
Marvel Ninja God

The God of Ninja has Arrived in the Marvel Universe, an American Comic! Roger is a young man who’s transmigrated from the Ninja World of Naruto unto the Superhero World of Marvel. Armed with the Ninja System from the Ninja World, Roger is ready to become the God of Ninja in the Marvel Universe!. Translator site: readfanfic . com P atreon: p atreon.co m/akiraninja99

nyawdao2 · Anime & Comics
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180 Chs

Old Man Stick

Just as this Chaste Ninja's katana was about to hit Roger, the katana in Roger's hand suddenly arrived in front of him and hit his chest before he could react.


The moment Roger's katana cut through his skin, this Chaste Ninja felt an extremely menacing aura.

Relying on the robust control he had gained from years of hard training, he forcefully stopped his attack and jumped back immediately.

Even so, a blade scar dozens of centimeters long still appeared on his chest. Bright red blood continuously gushed out from the massive wound.

If he dodged a little slower, the katana in Roger's hand would cut his throat without any suspense, completing the killing blow.

Roger's attack shocked the injured Chaste Ninja and made the expression of the two Ninjas behind him extremely tense.

As companions of the same organization, they knew very well what kind of strength this injured Ninja had.

Out of the three of them, the injured ninja was the strongest and the most impulsive.

"You managed to avoid it. It seems like you are slightly stronger than Hand Ninjas!"

"The Hand's Ninja usually only needs one slash. As for you, you only have about two slashes!"

Before he made a move, these three ninjas would only think that he did not know the difference between heaven and earth.

But at this time, they did not look down on him and regarded him as the most dangerous enemy, the kind of enemy that could take their lives at any time.

"This time, we admit defeat, but do you really want to be enemies with Chaste?" Another Chaste Ninja said in a calm tone.

"I have always hated those guys who used their background when they couldn't win. They have lost, but they still have to leave some face for themselves!"

"Moreover, you can't represent Chaste! The one behind you is more likely to be the one representing Chaste!

After saying that, Roger pointed at the dark end of the alley behind them with the blood-caked katana.

Erica and the three Chaste Ninjas didn't realize that a person was hiding at the end of the alley.

After hearing Roger's words, they carefully observed the dark end of the alley and they hear a faint sound of dripping water.

A man wearing light green clothes and holding a long stick in his hand walked out from the dark alley.

Although it was late at night, he wore a pair of sunglasses and a light green hat that made Roger want to make fun of him.

This man with white hair was none other than Chaste's leader, Erica, and Daredevil's master - Old Man Stick!

"Erica belongs to Chaste. No one can stop us from taking her back!"

After walking out from the dark end of the alley, the old man walked directly to a place more than two meters away from Roger and said in a very confident tone.

"No one can take Erica by force as long as she doesn't want to!"

Although the old man was a super first-class Grandmaster of Combat in this world, Roger's tone was as stern as ever.

Trying to take Erica away from him by force with just Chaste's name? What a joke.

"Young man, your skills are not bad. I will give you a chance now. As long as you are willing to join Chaste, I can forgive your actions just now!"

Looking at the old man's natural expression, Roger even suspected that he had just misheard.

As long as he joined Chaste, he would forgive what he had just done?

Is this guy already senile?

Where did his confidence come from !?

"Forgive me for what I just did? Now I'd like to see what happens if you don't forgive me!"

Roger now had sufficient reason to doubt the guys who had stayed in these strange organizations for a long time.

His brain doesn't seem to function properly.

"If that's the case, go to hell and repent!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the staff in his hand arrived in front of Roger.

Just as the staff was about to hit Roger's head, a katana stained with blood blocked the staff in front of him.


A violent crash resounded through the entire alley. The intense wind pressure from the staff swept across Roger like a hurricane, sending the scattered papers and garbage bags flying.

The staff was worthy of being the world's first-class Grandmaster of Combat tools of the trade. A simple sweep of the staff gave him an unstoppable momentum.

However, Roger was not an ordinary person either.

When the staff is swung for an attack, he was keenly aware of the staff's power and thus made a corresponding defense.

When he saw that Roger had blocked his rod without any change in expression, the old man's old voice rang out again.

"The three of you, leave this alley!"

The old man did not explain the reason and did not need to explain the cause.

Everyone present had rich combat experience and knew what the old man wanted to do when they heard it.

Clear the area!

Without any hesitation, the three ninjas of Chaste left the alley and disappeared from Roger's sight.

Erica did not leave. She still stayed in the alley and silently retreated more than ten meters.

If she were not brainwashed by the Hand, Erica would not hesitate to follow the old man's words.

But now, she would not listen to anyone's orders. She would only obey her own choice.

After noticing that Erica had not left, the old man's face, which already had many wrinkles, showed dissatisfaction.

As the leader of Chaste, he was an existence that kept his word.

No one could disobey his orders.

In his opinion, Erica was still a member of Chaste, but now Erica brazenly violated his orders, which made him feel like his authority was challenged.

"Old man, do you still want to fight? I don't have much time to waste with you!"

As the old man was considering how to punish Erica, who violated his order, Roger's voice pulled him back to reality.

Roger was not interested in knowing what the old man was thinking. He was willing to cooperate with the old man to clear the field to see what kind of ability this Grandmaster of Combat had.

Roger's close combat skills were not weak and could even be considered top-notch.

However, he had always wanted to know what kind of realm his fighting skills had reached.

Although he had already thought of this, his luck was horrible. He had never met those true fighting masters.

However, the old man's appearance made him see the light on achieving his wish.

The fighting skill of the old man was definitely at the top level in the world. It was perfect for testing his fighting skills.

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