
MARVEL: Killswitch's Origin

My name is Edward Kavka. Well, that's the only name that I remember after i was born... or reborn I guess? Yep, I think I reincarnated because I still remember my past life though I don't really know who i was and what led me to this world. Finally, after living for years in this world I know that I was born in a unique world. Marvel Cinematic Universe. "Hey kid." Hmmm... but wait... if this is MCU why is there a board written with "Welcome to Raccoon City: Home of Umbrella"? "Oi!" Is this really MCU that I know? "HEY! Do you hear me!?" Startled I looked back only to see a man looking at me from his car. "Huh? Ah... I'm sorry, I just spaced out." Curious the beardy man then asked, "Are you okay? Need a ride?" "Ahh, thank you. I happen to lost my family at the gas station before. I think I walked too far.", I said while pretending to be sad. The man looked concerned after seeing my haggard clothing and bag. After getting in to the car I asked, "My name is Edward. Edward Kavka. What's yours, kind sir?" After thinking for a while he answered, "John. John Wick" What the f@€k!! Is this really MCU?!

NightHowl · Movies
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115 Chs

A Foolish Warrior

Outskirts of Paris, 5:30 PM.

A dozen military trucks were driving on a freeway. On each truck, around 20 men or so, sat face to face at the rear seats. While some of them were inspecting their gun, some could be seen reading the bible, others just closed their eyes, snoozing with the rhythm of the engine and another was looking at the landscape outside. They were the Umbrella Biohazard Countermeasure Service.

U.B.C.S. was a private military force owned by the Umbrella Corporation, specializing in rescue operations during biohazard outbreaks or any similar accidents. In total, 6 platoons with a total number of 200 men were deployed in this operation.

One of the Captains of the platoon was Mikhail Viktor, along with Nikolai Zinoviev, one of the current squad leaders for this operation was tasked to collect or gather samples from the mysterious being that was attacking Paris right now. Since they weren't involved in this accident, they didn't have to hide this objective from the rest of the team members, unlike the accident that happened at Raccoon City in the game. Everyone that was sitting here knew what they will be doing, including Carlos Oliveira who was wiping his assault rifle.

Carlos Oliveira was the youngest member of the organization. Along with his friend, he joined the forces not long ago. With a rank of corporal, he was tasked to lead a squad acting as rearguard for Mikhail's group. The mission this time was given under the pretense of testing his capability and loyalty.

Mikhail turned on his radio and started speaking, "Attention, men. The mission this time was crucial for the development of our company, you are not allowed in any kind of situation or condition to not follow orders given by your superiors." He paused for a while and continued, "Anyone that refused will be executed in place. The importance of this mission was not a joking matter. You accepted the mission, knowing the risks and consequences. I will be hoping for your best attitude."

Looking at the solemn expression of his subordinates in this truck, Mikhail then glanced at Nikolai and gave him a nod to start the briefing, "Our mission was to gather any type of samples as much as possible, humanoid creature or non-humanoid creature, whether it is complete or incomplete. However, our groups will enter the western districts and from there we will try to explore deeper into the center of Paris."

Every platoon had a different Captains leading them. Although they have the same mission, their territory will be different from each other. Mikhail's squadron was unlucky as they were chosen to move deeper inside Paris.

He paused to let the platoon members digest this information. Some of them wore a grim face, although they already expected it, hearing it from their own superior still made them shudder. Everyone knew what was waiting for them inside that place.

"The headquarter had already informed us that there is a huge activity around the Eiffel tower, with a possibility that a higher form of the creature was roaming around it. If there is a possibility that we could get the samples from there, the mission would be deemed as successful. We will get out of there ASAP after we get our hands on it. Are you clear?"


"Good. We will arrive in 30 minutes."



Ranmaru and Marcellus slashed downward at the same time, but their swords were blocked by Rebellion, Dante's sword. The ground where we stood cracked from the clash.

I kicked Ranmaru on the abdomen and sent him a few meters back, and pulled the trigger on both of my handguns. He slashed each incoming bullets in half, not giving me any chance to cause any further damage. I reloaded and switched the gun on my left hand with a reinforced combat knife, adapting to melee.

