could make you run faster.

"I hate running, especially this long-distance super high-speed running!"

Although he complained like this, Roger did not remove the Body Flickering Technique from his body. His whole body disappeared like a flash and reappeared several hundred meters away, repeating the process continuously.


While Roger was using the Body Flickering Technique to travel crazily, Tony was wearing a steel combat suit to fight the terrorists.

Although Mark One looked rough, it did not affect its power.

The gun in the terrorist's hand could not penetrate Mark One's outer shell. Tony, wearing Mark One, was like a god of war that was invulnerable to swords and spears as he rampaged through the dark passage, constantly walking toward the exit outside.

After Tony dealt with the terrorists in the passage, he finally saw the exit and found Yinsen, who had been shot and fallen to the ground.

"Be careful!"

Yinsen, lying in a pool of blood, shouted at Tony.

Along with Yinsen's reminder, a grenade was fired from the launcher.


This grenade flew past a few dozen centimeters in front of Tony, blasting a large hole in the wall in front of him.

The person who fired this grenade was none other than Raza.

After seeing Yinsen charge alone, disregarding his life and death, Raza roughly guessed Tony's plan.

As a top weapon inventor, Tony Stark would never be unprepared.

So, when his subordinates went in to catch Tony, Raza did not go in but stayed at the hole with his weapon, waiting for Tony to come out.

I don't know if Raza's marksmanship is too bad or Tony's luck is too good, this grenade did not cause any damage to Tony.

In return, Tony activated the small missile on the left hand of Mark I and gave Raza a more powerful gift.

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