
Marvel: Lex Luthor

Lex Luthor arrives in the Marvel Universe. He is an egomaniacal genius and billionaire industrialist, Lex Luthor fights the Avengers and all of the other heroes in the Marvel Universe. An Otaku’s soul transported there with Lex Luthor: DC/ Marvel Ability System, Lex becomes a power-hungry sociopath that’ll do anything to anyone who get in his way. The story takes place in World War (||) during the birth of Captain America. He completes evil quest in order to gain Powerful DC character’s abilities. Quest: Become the sole leader and ruler of Hydra [Reward: Superman’s powers] Quest: Take over S.H.I.E.L.D [Reward Brainiac’s intelligence]

Kamery_Driver_1580 · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 014 | Uncle Peter’s death and Lex’s “New” Invention

Remote Factory.

Peter is walking around arriving at the factory, he goes over towards a remote door and touches the knob.

He unlocks it and walks slowly towards his doom, a couple of spies are carefully watching Peter's every move.

2 minutes later, after enough walking, Peter saw his comrades and Lex waiting for him and staring at him for a long time.

This sudden stare made Peter very uncomfortable, as he walks forward, the previous spies closes the door.


The door closes and Peter hurriedly looks around, he saw nothing, this is what shocked him, but he sees that Lex and his henchmen didn't hear anything.

"Welcome, Peter it has been a long while since we have talked eye to eye, I wanted to see how my favorite Uncle is doing."

Muttered Lex, with a clear, arrogant smile on his face, he laughs and walk towards Peter with an over-confident walk.

"Lex, it sure has been awhile, but why did you tell me to meet you here in this secluded place, it has an eerie feeling towards it."

Peter continued staring at Lex with a fidgeted eyebrow raise, his body is trembling with a nervous feeling.

Lex sees this and laughs with his clear row of, beautiful, white teeth showing, he pats Peter's shoulder and whispered into his ear.

"Thank you for the good times, Peter, you were ahead of me in this Organization at the beginning, but now my power far outlasts yours, look at your ex-henchmen."

Peter looks over there and sees that his henchmen has advanced guns, that he has never saw before, they all had silent-scopes and red laser lines pointing towards his head.

"I know you would kill me, Alex, but if you kill me, Don Vito will have your head in a silver platter."


"Your judgement in this situation is too clouded and weak, I have overtaken your original spot, I have sent a recording of you giving information to the Irish Mob, Don Vito sent me here to kill you."

Lex says sinisterly, he saw Peter's expression and frowns, he clearly thought that Peter would hyperventilate and look at him with dreadful eyes.

Peter grins and says with a confident voice in his tone…~

"You have no evidence, I admit Lex, your knowledge in Technology and Scientific Discoveries are far beyond this era, but your not smart enough to create a literal spying device."

Lex with a frown across his lips, takes a deep breath to calm his raging emotions, he knows that Peter is just trying to get a raise from him.

"Are you insulting my intelligence, Peter, if I may tell you the severity of the situation, you are close to death's door, and the meantime, your wife Melissa, and I had a great time last night."

Lex smirks, he remembers the certain events of him fucking his uncle's wife behind his back, Lex seduced her the first, couple of times they have met.

"You slept with Melissa, I never you would do that to me Lex, if I would have known, I would have killed you a long time ago."

"No need, I will beat you down with my fists first, and then I will let my man shoot you, after that I will make some alone time with your wife."


Peter couldn't take it anymore, he runs towards Lex with his fists clenched ready for action, he sees Lex smile in a mocking way.

"Lex, I will kill you!!"~




Lex catches Peter's fist and crushes it with physical strength alone, remember, Lex has the Super Soldier Serum, so he has strength that is comparable to that of a real peak human.

"What was that, you will kill me, I don't whether to laugh or take this seriously."



Lex continued to hammer away, his fist has become bloody with Peter's blood, Peter's face is distorted and disfigured for life.

"I think, I should let you suffer first, I will break all of your main, functional body parts, the arms and legs, and then I will directly let my men kill you."




Painful screams heard all over the dark, remote area, his men are watching with blood-thirsty grins plastered across their faces.

All Lex needed to do was make them feel important, talk about their paying wages and double that original pay, make them take Peter's position.

Manipulating them was very easy for Alex to do, he gets away from Peter's figure, Peter is on the verge of unconsciousness.

He sees his former henchmen waking up slowly with long strides, he laughs and says with a great discomfort.

"I never know the ones, I told my secret to actually betray me like that, I should have known better, I knew you wanted to take my place, I just didn't see it, guess that brotherhood was a fake."


"Kill him!"~




Gunshots fired in the dark room, lighting up the room for a few seconds.

Bloody, bullet holes were already in Peter's figure, they saw as the red blood spreads all over the dark ground.

"Let us go!"~

"Leave him here, so his body can decompose, we have ambitions and power to solidify and satisfy."

Lex walks out of the dark room with a bloody face and bloody knuckles.

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