Behind me, Dante was sending multiple attacks using both his gun and sword, but most of it was blocked with Marcellus's round shield. Seeing how slow the battle was going, we need a new plan.


Ranmaru was fuming in rage. Clearly, he was stronger than Edward in speed, power, or battle experience, but no matter what he did the kid always had a way to block or counter it. He was deemed as the number one genius samurai of the younger generation that served the Oda Clan.

Even when he was still a human, he could fight the Oni powered Samanosuke on even ground by using his swordplay. As a Genma, he should be stronger than his previous self, but it didn't. When he fought Samanosuke earlier, although Ranmaru could last longer and even wound him badly, he still couldn't win. He was forced to flee the battle and recover.

A thought eventually circled his mind, "Did I made a mistake? Wasreviving me a waste of effort?"

His loyalty to his Lord subconsciously forced his mind to always obey anything that Nobunaga wants him to do. For him, Nobunaga was a God. A true being that was destined to rule the world, and he will be his messiah. He won't let some twig trip him on his way to do greatness.

That's why, he let himself loose, to let the Genma power take control of himself, to complete his evolution.


Something's wrong, Ranmaru didn't move from his place.

[Be careful, Sir. A strange power was consuming his mind. There is a possibility that the Genma core was germinating.]

Now that I think about it, I just realized that the Ranmaru in front of me still retains his body after reviving which was weird, because in the game when he faced Samanosuke the second time, he should already have the Genma physique.

"No way... He still didn't use his new power, yet!?"

If I let him to completely change into his Genma form, there will be no chance that I could handle him.

Shit! Now's not the time to keep thinking.

I took out the sniper rifle and started shooting. I even reinforced the bullets.

Bang! Kacha. Bang! Kacha. Bang!...

The first and second shot dig a hole on his shoulder and chest, but when the third shot was fired, the bullet stopped in front of as if it just hit a solid wall. It still spinning and trembling and suddenly a violent whirlwind with him as the center blew everything around him.

I had to cover my face and crouched on the ground. The wind's intensity was too much to bear.

Dante that was still fighting with Marcellus, paused, and looked back. Alas, because of this he got smashed by Marcellus's shield and flew toward the building on the side of the road. The wall crumbled on him but he blasted it away with a simple hand swipe and kept looking at the whirlwind.

"What the hell is happening over there?"

Marcellus also stopped and didn't chase Dante, he glanced and sighed, "One more warrior fell into the abyss. What a pity."


Ranmaru's clothing was ripped apart revealing a pale white skin, resembling a dead man. His flesh ripped apart revealing the red muscles for the world to see. His chest, shoulder, and arms turned into a dark grotesque plate armor. The sword in his hand floated and then was absorbed into his chest. A pair of gauntlet appeared to decorate both of his arms.

The whirlwind stopped. Ranmaru stood silently in his place. In my mind, every single scenario was flashing nonstop. Did he succeed? If he did, how far was it? What should I do? Should I flee? Should I fight?

Ranmaru then swung his arm, a pair of yellow double-edged blade emerged from the gauntlets. He opened both of his eyes... no, it was three, there was another eye on his forehead, all three of it was glowing like a yellow sun. Then he vanished...

The world that I saw suddenly tilted and moved so fast. I was kicked and my body flew so fast, that everything around me blurred.


The first thing I felt was the pain around my rib. It seemed some of it broke from that single encounter. Before my body reached the ground, Ranmaru vanished again.

With the blade on his left arm, he scooped my shoulder, holding my body from touching the ground. He pulled his arm back and whispered close to my ear, "where's your trick now, imp?" whispered Ranmaru.

However, he didn't wait for my answer and retracted the blade in making my body float for a few milliseconds. With the now free hand, he smashed my head to the solid asphalt.


The ground cracked.

