
Marvel: Lex Luthor

Lex Luthor arrives in the Marvel Universe. He is an egomaniacal genius and billionaire industrialist, Lex Luthor fights the Avengers and all of the other heroes in the Marvel Universe. An Otaku’s soul transported there with Lex Luthor: DC/ Marvel Ability System, Lex becomes a power-hungry sociopath that’ll do anything to anyone who get in his way. The story takes place in World War (||) during the birth of Captain America. He completes evil quest in order to gain Powerful DC character’s abilities. Quest: Become the sole leader and ruler of Hydra [Reward: Superman’s powers] Quest: Take over S.H.I.E.L.D [Reward Brainiac’s intelligence]

Kamery_Driver_1580 · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 007 | Meeting Dr. Abraham Erskine

Stark Expo.

"Do you know in a few years, your cars won't need gas, or even touch the ground."

The more fascinating things that Howard said, the more excited the crowd and celebrities became, they all wanted to come see this event.

"I know you all can't stand being away from me but in the meantime, let's talk about the future and what is the glorious Howard Stark's plan for the future."

"First thing first is, our country and our Allies are busy fighting those scoundrels known as the Axis and their devil of a leader Adolf Hitler."

Said Howard with disgust in his voice, the dictator almost came close to kidnapping Howard Stark in order to force him into making weapons.

Luckily for the Allies, they saved Howard just in the Nick of time, the only thing Howard do is create weapons and make love to women.

He never been kidnapped before, so seeing mutilated bodies and people being tortured in cages like slaves, let Howard know how serious this War is.

"Oh that's Howard Stark?"

The person who said is an old man with a few wrinkles on his face, he has on a black coat with pointy black shoes.

The most noticeable feature of his is his glasses that make him look like a scientist, this old man's name is Abraham Erskine.

Howard Stark invited him to the Expo tonight, so he can get a good feeling of Howard's character, Dr. Abraham Erskine has come from Germany.

He came from Germany, because his Country has turn senile and sadistic from the leadership of Adolf Hitler.

To the rest of the world, Adolf Hitler is just a power-hungry monster, who'll kill or slaughter anyone who crossed his path, but to Germany, Adolf Hitler is their hero, some even call him a God.

Germany has become a war-torn Country who thrive and are corrupt by power, being powerful is good, but if you can't control the power you have, you'll ultimately become humanity's greatest evil.

"Oh, you must be Dr. Abraham Erskine."

Said a stranger with his charming smile.

"You are, young man?"

"My name is Steve Rodgers."

Dr. Abraham is calm on the outside, but on the inside, he bewildered, no one should know his identity, if he was in Hydra, the little guy would kill him.

"Ho-how do you know my name, young man?"

Said Abraham with worry in his eyes, the leader of Hydra, Johann Schmidt is a cruel and merciless human being.

Johann think of himself as a God who can wipe you out as he so wishes, he is also the first Super Soldier to appear before Captain America.

He let the Super Soldier Serum and it's power go to his head, causing a falling-out with Dr. Abraham Erskine.

Johann becomes so corrupt by power, that his personality changed altogether, his true appearance is a Red Skull.

Johann is really the reason World War [||] has started to because of his lust for power, he had gone so far off the deep end, that his actions are called inhumane.

"Since you know my name, are you with the enemy?"

Said Abraham with paranoia in his voice, this isn't the first time that Johann sent an assassin to kill him, because of the extraordinary secrets of the Super Soldier Serum.

"No sir, I'm just your average American, who would love to join the Allies and help fight the Axis."

Said Steve with some 'sincerity' in his voice, Lex told Steve that he needs to gain Dr. Abraham Erskine's trust, only then can he gain ultimate power.


"What is your thoughts about this War and it's people who have already suffered enough pain and heart break?"

Said Abraham with his previous calmness back, he is now really interested in this Steve Rodger's character who has a strong sense of justice.

"My thoughts on this matter is that War is about benefits, War can be waged just by the simplest matter, some wages War for reasons that they don't say, mostly for power and influence, you can't erase the evil in another person's heart, but you can suppress it."


"That is a very good reasoning you've just said, how about this, you come to a place call the Science Strategic Reserve in the morning, they'll let you in."

"Thank you, Dr. Abraham Erskine, I'll not ruin this chance and opportunity you gave me, thank you, you saved my life."

"Good young one, it's rare for pure-hearted people like you to still exist in this horrifying period, but I'm glad you do."

After exchanging more words, Dr. Abraham Erskine bid farewell to Steve and walked out of the Stark Expo's building.

When he was on the street in a dark alleyway, one armed-man with silencer on his pistol started walking behind Dr. Abraham Erskine with killing intent in his eyes.

When Dr. Abraham Erskine was about to go back, he saw the lethal weapon.

"Hail Hydra!!!"~

Said the assassin as he pointed the silencer at Dr. Abraham Erskine's chest.