
MARVEL: Killswitch's Origin

My name is Edward Kavka. Well, that's the only name that I remember after i was born... or reborn I guess? Yep, I think I reincarnated because I still remember my past life though I don't really know who i was and what led me to this world. Finally, after living for years in this world I know that I was born in a unique world. Marvel Cinematic Universe. "Hey kid." Hmmm... but wait... if this is MCU why is there a board written with "Welcome to Raccoon City: Home of Umbrella"? "Oi!" Is this really MCU that I know? "HEY! Do you hear me!?" Startled I looked back only to see a man looking at me from his car. "Huh? Ah... I'm sorry, I just spaced out." Curious the beardy man then asked, "Are you okay? Need a ride?" "Ahh, thank you. I happen to lost my family at the gas station before. I think I walked too far.", I said while pretending to be sad. The man looked concerned after seeing my haggard clothing and bag. After getting in to the car I asked, "My name is Edward. Edward Kavka. What's yours, kind sir?" After thinking for a while he answered, "John. John Wick" What the f@€k!! Is this really MCU?!

NightHowl · Movies
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115 Chs

Farewell and Rewards

Inside one of the buildings near the Eiffel Tower, I was gazing at the busy soldiers moving back and forth from the 3rd floor. They seemed to be doing some cleaning and looking for any survivors that were left. Although the genmas were no more, their work wouldn't end until the city could stand on their feet again.

I put my chin on the window sill while scrolling at the system's notification.

<Emergency Quest - Survive the Demise of Paris>

<Any creature that is as deemed part of the quest will grant experience to the user>

<Reward = One item and one special ability.>

<Optional Objective 1 - Find out the culprit of this situation and his primary goal>

<Optional Objective 2 - Stop the perpetrator from fulfilling his goal>

<Quest Cleared - 100%>

<Please check your reward in the mailbox>

The quest was done and the reward was given, though I haven't checked the mailbox yet. Why? Well, it was because of that...

"What do you mean you will take him?" Dante seemed to have issues with The Ancient One during my disappearance. They mostly debating about me.

"I don't mean it like that, it was merely an offer. Whether he takes it or not, it was up to him."

And sometimes it event escalated into something else.

"It was Wong's birthday! Why was it bad to bring him to a strip club?"

"It was a gay strip club! Now that poor guy was left scarred for his life."

I just sighed, "you two need to stop now. And you Dante, why are you suddenly getting hot-headed?"

"I'm not being hot-headed..." Dante wanted to protest more at me but he stopped and faced the Ancient One again. "Okay, fine. But if he refused, you will put a stop to any of your schemes."

The Ancient One also sighed, she seemed to have a hard time against Dante's stubbornness. "So, what will be your answer, Edward?"

I scratched my head, thinking about her offer. Actually, it was tempting. She was known as the most powerful sorceress that earth currently has. On the edge of my vision, Dante was mouthing some words, "The... food... tasted... sucks..."

She noticed it and smacked his head, so hard, that he bowed down on the ground.

"I'm sorry, The Ancient One. But, I have to refuse your offer."

"May I know why?"

"If I go with you, it meant that I would be staying for a long time learning Mystic Arts. I still have my family, and I don't think I will be fit as your disciple."

The Sorceress Supreme wasn't disappointed nor she felt anything with my decision, she half expected it to be so. "Well then, I will say goodbye to you for now. And also although you already denied my invitation, Kamar-Taj will always be open for you. May we meet in a more peaceful time."

She rotates her hand on the air and an oval fireworks-like portal was spawned in the room. Before she went in, she bowed her head slowly toward me.

"Huh? Wait a minute, what about my payment?" Dante panicked but she only smiled at him and went through the portal. Dante was speechless and suddenly shouted toward the ceiling, "Goddamn it, old woman! Give me my money!"

He flopped on the ground while murmuring, "Lady will kill me. I haven't paid the electricity bill, yet. My ice cream collection also gonna melt."

Now, I understand how broke his store is. I just tapped his back in a soothing rhythm. To distract him from his own misery, I ask him, "You seem to be close with her, how did you meet?"

"Who? The Ancient One? She took us in, me and my brother, under her tutelage when we were a kid. But, you heard her earlier right?"

He got up and sat near the window, watching the mini soldiers doing their jobs.

"Yeah, I'm sorry about your mother..."

"I know... it's okay. Well, she taught us several things, but I didn't really fit with her teachings. My brother was gifted though, but for some reason, he went missing a few years after."

"So, what are you going to do now?

He just raised his shoulders, "What else? Its time to part I guess. I need to hide from my colleagues for a week, at least."

"Good luck with that." I chuckled on his answer.

Meanwhile, I whispered Regina about the Client Listing ability that I had.

[You can just give him your name card, Sir. Anyone who accepts it will automatically be listed on your List. However, you can't forcefully give the name card. If the client was unwilling, he/she wouldn't be listed.]

