
Marvel Ninja God

The God of Ninja has Arrived in the Marvel Universe, an American Comic! Roger is a young man who’s transmigrated from the Ninja World of Naruto unto the Superhero World of Marvel. Armed with the Ninja System from the Ninja World, Roger is ready to become the God of Ninja in the Marvel Universe!. Translator site: readfanfic . com P atreon: p atreon.co m/akiraninja99

nyawdao2 · Anime & Comics
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180 Chs

Temporary Paralysis Technique

In the mountainous area of Afghanistan, where yellow sand was rolling, an old off-road vehicle was moving quickly. The bumpy road made Roger completely give up on resting.

"Are you sure there are people here?"

According to Roger's instructions, Coulson drove this old off-road vehicle for half an hour in the mountainous area without a road. But until now, he did not see anyone.

"You will see them soon!"

Not long after Roger finished speaking, a group of terrorists with various weapons rushed out from the small hill in front of them and fired a few shots at their car.

Bang bang bang...

The bullets hit the SUV without any suspense, causing the SUV that had been running for half an hour to stop. A gust of hot air came out from the hood of the SUV.

"How are you going to deal with them?"

Seeing the group of terrorists walking towards them, Coulson frowned slightly and asked for Roger's opinion.

Roger did not reply to him. Instead, he opened the car door and got out of the car. Then, he walked toward the group of terrorists.


A terrorist who was walking at the front shouted at Roger. At the same time, he shoots the automatic rifle in his hand, trying to stop Roger from moving forward.

Roger could not understand what the terrorist was saying. Even if he could understand, he would not stop.

Just as the terrorist was about to raise the automatic rifle in his hand and give Roger a shot, Roger disappeared in front of him like a ghost.

[Body Flickering Technique]

To deal with this group of terrorists, there was no need to use Flying Thunder God Technique. The Body Flickering Technique was enough.

After using the Body Flickering Technique, Roger's speed surpassed the limits humans could capture with their naked eyes, causing an effect that seemed to disappear instantly.

When his figure appeared again, the terrorist shouting at him covered his neck in extreme pain. Fresh blood continuously flowed out from between his fingers.

After dealing with this terrorist, Roger did not plan to stop. He used the Body Flickering Technique several more times.

Every time his figure appeared, a terrorist would fall to the ground.

From the moment the first terrorist fell to the ground to when all seven of the terrorists fell to the ground, the total time spent between them was only three seconds.

This ghost-like killing method completely suppressed the group of terrorists, and a look of horror appeared on their faces.

Not only were the terrorists scared, but even Coulson, who was sitting in the car, had a look of disbelief.

"Was this guy a human?"

As an agent, Coulson had seen many bloody killings.

But it was the first time he had seen someone like Roger.

With a raise of his hand, he could easily take the life of others.

The slaughter went like a fleeting cloud and flowing river, which shows a different kind of beauty.

"Was this a ninja?"

Coulson felt that he needed to understand the ancient profession of ninja again.

After the initial panic, the remaining terrorists finally reacted. They raised the automatic rifles in their hands, intending to hail all the bullets on Roger.

However, their thoughts were destined to stop at the idea.

After sensing that they had the intention to resist, Roger instantly cast [Temporary Paralysis Technique], ultimately binding their movements.

The remaining ten or so terrorists seemed to have lost their souls. They remained motionless in their original positions, maintaining the motion of raising their guns.

Looking at the incomparably strange scene in front of him, Coulson unconsciously swallowed his saliva. Then, he silently remembered this ability he did not know how to name.

After binding the remaining terrorists, Roger returned to the car without looking back. He said to Coulson, "You are an agent. I'll leave the interrogation to you."

This kind of tedious work needed to be solved by professionals.

After hesitating for a few seconds, Coulson opened the car door and walked down. He came to the group of terrorists who could not even move a finger.

After removing all the weapons on the bodies of the more than ten terrorists, Coulson signaled Roger to dispel his ability.

After Roger removed the Temporary Paralysis Technique, these terrorists finally recovered their ability to moveand then unconsciously took a few steps back.

After recovering their ability to move, the first thought of these terrorists was to run away, and the farther they ran, the better.

But they finally gave up this idea, silently standing in place, looking at Coulson without saying a word.

After a short communication, Coulson successfully learned the whereabouts of Tony Stark from these terrorists.

Although this group of terrorists was not good people, they had nothing to do with the Ten Rings, who kidnapped Tony.

Of course, as peers in the same area, they had a detailed understanding of some of the Ten Rings' recent actions.

They did not know that the Ten Rings kidnapped the famous Tony Stark. They only knew that under the protection of the US army, the Ten Rings kidnapped an American weapon dealer and then imprisoned the weapon dealer in a base more than 100 kilometers away.

After confirming the base's location several times, Coulson returned to the car and reported the information to Roger.

"How do you plan to deal with these people?"

Before driving, Coulson suddenly asked.

"What else can we do? Of course, we let them go. I'm not a psycho killer."

After Coulson and Roger drove away, the terrorists finally breathed a sigh of relief. Then they began to regret why they came out of the cave.

If they did not come out, they would not have met the person who was like the god of death, nor would they have inexplicably lost eight people.

The SUV was getting further and further away, but these terrorists still did not leave, nor did they take the weapons that had been thrown on the ground.

The profession of terrorists was too dangerous. What were they really going to do?


When Coulson drove the off-road vehicle toward the cave where Tony was imprisoned, Tony and Yinsen were also expediting the assembly of the suit.

In this cave with several monitors, if the terrorists outside found out that they were assembling the armor instead of the Jericho Missile, they would no longer have to think about how to leave this cave.

At this time, Raza, who was in another cave, felt a little uneasy today. This was the first time he had this feeling after kidnapping Tony Stark.

As a member of the Ten Rings with considerable status, Raza always believed in his intuition.

This was also why he could become one of the leaders with his own base and subordinates from an ordinary member of the Ten Rings.

Under the guidance of his intuition, Raza came to the cave where the monitor screen was placed, intending to understand the work progress of Tony Stark.

"Where is Tony Stark? Where is he?"

Raza saw Yinsen on the monitor screen but did not see Tony.

"He was there just now!" A member of the Ten Rings beside Raza quickly replied.

"Go and see what's going on!"

For some reason, the uneasiness in Raza's heart became more prominent.

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