
MARVEL: Killswitch's Origin

My name is Edward Kavka. Well, that's the only name that I remember after i was born... or reborn I guess? Yep, I think I reincarnated because I still remember my past life though I don't really know who i was and what led me to this world. Finally, after living for years in this world I know that I was born in a unique world. Marvel Cinematic Universe. "Hey kid." Hmmm... but wait... if this is MCU why is there a board written with "Welcome to Raccoon City: Home of Umbrella"? "Oi!" Is this really MCU that I know? "HEY! Do you hear me!?" Startled I looked back only to see a man looking at me from his car. "Huh? Ah... I'm sorry, I just spaced out." Curious the beardy man then asked, "Are you okay? Need a ride?" "Ahh, thank you. I happen to lost my family at the gas station before. I think I walked too far.", I said while pretending to be sad. The man looked concerned after seeing my haggard clothing and bag. After getting in to the car I asked, "My name is Edward. Edward Kavka. What's yours, kind sir?" After thinking for a while he answered, "John. John Wick" What the f@€k!! Is this really MCU?!

NightHowl · Movies
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115 Chs


"Wh... Who?" I was taken aback. The answer that came out of the system was not what I expected. I didn't even know if the information is true or fake.

I'm not really a dedicated fan of the comic book, but I know one or two things about One-Above-All. He/She is the Supreme Prime God of the Marvelverse. Basically, everything and anything in the universe were created by Him/Her.

But how He/She had anything to do with my reincarnation? Are comic book gods actually real or is it my memories of past life that was fake?

No, the fact that I was here, by itself was enough as reasoning to prove which was true. Rather than getting answers, more questions filled my head instead.

"But why though? And for what?"

[Your chance has been depleted, Sir. You can't ask anything more than that.]

'Damn... I didn't expect an answer. It was just a passing thought. I should have asked why I was reincarnated instead.'

Dwelling on it would never solve anything and would just tire me. And then, when I was going to just leave it at that for now, another notification rang up.

<Undergone System Update>


Huh? An Update? The system had this kind of feature? Damn... I need to stop making questions.

"Regina, how long does it need to update the system?"

[It depends, Sir. However, for this one it was set for 7 Days, 7 hours, 7 minutes, and 6 Second.]

"What the hell are you thinking about!? Make it all 7!" My OCD suddenly fired up.

[It just a number, Sir.]

"Yes, tell that to any of your girlfriend later or a novel ranking if you ever made one."

My head felt fuzzy from this series of events. I just clicked the Yes button and let it flow.

<Update in Progress - 0%>

"Wait! Does that mean the system would be turned off? I haven't assigned my stats yet." I started panicking.

[It's okay, Sir. You can still assign the point through me if you need to. However, you couldn't see the status bar, yet.]

The countdown started, now I have to wait for a week until I could access the system anymore. However, thinking about it, there's nothing much to do on the system, either.

Now, all I need to do was to find Chris and Barry, but a thought suddenly flashed in my mind.

'Isn't it the perfect time to do it?'

What I meant was infiltrating one of Umbrella's Lab to gain information and secret records about T-Virus. Although it would be useless for me, I could hand it to Chris to investigate. That was their main objective in the first place.

Not only that. One of my concerns was the secret base of Umbrella in Rockford Island and Antarctica. On the game, Code: Veronica, after the raccoon city incident, Claire went to spy on one of the labs to look for Chris that went missing but she failed. She got caught and transported to Rockfort Island, where the Ashford family's main Lab was located.

With the plan on set, all I need was to question Chris and Barry about the Secret Lab's location to start my investigation. I moved under the night sky by running along the building's rooftop. These buildings were built close to each other, so jumping from one to another didn't take much effort.

Although most buildings were already in ruins, the armies could still find a living survivor. Along the way, I could see them crying in delight at finding survivors even though some would find more people buried in the rubbles. However, it didn't stop them to hold their hope higher.

20 minutes passed until I reached the Eastern Outpost. I saw many civilians gathered here. They were the newly saved survivors that were waiting for their turn to be moved on a safer place at the outskirt of Paris. Even though the monsters were gone already, there might be still a chance of them coming back. That's why they still evacuate people outside even it was too late in the night.

I observed the situation and used Stealth before landing on a dark corner. I couldn't find any trace of Barry and Chris for a while until I reached the rooftop. They were laying on the ground while watching the stars. What a romantic couple, they should just married.

"What are you doing here?" A turned off the Stealth mode and greet them.

"Ohh... you're back! Come here and sit with us." Barry seemed to be excited. "Now tell me, what happens there."

"Barry, stop." Chris chuckled at him before looking at me. "You need to rest, it must be tiring for you. Here, I have packed your dinner."

Chris brought a small box from the corner and gave it to me. Inside it was an egg and beef sandwiches that were still a bit warm. I stared at it for a moment before taking a bite.

"Here, I got a can of apple juice for you." Barry opened the can and put it in front of me. I recalled my meeting with mom a few hours ago. We usually had dinner at this time. My eyes were wet. Barry and Chris noticed it, of course.

"Why are you crying? Did something happen?" Chris was now really worried but I just reassured him.

"It's nothing, I was just too happy to eat dinner after this long day." I smiled wide enough to cover my sadness. They couldn't find any oddities at my acting and just let it go after a while. I took this chance to tell them my plan, but first, I need to test something.

"Anyway, uncle Chris. A few hours ago, I eavesdropped these weird groups with a red and white symbol on their back." Barry and Chris perked their ears and wanted me to go on. "They were discussing something about returning to their base, Rockford island, or something."

