
Marvel: Infinite Possession

"Under the red moonlight, at the crossroads of the world, I will deliver a wonderful performance..." .... When Ryan wakes up in the unfamiliar yet familiar world of Marvel, he finds himself with a System which gives him character cards which gives him the ability to transform or gain ability of the said character. In short, this is a story of constantly changing bodies in the superhero world.

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332 Chs

Chapter 326. Vampire Hunter (Part1)

"How does it feel to be a superhero, Power Man?"

Harlem's barbershop.

Pop was tidying up his barber tools while teasing Luke Cage, who was cleaning up inside the shop.

"Pop, I've told you before that nickname isn't that great." Faced with Pop's persistent teasing, Cage shook his head helplessly.

"To be honest," seeing Cage's reaction, Pop laughed and couldn't help but ask curiously, "I've never been able to understand it, Luke. You've already become a superhero, why are you still working here?"

"Superheroes still need to eat, Pop."

Perhaps because of his own experience, even though he had become a member of the Defenders, Cage still worked to maintain his original life.

"Besides being heroes, we still have our own lives to live."

Sweeping the hair off the floor and putting it into the garbage bag, Luke Cage replied in silence, "You can't expect us to save the world every day."

"Well, you're right."

Shrugging his shoulders, Pop looked convinced.

A smile appeared on Cage's face as he effortlessly lifted the garbage bag from the ground. "By the way, I have to go back early. Mrs. Connie told me several times that she's prepared authentic Chinese food for me to taste." Although he still maintained his normal lifestyle, Cage's current identity was no longer ordinary.

As a member of the Defenders, he had been working hard to protect the safety of Harlem and earned the recognition of most residents.

Among them was his landlady, Mrs. Connie.

Holding the garbage bag in his hand, Cage went to the garbage bin behind the barbershop.


Cage turned around, intending to leave, but the noise from the corner caught his attention.

Throwing away the garbage in his hand, Luke Cage looked at the dark corner and instinctively furrowed his brows, "Who's there?"


The other party didn't answer, but the noise kept coming.

This strange scene aroused Cage's vigilance. Without much hesitation, he relied on his invincible body and walked towards the corner with big strides.

As he approached, Cage finally confirmed the situation at the corner.

He saw a blurry figure facing him, bowing his head and doing something.

After confirming the situation, Cage breathed a sigh of relief, but his inner vigilance didn't let up too much. "Sir, what are you doing? You shouldn't be here."

Luke Cage spoke, but the figure in the corner still didn't react.

'Didn't he hear me?'

Faced with the unresponsive figure, Cage frowned and took a step closer to the corner.

However, in the next second, when he moved forward, the figure in the corner suddenly let out a hoarse roar. He turned around and pounced toward Cage.

It was also at this time that Cage finally saw the appearance of the figure clearly. It was a figure covered in wounds from head to toe; even his face was rotting and the eyes and nose weren't too clear, emitting a strong smell of decay.

Because the sudden attack from the figure and its appearance was too horrifying, even Cage couldn't react. As a result, he was scratched by the figure's claws.

"What happened, Luke!?"

Noticing the movement at the back door of the barbershop, Pop quickly ran out.

"It's nothing."

The attack of the figure tore Cage's shirt but couldn't harm his indestructible body.

Frowning, Cage grabbed the other party's neck and looked at Pop, saying, "Just a little trouble. It's a little dangerous, maybe you should step back."

"Hey, you think I'm a kid?"

Cage's persuasion displeased Pop. He raised his eyebrows and didn't follow his suggestion to leave. Instead, he leaned towards the corner and said, "When you were still drinking milk, I've been on the streets. I've been in more trouble than you've been dating kid."

As he spoke, Pop had already arrived at Cage's side. When he saw the figure in Cage's hand, his face froze, "Oh my God, what the hell is this?"

"I'm not sure, but obviously, he ain't human anymore."

The figure struggled with great strength, but compared to Cage's superhuman strength, there was still some gap. He looked down at the decaying figure in front of him, his eyebrows deeply furrowed.

The hand that grabbed the neck began to increase its strength, but the figure seemed to have no response and continued to launch a frenzied attack on him.

"That guy is an undead."

Just as Cage was puzzled by the situation in front of him, a deep voice suddenly rang out.

Then, a middle-aged man in a dusty brown coat appeared at the back door of the barbershop. The man had grayish-white hair, a determined expression, and a prominent scar on his weathered face.

"The infected vampires turn into monsters after infecting others. They rely on feeding on corpses to survive. Unless their bodies are completely crushed, they can still survive even if their bodies rot."

"An undead?"

Cage listened to the man's explanation with furrowed brows, then turned to look at the decaying figure in his hand, already believing the man about sixty to seventy percent.

However, he had doubts in his heart, "Who are you, and why do you know these things?"

"My name is Joseph Joestar. I'm a vampire hunter." In the face of Luke Cage's question, the man answered calmly.

[Reputation points from Luke Cage +155]

[Reputation points from Henry Hunter +45]

"A vampire hunter? Are you saying that vampires are real?"

The man who called himself a vampire hunter, Joseph Joestar, surprised Cage.

"Of course," Joseph nodded without hesitation. "The Undead that the big tall guy is holding is the best proof of vampires."

As he spoke, Joseph stepped forward to stand in front of Cage and raised an eyebrow as he looked at the undead being held, "To be honest, even though I've captured and killed countless vampires and infected undead, I've never seen anyone who could easily block an attack from an undead like you. While undead are far weaker than vampires in terms of strength and speed, they're still a terrifying existence for ordinary people."



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