
Marvel: Infinity

It's a common desire for people to want to experience transmigration at least once in their lifetime. -------------------------------------------- patreon.com/Abyssuit You can find up to 13 advanced chapters at my patreon I don't own anything https://book.qidian.com/info/1021018889/

Abyssuit · Anime & Comics
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317 Chs

Chapter 132: Wish

"We need to go!"

Diana called out to Jack and ran toward Black Gold Cooperative. However, the road was filled with people and cars, and they couldn't drive their way through.

"Alright, you forced me to take action!"

In the end, a frustrated Jack jumped onto the roof of a nearby car, pulled out a classic Desert Eagle, and fired three shots into the sky.




Three gunshots, one after the other, could be heard all the way across the busy, noisy street.

After the gunshots, the street became very quiet. Jack was on top of the car, and almost everyone looked at him. The place went crazy when they saw the Desert Eagle dazzling in the sun.

People screamed and ran to both sides, wishing they had been born with two legs. Each person held their head and bent over, afraid of being noticed by Jack.

In less than five minutes, the earlier crowded street was empty, with only cars blocking the road. Jack put away his gun and said to Diana, who was looking at him helplessly, "Alright, we can go now."


Diana seemed like she wanted to say something, but in the end, she shook her head and led the way.

Without encountering any crowds, the two quickly arrived at Black Gold Cooperative. However, perhaps because of Jack's earlier shot, there was not a single person there. Documents were scattered all over the ground, showing that people had left quickly.

The two made their way to the second floor and found Max Lord's office. However, just like downstairs, it was empty, as if no one had been there for a long time.

All the objects in the office were covered with a thick layer of dust, and even the air was filled with small dust because of the door opening. Diana didn't mind this and walked straight into the office, only to find that Max Lord wasn't there, her face disappointed.

"We're too late!"

Without her saying, Jack already knew. He walked up to the desk and picked up a document, shaking off the dust on top and taking a look.

"Well, it doesn't look like Max Lord's company is doing too well. It's been losing money for a while now."

Jack put down the file and picked up another one, raising his eyebrows as he continued.

"But it's strange that there are countless job applicants. This is very unusual."

"Maybe it's related to this."

Diana, with her sharp eyes, spotted a metal ring on the desk and walked over to pick it up, analyzing it closely.

Yes, this metal ring was exactly what she was looking for on the crystal. The Latin inscription on it was still fresh in her memory.

Her expression suddenly changed as she noticed some inscriptions that resembled engravings on the inside of the metal ring. She was shocked and let go of it unconsciously.

The falling ring was caught by Jack, who looked at it and felt nothing special about it. Why did Diana react like that?

"The writing on this crystal is the language of the gods. This explains it all. That crystal is a creation of the gods!"

Diana's emotions were alarming. She glanced at the round ring in Jack's hand and suddenly went to the phone to call Barbara, asking her to find out where the crystal had been discovered.

"This language... well, I can't tell if it's a language at all."

Jack looked at the inscriptions inside the ring for a long time but still nothing. He felt that it was just gibberish.

He looked at Diana, who was still a bit alarmed, and furrowed his brow. "You look a little panicked."

Diana glanced at him and forced herself to calm down, slowly saying, "There are many strange things in this world. Some gods infused their divine power into these things to forge artifacts."

"My Lasso of Truth and Godkiller Sword is an example of artifacts. This crystal is the same. It possesses the greatest power. Max Lord cannot control this kind of power, We must stop him before he causes even bigger problems."

At this moment, a flash of inspiration came to Jack's mind as he looked at the dust around him and the ring in his hand.

He suddenly asked, "Diana, if you could make any wish without any conditions, what would you wish for?"

Diana looked at him blankly, clearly not understanding what he meant.

Jack ignored Diana's confusion and continued, "If it were me, I would probably wish for the ability to possess the same power as that crystal."

'Helping people fulfill their wishes.'

Jack has always believed that there's no such thing as a free lunch in this world. Dreamstone may be able to grant people's wishes, but there must be a price to pay.

The gods who created these things were definitely not doing it out of kindness.

If someone could help people fulfill their wishes while also receiving some kind of payment that they picked, then there must be someone out there doing it.

It is becoming a Dreamstone itself.

This explains why the ring that was originally attached to the Dreamstone is here while the stone is nowhere to be found. The surrounding dust and powder are probably the remains of the crystal.

'So, where would Max Lord, who now possesses this power, go?'

"There's an airline ticket."

At that moment, Diana picked up an airline ticket and a magazine from the ground.

"The Oil King?"

Jack looked at the magazine cover and then at the ticket, which had Cairo, Egypt, as the destination.

"A tycoon who has gained extraordinary power, where would he go?"

Jack and Diana looked at each other, and they both saw the answer in each other's eyes.

"When is the next flight to Cairo?"

"You don't have a passport, you can't go."

"Then I'll go myself."

Jack suddenly grinned and said. "I have my own private spaceship!"

[He took the Spaceship he had when he escaped on Supergiant]

"... Spaceship?"

"Yes! Spaceship!"

A few minutes later, a Spaceship flew off from the Black Gold Cooperative and disappeared into the sky.

"I have to say, you're really good at surprising people."

Looking at the scenery outside the window, Diana exclaimed, "This is the first time I've seen Earth from this angle."

The Spaceship passed through the clouds and almost left the atmosphere. From their view, they could see the huge Earth, the distant and burning sun, and the lonely moon orbiting around the Earth.

"Sometimes, life needs a little surprise to be perfect."

Sitting across from her, Jack smiled and continued to ask, "Speaking of which, I'm curious if you made a wish?"

"Oh, about that."

Diana smiled mysteriously, glanced at him teasingly, and said playfully.

"I'm not telling you!"



You can find up to 35 advance chapters at my patreon.