
Marvel: knowledge of the multiverse

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Kazu_Vexed · Anime & Comics
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1 Chs

CH:1 Enter Derrick Parker Anteros

<p>[ 3:15 12/25/2021]<br/>I looked outside my window and saw a shooting star; I remembered the stories about them I decided that nothing bad could come from it even if the wish did come true.<br/><br/>Derrick: "I wish to be put in the MCU, with a power that could help me but not control me." I said this as a joke, I never would have thought in a million years that it would ever come true.<br/><br/>???: "Interesting wish it's not like I haven't heard something similar but from someone like you I didn't expect it. I guess I shall grant this wish of yours." I had no idea where this voice came from.<br/><br/>Then I ended up in New Mexico which just so happens to be now so now that the recap is done, let's catch up with the me of now.<br/><br/>random agent from shield: "kid I need your name, age, and date of birth."<br/><br/>Derrick: "My name is Derric-"<br/><br/>{Host: Derrick Anteros<br/><br/> Age:13<br/><br/> Strength:15<br/> <br/>agility:20<br/><br/>Toughness:15<br/><br/>intelligence:18<br/><br/>X-gene: Yes, being molded, Time: 01:10:23:16:02<br/><br/>T-gene: Yes, being molded 01:10:23:16:02<br/><br/>Blank gene: Yes<br/><br/>Blood type: AB+<br/><br/>skills: self-made combat style LVL 10/???, parallel thinking LVL MAX, acting LVL 5/100, body control LVL 5/100, Eidetic memory LVL MAX<br/><br/>extra skills: singing LVL MAX, focus control LVL MAX}<br/><br/>random agent from shield: "so kid your name." I can't believe I got a system.<br/><br/>I need to activate the acting skill because the excitement would show in my voice.<br/><br/>Derrick: "My name is Derrick Parker Anteros I'm 13 and I was born January 12, 2000."<br/><br/>random agent from shield: "How do you spell that."<br/><br/>After I wrote my name on a piece of paper, he looks for me in the files on his tablet. He found nothing because I don't exactly exist.<br/><br/>random agent from shield: "Uh kid you got an id yet."<br/><br/>Derrick: "Nha." <br/><br/>random agent from shield: "So kid you know where you live."<br/><br/>Well, shit I can't say my actual address because that's in Florida and I don't know of any family down here if they even exist in this world. oh, I got it.<br/><br/>Derrick: "Well, I came here for help finding my uncle John Grey or my uncle ben parker. I guess less of help finding them but more of help to get to them."<br/><br/>random agent from shield: "And how do you suppose I would be able to help you get to one of them." well, this dude must have forgot he is in full uniform... with the patch on his left shoulder.<br/><br/>Derrick: "well that patch on your shoulder look like a government badge, so I assumed you were part of the government." Bruh this dude went straight to looking for it<br/><br/>random agent from shield: "uhm I mean I can help you, so kid where you need to get to"<br/><br/>Derrick: "I need you get to New York City, manhattan or queens that is where my uncles live."<br/><br/>[END OF CHAPTER]<br/><br/>You may have noticed that I kept most of the things the same as the original, that's because I think the original was good enough to continue on from there. I will be asking for your help with the choice of love interest.<br/><br/>Also for harem sect like the comment on this paragraph.<br/><br/>For non-harem sect like the comment on this paragraph.</p>