
Marvel Ninja God

The God of Ninja has Arrived in the Marvel Universe, an American Comic! Roger is a young man who’s transmigrated from the Ninja World of Naruto unto the Superhero World of Marvel. Armed with the Ninja System from the Ninja World, Roger is ready to become the God of Ninja in the Marvel Universe!. Translator site: readfanfic . com P atreon: p atreon.co m/akiraninja99

nyawdao2 · Anime & Comics
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180 Chs

Battle in the Dark Alley

Roger took the initiative to attack without waiting for Old Man Stick to answer.

Defense was never something he liked to do. Offense is the best defense.

For Roger, a distance of a few meters could be traveled in an instant.

Although Old Man Stick is blind, his combat instinct as a Grandmaster of Combat protected him.


His staff blocked Roger's lightning-fast strike. However, without any hesitation, he turned his wrist lightly. The katana seemed to have a life of its own as it attacked Old Man Stick from another angle.

After blocking Roger's first strike, Old Man Stick knew that Roger's attack was not limited to this.

As a blind person, he became the world's top fighting master. In terms of close combat, Old Man Stick possessed a talent far beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Otherwise, he would not have been able to become a master in the field of blind fighting.

When the katana in Roger's hand suddenly changed its trajectory, the old man took a step back, and at the same time, he changed his two-handed staff into a one-handed staff.

The old man's right hand slid accurately to the middle of the long rod, using the walking rod like a polearm.

Roger's attack was blocked by the old man again.

However, he did not expect to be able to injure the Old Man Stick within one or two strikes.

If he could so easily strike the Old Man Stick, then the Old Man Stick would not have been able to survive under the Hand's attack, much less become Chaste's leader.

What Roger wanted from the start was not to injure the Old Man Stick but to use his attack to force Old Man Stick to retreat.

Even if the Old Man Stick had only taken one step back, the battle rhythm already flowed within his hand.

When the old man took a step back due to his defense, Roger's posture changed and became unpredictable.

If his initial posture of holding the sword was the most orthodox and conventional way, now he is using the katana in his hand as if it were a dagger.

Stab, stab, hook, chop, chop...

The katana in Roger's hand kept flying up and down, drawing a fierce or strange arc.

He had never expected Roger's combat style to be so wild and unruly.

He, who was in the center of Roger's attack, was like a small fishing boat in a stormy sea and could be completely swallowed up by the waves that surged out of nowhere at any time.

If not for his decades of rich combat experience, under Roger's reckless and violent attack, the old man would have been hit again and again by the katana.

At this time, the old man is no longer looking down on Roger, treating him as the most dangerous and terrifying opponent.

Although he wasn't injured yet, he knew very well that if he continued to stay within the range of Roger's attack, it wouldn't be long before his movements became slower due to decreased physical strength. From then on, he would no longer be able to block Roger's attack.

Although the old man wanted to distance himself and put himself in the most suitable battle distance, Roger didn't give him the slightest chance.

No matter how he retreated, Roger would always follow him like a mosquito, not giving him any chance to distance himself.

After being attacked by Roger dozens of times like a sandbag, the old man finally decided.

Even if you slash me, I'll get out of your attack range!

With this thought in mind, the old man stopped blindly defending and began to try to counterattack.

Roger immediately noticed the old man's thoughts, but he still did not intend to slow down his attack.

The old man's idea was perfect, and he tried to use some minor injuries as a price to get rid of his attack.

However, his attack was not something that could be dodged with just a few minor injuries. If the old man had such thoughts, he would not mind taking the old man away with a single slash.

Erica, who was on the other side of the alley, stared at the battle between Roger and Old Man Stick.

Her face became more and more serious.

She always thought the gap between her and Roger was only because Roger had mastered ninjutsu.

However, after seeing Roger's level of combat at this time, she understood that in the Hand's building, Roger did not use his full strength at all.

If Roger at that time was like now, then she couldn't exchange so many blows with Roger.

Under this level of attack, she estimated that she would not even be able to block ten moves!

No, she could only block five slashes at most!

As a student of the Old Man Stick, Erica knew very well what kind of strength the Old Man Stick had.

But even the Old Man Stick, who had far more strength than her, was suppressed by Roger to the point where he couldn't even fight back. He could only helplessly choose to defend.

At first, Roger only wanted to test what kind of realm his fighting skill had reached through the old staff member. But when Old Man Stick blocked all his attacks with a watertight defense, he slowly became excited.

This feeling was completely different from when Black Sky fought.

Although Black Sky also had a human body, his fighting style was completely different from a human's.

When fighting with Black Sky, Roger did not feel he was fighting with a human. He only felt that he was fighting with a humanoid beast.

However, at this time, it was completely different. The old man had a human body, and the fighting techniques he displayed were all actions a human body could do.

Therefore, Roger could learn many fighting techniques from the old man when fighting with the old man.

This kind of battle that could fully display one's fighting skills was the most exciting and exciting game in the world for people who liked to fight.

In the past, Roger did not understand why some people would become pure fighting maniacs.

But now, not only did he understand entirely, but he also had the trend of developing in this direction.

Regardless of the consequences, regardless of life or death!

He would bet his life and everything he had!

He would use everything he had to fight a spectacular battle like this!

Even if he lost this battle, he would still be able to walk into hell with a smile on his face!

This was the highest honor of a warrior!

As Roger became more and more excited, Old Man Stick became more and more shocked.

The old man could feel that his physical strength was rapidly declining. Soon, his physical strength would reach a critical point, and then he would no longer be able to keep up with Roger's rhythm.

However, Roger seemed to do this effortlessly. The speed and frequency of his attacks did not decrease at all. Instead, they became faster and fiercer.

If this goes on, I will really die in this kid's hands!

Old Man Stick made a shocking conclusion.

Just as the old man was thinking about how to leave this place alive, a scene that none of them had expected happened.


After using all his strength, the katana in Roger's hand came to the brink of collapse and was blasted off by Old Man Stick's staff.


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