
Marvel: Mutant Paradise

Lynn found and became a student at Mutant College. Her ability is to create magic. Avada Kedavra... Glacier peaks, ember storms... Fire Magic, Dragon Slayer Thunder Magic... True mirror image, dimensional leap, elemental mysteries, time stillness... After ten years of accumulation, Lynn has mastered countless splendid and terrifying magics, but she knows very well that it makes no sense for Professor X to allow students to act as bullies to save the world and allow humans and mutants to coexist peacefully. The only way to change the living environment of Mutant is to increase the right to speak!

BlackGoku222 · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Chapter 04

"You are so solemn that it seems like you have premeditated it..."

A meaningful smile emerged from the corner of Professor X's mouth. "So tell me, how do you plan to save Mutant?"

Lynn also smiled.

She knew that this conversation had reached the most important part.

"In fact, I think both Magneto and the professor made a big mistake from the beginning, that is, distinguishing mutants from human groups, and they are clearly different!"

"Mutants and ordinary people, why can't they be ours?"

In front of Professor X's unfathomable eyes, Lynn spoke eloquently.

As soon as she opened her mouth, her words were astonishing: "Decades ago, a wise man from the East once said that the victory of the fight is to make more friends and fewer enemies..."

"But now Mutant's situation is that they have no friends and everyone in the world is an enemy..."

"The reason for all this is just because of the fear and dread of ordinary people? Just because when a Mutant's super-ability goes crazy, it can cause victims?"


"These are just appearances!"

"The real reason is that we, the Mutants... we have no right to speak in the world!"

Upon hearing the first sentence, Professor X was still a little excited. After all, Lynn is young and naive.

This kind of words can only be said by a young person who has never experienced the world.

But he continued to listen and did not interrupt.

Professor X's expression changed: "You don't have... the right to speak?"


Lynn's eyes burned and she said loudly, "Because we have no right to speak, when Mutant is considered a freak, we cannot argue against it!"

"Because we have no right to speak, when Mutant was arrested, persecuted, and subjected to various inhuman experiments, everyone looked on coldly and even felt it was justified."

"Similarly, because we have no right to speak, those politicians can easily pass the Mutant Registration Act or use various methods to deal with Mutants."

"With time, attacking the Mutant group has become extremely 'normal'!"

"This 'normality' is horrifying!"

"It not only makes the entire world hostile towards Mutants but also makes many Mutants feel like monsters! That they should not exist in this world! So they give up!"

"So, before the war with humans really began, Mutant had already lost half of the ground!"

It turns out that this is an angle that Professor X never thought of.

He was stunned when he heard this and wanted to refute several times, but he found that what Lynn said was reasonable and almost discovered the fundamental cause of Mutant's tragedy.

And Lynn hadn't finished speaking: "Imagine, Professor, what if we had the right to speak?"

"The mutant has extraordinary power, why can't it be the evolution of human genes? Why can't it be God's grace? Why can't it be the sublimation of human civilization?"

"If this line of thinking becomes widespread, who wouldn't envy Mutants? Who would shout at us?"

"At that moment, I fear that those who still reject mutants will be seen as heretics!"

If Professor X had seen the black-clad picketers, he would definitely consider Lynn's words as the most reasonable.

Unfortunately, he didn't see them.

But this did not stop him from yearning for the image described by Lynn.

At this moment, the world's most important user of spiritual abilities undoubtedly received a great deal of mental shock.

He stared at Lynn: "Lynn, what kind of books do you read... to think about this?"


Lynn didn't follow for a while and after a while she said, "Professor, are you interested? I can recommend them to you."

She snapped her fingers and a large pile of books appeared out of nowhere in front of Professor X.

"Is your homeland's culture really so vast and profound?"

Professor X took a deep breath: "So, in your opinion, how can the right to speak for Mutants be improved?"

"In the world of ordinary people, only money and power are definitely eternal!"

Lynn extended her hands: "When we become a world-class consortium, when we control the soul of the global economy, when politicians from various countries are filled with our own people, when the whole world is promoting that mutant genes are the evolution of humans, and mutants are humans..."

"At that moment, Mutant will be the undeniable trend of the era!"

"Peace, naturally!"

As she spoke, she took the plan from the table, handed it gently to Professor X, and smiled slightly: "Professor, the peace that is in our own hands is the true peace, isn't it?"

Professor X remained silent for a long time.