It was a lie, of course, to strengthen my reasoning on infiltrating the secret Labs in here. I didn't meet any Umbrella's personnel, but my information about Rockfort island's secret base was true.

There's no intervention from the system, which is nice. The system seemed to not care about my knowledge of the future. At least, the One-Above-All still have some conscience. I told Chris a bit about them. I couldn't just reveal everything in one breath. I need evidence to back up my description.

"That's why. Let me infiltrate one of the labs and find some proof." Chris felt a bit complicated. While he knew that this was a good chance, letting his nephew doing it was not a wise decision for him.

I made a gesture with my brows toward Barry so that he could back me up. "He's right Chris. We couldn't let this opportunity to pass just like that. We need some evidence to bring down the rotten corporation."

After a few more back to back banter, Chris finally gave up. He gave me a small camera and a map depicting all possible locations of the Labs. After staying in Paris for a month, Chris and Barry found one of the most important locations, Laboratories No. 6, which holds the main experiments on an unknown type of T-Virus.

"Be careful, this lab had the highest security level among them all," warned Chris when I was about to leave. He then continued, "If it gets dangerous, just leave. No matter what."

"I get it. I will be back before you even notice." I walk behind the door and used Stealth immediately. With my target already marked on the map, it would be easy to track the place. The only problem was one. How do I read the map? I didn't even know which side I'm on right now.

[Do you need help, Sir.]

"Hmm... You don't have to, but if you keep pushing me then you can help me read it." I was being shameless here. I didn't want to admit it but her help was really necessary. I spread the map again.

[We are currently on Charonne street. Your destination would be in North-West, Sir.]

"Then, North-west it is..."

[On your six, Sir.]

"I know..." answered me while turning back.


After running for two hours, I finally arrived at my destination. I could have arrived faster if a certain someone didn't make a sudden turn... Me.

While waiting near the alley, I observed the building. It was quite huge for a simple pharmaceutical firm. Of course, what lies under would be bigger and shocking if the mass media get a hold of this information.

Now how do I get in? Using Stealth alone wouldn't take me underground. I need something like a card pass or key.

I waited for another hour, looking for any chance that could bring me inside.

"And here they come."

Three cargo trucks came transporting something in the middle of the night. It was very suspicious, especially after an invasion from the horde of monsters where everyone was supposed to be evacuated.

The trucks stopped at the gate for identifying. This gave me time to take a picture and hide among them. The check-up wasn't done thoroughly and from their conversation, I notice that the security team was already informed of their arrival. The trucks drove into the basement parking lot and unloaded their goods.

"Fuck... What are you planning, Umbrella..." Inside each truck was a steel and glass container. "Tyrant-103" written on the side, and there's three of them here. While I watch from the side, they brought them all toward a huge elevator that led into the main Lab. underground.

I noticed that the place was deeper than I expected and a huge corridor welcomed our arrival. I didn't know how such a huge building could remain a secret all this time. I keep taking pictures to record all of the important parts, including the Tyrants inside the container.

At the end of the corridor, a blonde woman came and checked the Tyrants. She took a record on her note and escort them into a wide room. Several researchers could be seen walking here and there, checking their equipment.

'I knew it, they are developing Nemesis here.'

I didn't know how they did it but I knew that Nemesis was actually a Parasite that was implanted into a Tyrant.

'I don't have time for this...'

I need to hurry. While they were being occupied with the research, I explored their offices. There were too many documents and research data laid around the offices. My eye then locked into a double door. The other room was equipped with a single door, except this one.

I looked around and went in after making sure there was no one around. This room was too luxurious, with paintings and books neatly placed on shelves. It seems everyone with a high position always decorates their room one level ahead of their subordinates. Well, if it turns out to be a janitor room then, fuck me.

Skipping on the bookshelves, I walked toward the computer on the desk. It wasn't turned off, it seems the owner was in a hurry after knowing that their goods had arrived.

All of Umbrella's lead scientist's computer was connected to the main server to access information easily. They didn't need to be worried that their information would be leaked outside because their security system was one of the most advanced forms in the world. Who could easily infiltrate into their base? Well, my case was a bit of an exception. There was a disaster today and an important project was ongoing.

All I need was to find information about Ashford families, one of the three founders of Umbrella, and their project on Rockfort island and Antarctica. After a thorough search inside the cabinets behind me, I found an unused BlueRay BE disks, with a capacity of 25gb. It was 1998, a flash disk wasn't invented yet. I transferred every single detail of their research and information that could possibly be fit inside the disk.

And then, I noticed one of the research papers on the desk. My heart skipped a bit.

"Fuck! What have they done!?"

*Whheeeung whheeeung whheeeung...

The lights suddenly turned red and sirens blaring on the speaker. A female mechanical voice delivered a warning for everyone in the labs.

<Warning! Test subjects have escaped! All personnel please proceed to evacuate to section B7.>

<Warning! Test subjects have escaped! All personnel, please proceed to evacuate to section B7.>

<Warning! Test subjects have escaped! All personnel, please proceed to evacuate to section B7.>

Shit! Now, of all times!

I threw the paper aside started running. On the paper were sentences written with red ink.

Project NE-a Type: Improvement using the invading monsters DNA. The Parasite has been fused successfully.

I'm sorry for the late update.

I have been re-writing the storyboards several times in these past few days.

And I might change it several times more, so please be patient if I was late in updating a new chapter.

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