
Marvel Ninja God

The God of Ninja has Arrived in the Marvel Universe, an American Comic! Roger is a young man who’s transmigrated from the Ninja World of Naruto unto the Superhero World of Marvel. Armed with the Ninja System from the Ninja World, Roger is ready to become the God of Ninja in the Marvel Universe!. Translator site: readfanfic . com P atreon: p atreon.co m/akiraninja99

nyawdao2 · Anime & Comics
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180 Chs

Chaste's Ninja

Roger simply explained the chakra ball in his hand. He was not worried about Erica or others being able to understand the nature of ninjutsu or chakra from these simple descriptions.

Knowing the source of a person's strength and being able to resist this person's strength were two completely different things.

Like the future Iron Man, everyone knew that Tony relied on the high-tech steel armor for extraordinary strength.

But people who could not beat him, even if they knew this, still could not beat him.

Moreover, Roger had no intention of hiding his ability.

Even if you know that chakra is the source of my power, even if you know all the ninjutsu I know, even if you know the fighting style that I am good at, then what is the difference!

Rather than carefully hiding his ability, it is better to think of a way to improve his strength further.

If he has enough strength, why worry about those spirits and ghosts plotting and scheming.

Imitation is the best type of flattery!

Being unparalleled is my Ninja way!

Not long after Roger explained to Erica, the chakra ball in his hand dissipated into the air, turning into streams of air.

Compared to the first three stages, the fourth stage of Rasengan's practice was more difficult.

It was not challenging to condense the chakra in her hand, but it wasn't easy to maintain and solidify it for a long time.

Rasengan is only a ball of air; if it could not be maintained and solidified for a long time, it would be like a water ball, broken with a single stab, and does not have real combat value.

Erica did not know what chakra was, and she also did not know what Rasengan was.

But she saw something called power on this chakra ball.

A ninja with chakra is a real ninja.

For some reason, this thought suddenly popped up in Erica's mind.

It dissipated, again and again, taking shape over and over again.

Every failure would consume a portion of Roger's chakra.

Ten times, twenty times, fifty times, a hundred times...

Roger could not remember how many times he had practiced it. The only feeling he had now was that the chakra in his body was about to reach its limit. This was also the first time he experienced chakra exhaustion.

"This will be the last time, whether it succeeds or not, I will end here today!"

Just like the previous practice, the last attempt failed without a hitch. There was no miracle born because it was the last time.

After moving his stiff body for a while, Roger looked up at the clock on the wall. It was 3:45 in the morning.

Just as he was planning to use the last of his Chakra to send Flying Thunder God Technique back home, he vaguely heard the faint sounds of fighting coming from the alley below the office.

As a weapon master, although the sound of fighting was feeble, he could immediately tell that it was the sound of the katana's impact.

It was not strange to hear gunshots in a place like New York.

However, in the middle of the night, the only ones who would use katana to fight were the Hand, who was famous for being a crazy ninja.

Could it really be the Hand's crazy ninja?

Driven by curiosity, he came to the window and looked in the direction of the fighting sound.

The ones fighting in the alley below the office were indeed ninjas, but they were not the Hand Ninjas he imagined.

The one fighting was none other than Erica, who had just become an assistant in the office.

Erica dressed like a working woman in the workplace during the day, but what she is doing now bears no resemblance to a working woman.

Erica, holding a katana, was fighting against three enemies wearing different colored ninja suits.

After looking at them for a dozen seconds, Roger noticed something was wrong.

Whether it was Erica or the three unknown fellows in front of him, although their attacks seemed to be extremely fierce and every move was aimed at their vital points, Roger did not see any killing intent from them.

Although he did not know what relationship Erica had with the three fellows in front of him, as Erica's current boss, Roger felt that it was necessary for him to go down.

"Erica, stop!"

"You are no match for the three of us. If you refuse to admit your mistakes, don't blame us for being merciless!"

"Erica, come back with us. We can slowly solve the Hand's problems!"

Roger had just arrived in the small alley when he heard the words of the three ninjas. At the same time, he figured out the origin of the three people.

No one else would say such words to Erica other than Chaste's people.

Erica acted as if she didn't hear the words of the three people, and her attacks became sharper. At the same time, she silently prepared to retreat.

However, the three Chaste Ninjas quickly noticed Erica's plan. They no longer held back and instantly forced Erica into a disadvantageous situation.

When Erica was about to be defeated and then forcibly taken away, Roger, who had stayed in the alley's shadows for a while, finally came out.

"Do Chaste people only bully those who are alone? Moreover, they bully a woman. Don't you feel ashamed?"

Although not much chakra was left in his body, Roger still did not run from Chaste's three ninjas.

Through his observation just now, he was 100 percent sure that even if he didn't use chakra, the three ninjas of Chaste were no match for him at all.

"Who are you? Since you know we are from Chaste, how dare you speak out in mockery!"

One of the men in dark yellow ninja clothes said sternly.

"Who am I? I am Erica's boss!"

"You attacked my assistant under my office. Aren't you, Chaste, a little too arrogant?"

Roger said as he walked. When he finished speaking, he just came to Erica's side and took the katana from Erica.

"If you want to take Erica away, beat me first!"

"Or is it that your Chaste's people only dare to bully women with your numbers?"

After being ridiculed by Roger one after another, even those who did not have a temper could not help but feel a bit angry.

"You don't know the difference between heaven and earth. Don't think that you can insult Chaste just because you know some martial arts!"

The one who spoke was still the guy wearing the dark yellow ninja suit.

"Kid, my name is..."

Just as he was about to register, Roger interrupted him in time. "I am not interested in knowing the names of some small characters. Your names are not worthy of a place in my memory!"

"You asked for death!"

It was estimated that this Chaste ninja had never been ridiculed like this before. After hearing Roger's words, his already somewhat suppressed anger completely erupted.

He rushed towards Roger like an angry beast. The katana in his hand was also like lightning, directly slashing towards Roger's head. It had an imposing manner of wanting to cut off Roger's head.

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