Dante helplessly watched everything without doing anything. Correction. He couldn't do anything as it happened in less than 3 seconds. He rose and sprinted forward while shooting Ebony and Ivory rapidly like a machine gun. But, Ranmaru only needs to wave his blade several times to block the bullets. Even though every bullet aiming at his chest was blocked, Ranmaru couldn't do the same with those that moving toward the other body parts like neck, leg, arms, or abdomen. They were 50 meters apart from each other, Dante must run faster to be of some help.


However, Dante's sprints were interrupted, his body flew again toward another building. Marcellus of course wouldn't stand still, he smashed him with his round shield.

After being shot several times, Ranmaru looked down at me again while saying, "That hurts. Now, how many times should I torture you?"

However, there was nothing except two hand-grenades.

Boom! Boom!

"With that, make it three. Wow, you keep falling for the same tricks."

I followed with another two shots with a sniper. Ranmaru's body spun from the velocity of the bullets.

[Do you need help, Sir?], said Regina offering help.

"Do you think I could win? Just tell me what his weakness." I was annoyed. If you could help, shouldn't you say so from earlier?

[You need to destroy his Genma core, Sir. From his behavior earlier, I suspect that the core was around his chest. The energy can also show that huge energy was being transported from the chest area.]

Great, now, what should we do with that information? Should I do that?

"Regina, the thing that you said earlier about one of the functions of reinforcement, can I do it now?"

Regina paused for a while, [you have passed the normal human barrier. Yes, you can, Sir.]

"How many times could I use reinforce?"

[Enough for a clip of FAMAS, Sir]

Then, let's do it.

The smokes were blown away, Ranmaru appeared to be fine. "It's useless, imp. No matter what trick you have, it will all be useless in front of me."

"Then, wanna make a bet?" I held my rib that was being healed slowly by my regeneration. "I'll say, that you will be blown away by my last trick."

"Hooh, your confidence will be the end of you, imp."

"So will yours."

Ranmaru was fuming with anger. In his rage, he howled, "How dare a weak imp-like you belittle the magnificent me!! With this power, I will conquer all of the worlds and give it to my one and only Great Lord!"

And then he vanished again...

Gotcha...! FLOW MOTION!

The world suddenly turned to a stop. The falling dust, the genmas far away, the wind, everything stood almost to a still. On my vision was a single blade aiming toward my forehead. Ranmaru is a stabbing form was moving very slow, like a slug.

I switched the sniper with a FAMAS assault rifle. Focused Reinforce - Speed!

One of the functions of reinforcement was Focused Reinforce. Using it I could focus one single buff into any item. I could choose either to focus on power, speed, hardness, anything. And its effect was far stronger than the normal buff.

Every single bullet inside the clip was given a speed buff to let it flow normally under a slowed world. I didn't want to waste the time, all I did was just to pull the trigger.


The barrage of bullets bore a huge hole on Ranmaru's chest, but his expression was still the same. There was a yellow light glowing from inside the hole. However, I haven't finished yet. Great tricks need an explosive twist! And by that, I mean a lot of explosives.

Every single grenade in my pocket was taken out, in total, there was around 12 or 13 of it hanging inside the chest's hole.

I turned around and started running. although I already took out the safety pin, the grenades would need time to trigger. But I already calculate it, there was one more bullet inside the gun and use it to blow them.

As soon as the time started flowing normally, a huge explosion among the explosion lightens the dark atmosphere of Paris. The reinforced grenade was truly living its expectation... ah, I mean explosion... ah, whatever.

Kaboom! Boom! Boom! Boom!....

The explosion sent another whirlwind around the area. Marcelle was shocked by this event. He saw Ranmaru charging over but it was followed by a series of explosion and then his confusion was broken by laughter.

"Haha...hahahahahahaha, the kid did it. He actually did it." Dante walked from the rubbles while dusting his dirty clothing. He then continued, "It seems I also have to end this battle. Thanks for everything big guy."

Marcelle thought nothing of the guy in front of him. He still thought that both of them were equal in power. Oh boy, never had he ever been so wrong.

"Devil Trigger!"

Sorry I got caught up in reading a novel, so it was a bit late to post my own novel.

I'll be posting the other chapters tomorrow since I haven't review it yet.

Thank you!!

NightHowlcreators' thoughts