
MARVEL: Journey Beyond the Multiverse

Mc Suddenly found himself in the world of Sakaar, with no recollections of who or what he is. Witness the journey of the Mc beyond the multiverse. Jumping from world to world, and from one universe to another. Will he get the answers he's been looking for? and finally find where he belongs?

popyStyko · Movies
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2 Chs

[Chapter 1]

You should first watch the 'Thor Ragnarok' movie if u want to understand the first arc :D


[Somewhere in the depths of the universe]



A naked young boy could be seen falling from a wormhole towards a scrap-like island full of scraps and space waste. The boy lands on top of a metal-formed mountain, ordinary humans would've died from that fall but oddly enough, this boy didn't even get a single bruise, only a few scratches here and there.

He looks around the age of 3-4 years old, with black curly hair and chocolate skin.

The boy opened his eyelids revealing his fiery red eyes, he slowly got up and looked around.

"where am I?"

{image here}

((MC POV))

"where am I?"

'Ugh! my body hurts, did I fall? What the hell? where is this place? and what the hell are those?! Are those spaceships?!! there are a lot of wormholes in the sky too!! WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING??!'


"wh-who am I?"

'Shit! I can't remember anything, my name, where I came from, what the hell happened to me?!'

'Okay, okay, let's calm down and assess our situation first.'

=2 minutes later=

'So according to my assessment, I am currently a child physically, Woke up in an unknown and strange place, and currently have amnesia. I said physically a child because I don't even know if I'm a normal kid. '

As I try to remember anything about my past, a spaceship landed in front of me and 2 strange people with what seemed to be a gun suddenly came out of it which brought my attention.

: 'are they humans? maybe they can help me!'

but this hope shattered the second those guys started talking.

: "hehe, this one's gonna be an easy catch brother!"

: "you're right! it's not common for snacks to just show themselves hehe!"

: 'are they calling me a snack? are they pedophiles??! disgusting!'

: "get away from me, you disgusting pedophiles!"

: "pedophiles? what's that brother?"

: "I don't know brother, but if that made the food scared then it must be noteworthy!"

: "hehe, you can call us whatever you want so why don't you come here little food, you're gonna be our appetizer tonight," he said licking his lips.

: 'shit! they're cannibals!'

I quickly ran down the opposite side of the mountain and looked for somewhere to hide.

: 'Shit! shit! shit! shit!'

: "Brother, catch the food quick!"

: "hehe, you got it, brother!"

I ran and ran and ran, looking for somewhere to hide from those weirdos.

I didn't manage to find a good hiding spot as one of those weirdos earlier manage to follow and corner me.

: 'Shit! I just woke up, not remembering anything and now I'm gonna die?! HELL NO!!'

I picked up a metal rod from the ground and pointed it toward him.

: "get away from me!"

: "hehe, you're gonna be one tasty food~"

I started to panic and hyperventilate, but then suddenly a voice rang inside my head.

'Do you want to know who you are? Don't ask. Act! Action will delineate and define you!'

I started to calm down, somehow that managed to calm me down.

: 'Whose voice is that? No, Stop asking, Act!'

: "Action will delineate and define who I am" I muttered.

With determination, I charged toward him with the iron rod in my hand.

: "no-brain food! charging to me with that feeble metal when you can clearly see that I have a zapper, you must really want to die! hahaha!"

he laughed pointing his weapon towards me, ready to shoot.

: 'I just need to be fast enough to un-arm him and after that, I can just thrust this rod in his brain, that will probably do the trick!'

He started firing his gun which seems to shoot electric bolts.

: 'huh, Interesting'

I started to run in a zigzag pattern to confuse him, you're probably asking why I made such a common move, well earlier, I listened to their conversation intently and analyzed their expressions, and deducted their Intelligence and personalities. And from my observation, they're idiots, not much for the other one as I assume he's the leader, but this one, idiot to the core. . . . yeah I know, it's not enough for me to deduct their battle knowledge as I can assume that they have enough experiences to catch something like me.

And as a test, I charged toward him in a zigzag-like pattern, and analyze his reaction at the same time.

I plan to kill him if I can get past him, and retreat if there's no chance.

And I must say, I don't know if it's normal or not, but I feel like a child running this fast isn't common, I don't even feel tired.

Anyway, I analyzed his expression. I can see it, the madness, the bloodlust, he had already succumbed to his thirst for blood.

: 'perfect!'

I increased my speed and went under him, he didn't even have the time to react as I already kicked his weapon out of the way.

Using the iron rod in my hand, I quickly thrust it into the man's head, piercing his skull and his dumb brain.

: "ugh! there's blood all over me now!"

: 'I should take his clothes, I don't want walking around here naked'

I undressed the man and stole his clothes, I also stole his weapon hehe.

: 'Now, should I start hunting the other one~'


[A.N: Sakaar- Sakaar is an artificial trash planet created by the Grandmaster in the Tayo star system, and is surrounded by numerous wormholes that deposit space waste. Sakaar is the homeworld of the Sakaarans and many other species stranded on the planet from different parts of the cosmos.]

“When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.”

― Viktor E. Frankl

popyStykocreators' thoughts