
Marvel: Infinite Possession

"Under the red moonlight, at the crossroads of the world, I will deliver a wonderful performance..." .... When Ryan wakes up in the unfamiliar yet familiar world of Marvel, he finds himself with a System which gives him character cards which gives him the ability to transform or gain ability of the said character. In short, this is a story of constantly changing bodies in the superhero world.

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332 Chs

MUP: Chapter 87. Imitation

"Don't be so sad, you'll join him soon."

As if the hatred wasn't deep enough, the Beast grinned and chuckled at Matt and the others.


With red eyes, Luke rushed toward the Beast with all his strength.

"You think too highly of yourself." Faced with Luke's incoming attack, the Beast's face revealed a mocking expression as he raised his hand and smashed a palm towards Luke Cage. His large body smashed through the second floor of the restaurant and landed on a table on the first floor, "Your so-called invulnerability is nothing in my eyes."

"Master Ip, how long?"

With two members of the Defenders losing their lives in the hands of the Beast. Danny raised his fist and asked Ryan, who was standing behind him.

"I need a little more time."

As he spoke, Ryan placed his hands together as if he was holding an invisible ball near his waist.

"Master Ip, what are you doing?"

A surprised look spread across Danny's face as he noticed Ryan's somewhat odd stance.

"Get out of the way!"

Too late to answer Danny's question, Ryan gritted his teeth and moved his hands with difficulty as he shouted toward Matt and the others in front of him.

Without Ryan needing to say anything, it was obvious to Matt, under the influence of his super senses, that an extraordinary force was beginning to gather behind him.

'Is this what Master Ip said? The power to turn defeat into victory? '

The fierce gale that kept rising behind them disorientated the three, and Jessica used her super strength to pull Matt and Danny back.

"Beast, try and catch this! Kamehameha~~!"

With Matt and the others getting out of the way, there were no more obstacles in front of Ryan. He gritted his teeth and controlled the raging power in his hands, shouting at the Beast in front of him.

Although he shouted Kamehameha, Ryan wasn't actually using the signature move from [Master Roshi].

Instead, it was an imitation, using the [Impact Dial] drawn earlier.

If people looked closely at Ryan's hands, they could see that there was a white conch shell on the palm of his hand, blowing out a violent gale.

There was a reason why he didn't use the [Master Roshi] card to send out a proper Kamehameha blow but used the [Impact Dial] instead.

First, [Master Roshi], as the only B-level card in Ryan's hand, was a card with a limited number of uses. Naturally, it couldn't be wasted on a battle between him and his clone. Secondly, Matt and the others didn't know what a real Kamehameha would look like anyway. So, he could just fool them with an [Impact Dial] and make it look like something more.

However, it was clear that Ryan had underestimated the power contained in the small [Impact Dial].

While gritting his teeth, trying hard to control the wind that started to emerge from his hands, Ryan started to recall the system's introduction for the [Impact Dial] -- they can be used to power small boats and can eject powerful kinetic energy.


The wind emanating from Ryan's hands filled the second floor of the Chinese restaurant. The Hand's ninjas and Madame Gao were stumbling around in the wind. The Beast was the only one who remained steady despite the fierce storm around him. The wind blew his suit around, but it couldn't move him even half a step.

Narrowing his eyes and looking at Ryan across the room, the Beast maniacally laughed and replied, "Fine, I'll see whether the Kamehameha you learned from Peng Lai's Elder Turtle is powerful or my Buddha's Palm is."

With that, the evil god raised his arm and formed a seal in front of his chest, while his other palm was raised high above his head. The sound of Buddhist chants rolled out, and countless symbols formed around his body with a vague golden Buddha image behind him with compassionate eyes, "Buddha's Palm. Third Form - Buddha Moves Mountains and Rivers!"

On the other side, the Beast had already set up his stance, so Ryan no longer had to suppress the power of the [Impact Dial] in his hands. He pushed his hands forward, and the huge power contained in the [Impact Dial] seemed to find an outlet at that moment and rushed towards The Beast in front of him.

Boom --

The Beast, who used Buddha's Palm, lasted only a few seconds before he was blown backwards and rolled away by the fierce force.

'Damn it. The Beast clone shouldn't have lost to this blow.'

After glancing at the shattered [Impact Dial] in his hand and then looking back up at the second floor of the restaurant in front of him, where the roof and walls were missing, this thought flashed through Ryan's mind.

Luckily, after checking the chakra in his body, the chakra maintaining the Beast hadn't disappeared, and the card hadn't returned to the system.

With that, Ryan breathed a sigh of relief.

On the other side, Jessica looked up at the part of the roof and walls of the restaurant that had disappeared in the blink of an eye and was almost speechless.

[Reputation points from Daredevil +340]

[Reputation points from Jessica Jones +525]

[Reputation points from Danny Rand +695]

After a long while, she opened her mouth and spoke to Ryan, "You had such a powerful move; why didn't you use it earlier? We didn't have to ..." Jessica didn't say the second part of her sentence, but the complaint in her words was obvious.

Needless to say, Ryan also knew the content of the second half of her sentence.

'We didn't have to lose Wesley and Luke.'

In response to Jessica's question, Ryan was prepared for it and staggered a little. He then fell heavily to the ground in a fit of physical exhaustion. He then ruthlessly bit his tongue to force some blood out, making himself look pale as if his body was drained.

"Master Ip!"

Seeing that, Danny quickly stepped forward and lifted him up, "Are you okay?!"

"Celestial Arts is all about destiny and innate talent. I lack the talent for it. Even after years of training, I can't reach Master Roshi's level. The Kamehameha I used is also a special method Master Roshi used to gather power inside my body. To draw this power out isn't an easy task; it consumes a lot of vital energy."

With a weak smile, Ryan opened his mouth to explain.

Jessica looked at Ryan with a defeated look on her face, and her original complaint turned into guilt, "I'm sorry, Master Ip. I didn't know."

"It's not your fault. At least we've defeated the Beast. I can finally go back to Peng Lai and give an explanation to the elders. "