Faking, I reached into my pocket and pull out a golden card. In it was my mercenary name, Killswitch. No phone number, no address, or code. Just a single name.


Dante looked at the golden card on my hand. "What's this?"

"In case you need some help with works."

"Don't get cocky, kid. I won't share my payment." He observed the card, back and forth. Under the light and under the shadow. "Only name? How am I gonna call you?"

I reassured him, "You'll know when the time comes."

Regina told me that whenever the client would be in need of help. There will be a notification on the Mercenary Board, where every client's request will be listed for the taking. And when you accept it, the system will help me contact the client automatically.

Not long after, he left while bidding me a farewell. I was shocked by the way he left, he could also make the same portal as the Ancient One did. Damn, now I kinda regret not taking her offer. Ahh well, let's just stick on my main ability for now.

"Regina, are we alone now?"

[Yes, Sir. Although I couldn't detect normal human's whereabouts, there's no powerful being in the vicinity.]

Well, that's enough.

"Open the mailbox."

There is a bunch of listed mail. I took my time and just start from the bottom one. It was the reward from the Main Quest.

<Congratulations! On completing the quest. Please take your reward>

<One Random Special Ability>

<One Random Equipment or Item>

As it was my first quest, I was very excited about finding out what the reward was. My finger was trembling. The word random was wrecking my nerves.

'Please don't be trash. Please don't be trash.'

I keep repeating it inside my head. When my finger touched the sentence a new notification popped.

<New Special Ability: Stealth>

<New Equipment: Oni Gauntlet - Limbo>

Hell yeah! A stealth ability at the start of the game? And an Oni Gauntlet!? I was so excited and immediately read the explanation of both of them.


<An ability to merge with shadows and out of others' vision. Could only be detected with higher-ranked detection ability than the current Stealth's rank.>


<Oni Gauntlet - Limbo>

<A gauntlet forged by the Oni Clan for the warriors that fought against evil. Limbo will give the chosen user, the ability to use Dragon Orbs as a weapon. The User could also absorb Genma souls to strengthen the Orb and the Gauntlet itself.>

<Bonus reward: Dragon Orb - Blackbeard>

<A weapon that resembled sawed-off double-barrel shotgun. It has the element of darkness which allows the bullet to disintegrate the parts it hit>

<Blackbeard's ability - Dark Blast>

<Grant an explosive effect when used>


There are dragon orbs that take firearm's shape?

A bright white glow covered my right wrist. There was a white bracelet hanging on my wrist. It wasn't that big, the width itself was around 3cm, it was round-shaped like Xiaoyu's bracelet from the Tekken series.

It was in its inactive form. To activate it, I just need to think about it. Another bright glow shone, but now it covered my whole right forearm. It looked like Samanosuke's gauntlet, except the dragon eye on the back of the palm was white in color with a black pupil and the whole gauntlet were colored in shiny black.

I summoned Blackbeard. It looked sleek and had the same length as an adult forearm. It was also black in color with white runes glittering its barrel. On the extra explanation parts, it was written that I could use either normal bullets or form energy bullets with my mental power. While the former was more efficient as I need to save mental power, the latter was far more powerful.

I put them all aside for now and checked the next content.

<Reward for Optional Quests>

<100 Small MP (Mental Power) Potion>

<Restore 20% of users MP (Mental Power) capacity>


<Hell's Chameleon Hooded Trenchcoat>

<Durability = 100/100>

<Grants moderate resistance to physical, fire, and dark element damage. It has the ability to change color in any way the user wanted to.>

A piece of equipment that already had effects? That was the first time for me. I thought I could only rely on my Main Ability to grant effect to items. And also, there's potion? Just what I needed the most. I can't just keep passing out at the important moment.

Finally, the last content on the mailbox. After I pressed it there's a notification popped on.

<Congratulations on clearing the Main Quest with 100%>

<Grants a chance to get an absolute answer of one question>

'Huh? That was a bit underwhelming.' I was left confused by the unexpected rewards. One does the system wants me to do? Just ask a random question?

"Regina, what does that mean?"

[It's just like the description said, Sir. The system will give you an answer to anything you asked.]

Anything? Can I ask what the lottery number that would come out? Or ask when I will have a... a girlfriend? Hey, don't judge guys. I know most of you don't have anyone yet. {Author = FeelsBadMan}


[Yes, Sir]

"Like ANYthing-anything? Or anyTHING-anything?"


"Okay, then I'll use this chance to ask who reincarnated me to this world."


Both the system and Regina stayed silent without an answer. They said I could ask anything, but why they didn't answer immediately? I keep waiting until finally, I couldn't bear the silence anymore. When I wanted to say something, it happens, a notification from the system popped up with the answer.

<The One-Above-All>

No thoughts for today, my fever has been better at least.

See you next time.

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