
MARVEL: Journey Beyond the Multiverse

Mc Suddenly found himself in the world of Sakaar, with no recollections of who or what he is. Witness the journey of the Mc beyond the multiverse. Jumping from world to world, and from one universe to another. Will he get the answers he's been looking for? and finally find where he belongs?

popyStyko · Movies
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2 Chs

[Chapter 2]

I found a lot of good loots from the guy I killed earlier, I got myself a weapon, clothes, a weird chip thingy, and a weird remote?

: 'meh, I'm just gotta ask the other guy later'

: 'I should probably cut these clothes, it's too big for me'

After a lot of fixing, I managed to make the clothes fit.

: 'well good enough, I guess'

: 'now, let's hunt some bitches~'

=10 minutes later=

((Weirdo Cannibal POV))

Hmm? Brother sure is taking his time hunting the food, Maybe he's still playing with it?

: 'That idiot! I'm here fixing this damn ship and he's just having a good time?! I shouldn't have asked him to do it if it wasn't for the fact that the ship needs repair and the only capable one to fix it was me.'

: 'ugh, I hate repairing!'

=2 minutes later=

: "And done!"

: 'Finally, the ship is fixed! time to call my brother back, I hope he brings the delicious fresh food, hehe~'

*rustle* rustle*

: 'hmm? what's that sudden noise? is brother back?'

I turned around and what brought my sight shocked me, literally.

The food that we were hunting earlier had a fricking zapper in its hands.

: 'f-fuck he shot my chest'

I started to convulse as the pain started to spread throughout my body.

: 'A little weakling like you?!?'

: "Thanks for fixing the ship for me," grinned the tiny creature.

: "c-curse you! l-little g-goblin-"

those were my last words as my sight faded, embracing the fact that my life was about to end, and letting the darkness take me away.

taking my last breath.

: 'ah~ death is truly welcoming'

((MC POV))

: 'hehe, time to get some loots, baby!'

: 'hmm, another zapper gun? well the more the merrier I guess'

: 'I should probably use the ship too'

: "hmm, but I don't know how to drive a ship" I muttered.

: "oh! I can help you with that!" A voice rang in my ear and a lady with a beer bottle suddenly appeared behind me.

: 'w-what?! I didn't even notice her presence!'

: "w-who are you?!" I asked her (more like threatened) as I pointed the two zapper guns toward her.

The lady has chocolate skin like mine and white line tattoos on her face.

: "woah~ calm down little guy, I'm just a passing scrapper" she half-assingly answered.

: 'is she drunk?'

: "s-scrapper?! what's that and what are you doing here?!"

: "well~ it caught my attention when I found an unregistered life form in my tracker and decided to check it out, you don't seem to be a Sakaraan~"

: "no, I'm not"

I put down the zapper. She seems like a good lady, I hope.

: "hmmm~ are you a fighter perhaps? A space creature which deceives its prey using a tiny body as a lure?" she quietly analyzed me, which is loud enough for me to hear her.

: "I'm not a space monster alright?!" I yelled ticked off.

: "then~ care to explain how you manage to kill not one but two scrappers?~," she said in an intimidating tone.

: "well I shot them with these zapper thingies, are you blind? or are you stupid?" is what I would like to say, but considering the situation right now, I don't think I have the advantage right now, and I think I shouldn't make an enemy out of this weird lady, call it an instinct.

: "w-well I used this zapper" I answered honestly

: "m-hm~ and what about the other body a few meters away from here?"

: "I used a rod"

: "uh-huh, so you're saying that you didn't just manage to survive an encounter with a scrapper but you somehow manage to kill both of them too, one which you used a METAL rod, big enough to make an average adult Sakaraan kneel to their fucking knees trying to carry that, and thrust it into his head."

: ". . ."

: 'I'm speechless, I'm that strong?! wait, wait, wait. . . maybe they're just weak? maybe?'

: 'considering that I have a body of a child, have no recollections whatsoever, and the unfamiliarity with the things (common sense too) in this world, maybe I came from another world! or Just like the weird lady's assumption earlier, maybe I'm a space creature or an alien! what am I?!!'

: "hey goblin! you still there?"

: "ah! y-yes, and don't call me goblin!"

: "haha alright" she giggled

: "am I in trouble? I mean. . . I just killed someone" I asked her

: "well, there's a law that killing scrappers are prohibited"

: "T-then, am I going to get locked up?!" I started to sweat

: "well the penalty for that crime is public execution, but don't worry, the one you killed wasn't a licensed scrapper"

: ". . .and mostly, the council don't give a shit about something like that as long as the one who died isn't a licensed scrapper"

: "Is that the only thing you want to ask? if that's the case then I'm going" She said as she suddenly walked back towards a large cool looking spaceship.

: "w-wait! can I come with you?" I asked her hoping she would help me

: ". . ." she didn't say anything and only looked at me.

: "please"

: ". . ."

: "please" I begged again but now with puppy eyes.

: "ugh!" she suddenly face-palmed herself

: "I'm seriously gonna regret this" She grumbled quietly, which was weird cause I can hear her despite the long distance.

: "*sigh* come on," she said in a defeated tone.

: "yay!" I jumped inside her ship happily.

Little did I know that because of this, I will be involved in a pretty interesting event that will take place in the future.



Brunnhilde/Scrapper 142

: An Asgardian and also a Valkyrie

: She resided on Sakaar as a bounty hunter designated Scrapper 142 after her defeat at the hands of Hela.

Valkyrie: shield-maidens who swore to defend the throne of Asgard.

“Never lose hope. Storms make people stronger and never last forever.”

― Roy T. Bennett

popyStykocreators' thoughts