
Marvel: Infinity

It's a common desire for people to want to experience transmigration at least once in their lifetime. -------------------------------------------- patreon.com/Abyssuit You can find up to 13 advanced chapters at my patreon I don't own anything https://book.qidian.com/info/1021018889/

Abyssuit · Anime & Comics
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317 Chs

Chapter 133: Cairo

The distance from the United States to Egypt was not short, but the ship's speed was so fast that they arrived in Cairo in less than half an hour.

"We arrived too early," Diana looked at the sky and sighed, "Max Lord is probably still in the air."

"It's okay, we'll wait for him."

Jack put away the spaceship and waved his hand. A classic Porsche 911 appeared on the road.

He walked forward and gentlemanly opened the car door, gesturing to Diana.

"Please, madam."

"Thank you."

Diana raised her chin, acted politely, and beautifully sat in the passenger seat.

Jack followed, got in the car, and started the car, speeding away.

As the current Ruler of the Egyptian government, Emir Said Bin Abydos's home was incredibly beautiful.

The mansion was built on the top of a mountain and occupied the entire mountain. He had a wide view of Cairo from his balcony, including the pyramids.

He couldn't just live by himself in such a big house. He had a team of well-trained security guards who wandered his area day and night to keep him safe.

Jack and Diana did not choose to force their way in. Diana said it would be disrespectful, so Jack had no choice but to choose Diana's plan.

Who knew they were stopped at the foot of the mountain.

"Do you understand Egyptian?" the guard asked.

Jack looked at Diana and the guard who came to ask, his face helpless. The guard had said a lot, but he didn't understand a word of it.

Diana nodded and spoke to the guard in a row of confusing words. Jack was confused, But all of a sudden, the guard gave them a salute and moved the roadblock.

"What did you say?" Jack asked.

"It was simple. I told him we had an appointment with his leader and hoped he would let us pass," Diana replied.

Jack was still doubtful, but he didn't want to ask more questions since Diana didn't seem willing to say more. They got in their car and left.

They encountered eight checkpoints on the way, each checkpoint without a problem. Jack was amazed that they were able to pass so easily. The guards at each checkpoint even stood at attention and saluted them as they drove by.

Jack became increasingly suspicious of what Diana had said to the guards.

Finally, they arrived at the mansion's front gate, and to Jack's surprise, Said Bin Abydo was waiting for them with a group of people. They even rolled out a red carpet for them.


Jack looked at Diana with a dazed expression and blinked his eyes. "You...couldn't be a pharaoh or something? Weren't you from Themyscira?"

"I just happen to know some ancient Egyptian pharaonic language."

Diana waved her hand lightly to tell Jack not to make a big deal out of it, but her smile showed how proud she was.

"Okay, then."

The two got out of the car, and Said Bin Abydo hurriedly ran over to greet them, his smile brighter than if he had seen his own mother.

He spoke an ancient Egyptian language as soon as they approached, causing Jack's head to be confused.

But Diana responded smoothly, and when the two finished talking, Said Bin Abydo quickly waved his hand, ordering his subordinates to leave, and personally led the two into his mansion.

Said Bin Abydo seemed to be intentionally showing off his mansion, introducing every single plant and tree in the mansion to the two of them. From time to time, he would look at Diana, seemingly hoping to hear a compliment from her.

Diana also did not hesitate with her praise and sometimes even made comments, causing Said Bin Abydo to laugh heartily.

The two chatted happily, but Jack felt left out because he couldn't understand a thing. Even Red Queen's system didn't have the ancient Egyptian language in its database, so he couldn't even use a translator. He could only watch the two of them talk like an idiot.

Soon, Said Bin Abydo took them to a balcony where they could see all of Cairo and three pyramids in the distance. A light wind blew, which took some of the heat away. The sun was still very hot in the morning.

A servant quickly brought over a sunshade, and under it was a table with some fresh fruits. In this place, these things were total riches.

Said Bin Abydo invited the two to take a seat, and only then did he seem to realize Jack's presence. He looked at him curiously and asked in English.

"I haven't asked for the name of this gentleman yet."

'Hehe, they finally remembered there was one more person here.'

Jack sneered privately but calmly replied, "Jack Wayne."

"Oh, Mr. Wayne, nice to meet you," Said Bin Abydo said, his eyes brightening.

He continued, "Speaking of Wayne, I know an American man named Wayne from Gotham City. He's a very interesting person."

Jack wasn't very interested in this. He guessed that the person Said Bin Abydo was talking about was probably Batman's father, who died young, Thomas Wayne.

He looked at Diana and asked.

"Did you tell him about Max Lord?"

"Max? Are you talking about Max Lord?"

Before she could answer, Said Bin Abydo interrupted.

"You're looking for him? What a coincidence, he's coming to visit me today. Why don't you wait for him?"

"That's perfect." Jack nodded. It was better to wait here than to run around blindly.

At this moment, a guard walked over and whispered a few words in Said Bin Abydo's ear.

He nodded and then looked at the two of them, "He's arrived, he's just down the mountain and will be here soon."

When Jack heard this, he frowned and looked at the ten guards around them.

He turned to Diana and said, "Let them leave. We don't know the full capabilities of Max Lord yet, and it wouldn't be wise to take action with so many people around."

"Good idea," Diana nodded in agreement.

She then spoke a few more sentences in ancient Egyptian to Said Bin Abydo, who felt slightly puzzled but didn't think much of it. He waved his hand, signaling for the guards to back off.

Just then, a guard appeared with a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes.

Jack looked over and immediately recognized him as the successful businessman he had seen at the party when he first arrived. Was this guy a villain? It seemed like he was now experiencing the events of Wonder Woman 2.

When Max Lord saw Jack, Diana, and especially Diana, his face changed instantly. Without hesitation, he turned around and ran away.



You can find up to 35 advance chapters at my patreon.