
Marvel: Lex Luthor

Lex Luthor arrives in the Marvel Universe. He is an egomaniacal genius and billionaire industrialist, Lex Luthor fights the Avengers and all of the other heroes in the Marvel Universe. An Otaku’s soul transported there with Lex Luthor: DC/ Marvel Ability System, Lex becomes a power-hungry sociopath that’ll do anything to anyone who get in his way. The story takes place in World War (||) during the birth of Captain America. He completes evil quest in order to gain Powerful DC character’s abilities. Quest: Become the sole leader and ruler of Hydra [Reward: Superman’s powers] Quest: Take over S.H.I.E.L.D [Reward Brainiac’s intelligence]

Kamery_Driver_1580 · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 27 | Shadows of Conflict

The World is embroiled in the chaos of World War ll, where nations clashes and ideologies collided. Amidst the kind of battles was brewing, one fueled by personal vendettas and hidden agendas.

In the shadows of their conflicts, three remarkable individuals emerged. Lex Luthor brilliant and remarkable Technological genius and businessmen. Wolverine, a fierce and enigmatic mutant. His brother Victor Creed, a savage and relentless adversary.

Lex is beginning to be known for his brilliance in the fields of Science and business is a man with an insatiable hunger for Power. As the War rages on, Lex saw an opportunity to exploit the chaos, utilizing his growing vast resources and intellect to manipulate events to his own advantage.

Operating from the shadows, he sought to capitalize on the desperation and turmoil of the war-torn world.

Meanwhile, Wolverine, a mysterious mutant with an unbreakable skeleton and razor-sharp claws, found himself caught in the conflict. Enlisted as a soldier, he fought alongside the Allies Forces, slicing through enemy lines with uncanny ferocity.

But deep within him, a primal rage simmered, a constant reminder of the violence and pain that had shaped his existence.

Victor Creed, also known as Sabertooth, was Wolverine's nemesis, an equally powerful mutant with a sadistic streak. Creed reveled in the chaos of War, finding pleasure in the suffering and destruction it wrought. His path frequently crossed with Wolverine's, turning the battlefield into a personal battleground their rivalry played out amidst the larger War.

As the War progresses, Lex's machinations began to intertwine with the lives of both Wolverine and Sabertooth. Lex's vast network of contacts and resources allows him to manipulate events from behind the scene.

Pulling strings to further his own agenda, Wolverine, driven by a sense of duty and a desire for redemption, found himself entangled in Lex's web, unsure of who to trust.

Creed, on the other hand, saw an opportunity for chaos and carnage. His sadistic nature led him to forge alliances various factions, both Allies and Axis, using his formidable skills to sow discord and confusion. The War became a playground for his bloodlust, as he sought to inflict as much pain and suffering as possible.

Amidst the chaos, alliances shifted and lines blurred, Lex, Wolverine, and Creed found themselves caught in a dangerous dance, each pursuing their own goals while navigating the treacherous landscape of war. Their paths converged in unexpected ways, leading to confrontations and revelations that would reshape all three destinies.

In the heart of Europe, Lex's path crossed with these two mutants whose destinies would become intertwined with his own. Wolverine, a battle-hardened soldier alongside the Allies Forces.

Victor Creed chosen to lend his deadly skills to the highest bidder, regardless of their affiliation. Lex has heard rumors of these mutants, whispers of their extraordinary abilities and their impact on the war.

Intrigued, he sought them out, recognizing the potential they held as both Allie's and tools to further his own goals. It was in the war-torn city of Berlin that their paths would finally converge.

In the depths of a crumbling building, Lex orchestrated a meeting with Wolverine and Sabertooth. Each approached the encounter with caution, their instincts sharpened by years of surviving in a world torn apart by conflict.

Lex smiled and says. "Welcome you two, I have been hearing about your exploits on the battlefield for awhile now. They say a man with an unbreakable skeleton and another with violent and sadistic tendencies." Muttered Lex with his silver-tongued charisma, presented himself as an ally.

With a sneer, Victor spoke with unconcealed viciousness and arrogance. "Yeah, you heard about us, but we never heard about you. Me and my brother here were thinking why you would ask us here. Do you need us to kill some Axis or Allies soldiers?" Spoke Sabertooth, as his fingernails begins to grow into claws and his teeth starting to become longer.

"Haha, I don't need you to kill anyone yet, but I am offering you a chance to shape the outcome of the War. With your abilities and powers, combined with my leadership and intelligence. Absolutely anything is possible!" Spoke Lex.

Wolverine, skeptical of Lex's intentions, eyes him with suspicion. He had witness firsthand the devastating consequences of unchecked power and sought to ensure that Lex's ambitions did not lead to further destruction.

Sabertooth, the opportunist was more intrigued by the promise of chaos and violence that the alliance with Lex could bring.

"What do you mean? We don't care about those humans. They all fight for Power and Territory. Those countries can kiss my ass. All we care about is money. If it is money your offering, then we can talk, otherwise. Sabertooth was about to walk.

"All you had to do was just ask for money. Money isn't a problem for me. I'll pay you based on how willing you are to doing the job."

Both mutant's eyebrows raised and spoke. "What is the job?"

Lex smiled and says. "I need both of you to embarked on a series of convert missions throughout Europe. I want you to infiltrate these strongholds. Lex pulls out a map and their were red Xs on the locations, signifying their locations.

Lex continued. "I need you to infiltrate enemy strongholds, sabotaged supply lines, and eliminate high-ranking officers. These are the names."

Lex pulls out another paper. Both of them skimmed through it and were shocked after looking through the names. They pointed at one name.

"Barron Wolfgang Von Strucker. He is one of the leaders of the Hydra terrorist organization and an enemy of S.S.R." Sabertooth said, while shivering.

Lex seeing this, smiles and says. "Oh, the invincible Sabertooth is getting scared of a human. It seems like you are getting cold feet. I will get someone else to do the job."

Seeing Lex is about to leave, Sabertooth decided to quell his roaring emotions and said. "Fine, we will take the job."

Lex smiles and said. "You will start now, don't call me until you finish the job."