
Marvel: Infinite Possession

"Under the red moonlight, at the crossroads of the world, I will deliver a wonderful performance..." .... When Ryan wakes up in the unfamiliar yet familiar world of Marvel, he finds himself with a System which gives him character cards which gives him the ability to transform or gain ability of the said character. In short, this is a story of constantly changing bodies in the superhero world.

BingeFics · Anime & Comics
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332 Chs

Chapter 156. Prison Break

"A prison break?"

In S.H.I.E.L.D., New York branch.

Natasha subconsciously raised her eyebrows when she heard the news from Fury, "How's that possible? Vanko doesn't have the ability or tools to escape from that prison."

From the previous battle, Natasha knew very well that after losing his armour, Ivan was just an ordinary person, and he didn't have the ability to escape from the Fridge alone. What's more, because of the previous incident, S.H.I.E.L.D. had placed him in a room that was even more heavily guarded than a normal cell.

"Justin Hammer?"

Frowning, Natasha thought of a possibility.

However, on the opposite side, Fury shook his head and dismissed her idea, "Because of the previous incident, Mr Hammer is in over his head. He doesn't want anything more to do with Vanko."

"So who was it?"

Seeing the only possibility refuted, Natasha was lost in thought.

According to S.H.I.E.L.D.'s investigation, Ivan's interpersonal relationships weren't that complicated, and there wouldn't be anyone who could break him out.

Unless there were forces behind this incident that S.H.I.E.L.D. didn't know.

"Maybe this could help."

Noticing the puzzled look on Natasha's face, Fury showed her the evidence he had obtained.

The evidence Fury revealed was camera footage from inside the prison cell.

Through the footage, Natasha saw a man in a white suit crash through the solid iron door of Ivan's cell. Ignoring the bullets from the guards, he took Ivan out of prison as if it was a walk in the park.

As an expert agent, Natasha was keenly aware that the bullets that hit the intruder didn't bounce off. Instead, they were absorbed into his body. The areas where the bullets hit turned silvery white with a metallic sheen for a short moment.

"Did you identify him?"

Shaking his head, Fury's expression looked serious, "We searched through every database S.H.I.E.L.D. has access to. We still don't know who he is."

"However, it's clear that he took Ivan Vanko out of prison for a reason. That means you have to inform Stark as soon as possible, Agent Romanoff. Warn him that there might be another attack from Mr Vanko."


After briefing Natasha about Ivan Vanko, Fury changed the subject and said, "By the way, has Mr Roshi woken up yet?"

"Not yet."

Hearing Fury's question, Natasha helplessly shrugged, "Nothing has changed. I asked Ip Man about it. He told me that, since Roshi is immortal, it's similar to hibernation; he won't wake up that easily. Normally, it would take a few months."

"A few months..."

[Reputation points from Nick Fury +70]

Pondering and muttering back what Natasha had said, Fury gained some more information and understanding about Peng Lai. At the same time, he was even more cautious.

Even though so far, Peng Lai had been on friendly terms with New York, Fury didn't forget that the other party had the power to destroy New York with ease.


"So, you're telling me that after all this time and continuous treatment, he still won't fully recover?"

In the hospital, Kingpin silently looked at Bullseye, who was still unconscious in the ward and questioned the doctor with a stony expression.

"I've... I've tried my best, but his injuries are too severe." Feeling the tremendous pressure from Kingpin, the doctor tried to defend himself, "The bones in his body are so thoroughly shattered that they cannot be fully repaired, even though surgery. I've operated on him over five times but still can't repair them all. Not to mention, the spinal ..."

"You mean..." Kingpin reached out a hand and picked up the doctor by the neck. He turned his head and looked the doctor straight in the face. The doctor had turned purple from the choke. Kingpin continued, "You made me waste my time waiting for a man who can't do anything anymore?"

"... I ... I've ... tried ... my best ..."

"No, you haven't."

Silently looking at the doctor, who was gripping his one arm with both hands, struggling for dear life, Kingpin coldly said so.

"Perhaps, he hasn't tried everything."

As the doctor in Kingpin's hand was about to die from asphyxiation, a cold, metallic voice rang out.


Listening to the meaning in the robot's words, Kingpin casually dropped the doctor in his hand and turned his head to look at the cold figure that had appeared in the middle of the ward.

Even though it was clear to him that the other party was just a robot, Kingpin still found it difficult to associate its appearance with a robot.

The more he did so, the warier he was of Jiu You's existence.

Collecting the thoughts in his mind, Kingpin asked in a low voice, "What other way is there? "

"A way to bring people back to life."

T-1000 replied with a blank expression, without the slightest rise and fall in its tone.

"Back to life?"

Repeating T-1000's words with a puzzled look, Kingpin's eyes flickered. He stared at T-1000 and asked, "What are you planning?"

"Doctor Chen has made arrangements."

Ignoring Kingpin's pressure, the T-1000 turned to one side and answered.

As its voice fell, Ivan Vanko appeared in front of Kingpin with a grin on his face.

The Russian physicist looked up at Kingpin's large figure and then looked at Bullseye, who was in a coma in the ward. Without looking back, he said, "That's the guy? "

"Yes." The T-1000 nodded its head.

"Tsk, tsk, looks like he would be perfect for remodelling."

Looking at Bullseye's appearance, Ivan spoke meaningfully.

Listening to what T-1000 and Ivan were talking about, Kingpin subconsciously frowned and asked in a heavy tone, "What are you going to do to Bullseye? "

Grinning with an ugly smile, Ivan Vanko chuckled and said, "Nothing much, just wanted to put some waste to good use. Let's see if I can get this guy back on his feet."

"Cough, cough, that's impossible," The doctor subconsciously retorted when he came back to his senses after almost losing his life, "He's beyond saving."

"Beyond saving to you. But let's not put your limits on me, I'm not using your methods."

When challenged, Ivan glanced back at the T-1000 behind him, thinking of the blueprints he got from it, and confidently responded.