
Marvel: Infinite Possession

"Under the red moonlight, at the crossroads of the world, I will deliver a wonderful performance..." .... When Ryan wakes up in the unfamiliar yet familiar world of Marvel, he finds himself with a System which gives him character cards which gives him the ability to transform or gain ability of the said character. In short, this is a story of constantly changing bodies in the superhero world.

BingeFics · Anime & Comics
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332 Chs

Chapter 152. Ki Blast.

Ivan's whipcord was wrapped in blinding white electricity and flew toward Tony like an electric snake.

If this hit landed, even if Tony was protected by his armour, it would still have been enough to make Tony suffer.

However, at this moment, a skinny figure appeared between the two.

Reaching out, he grabbed Ivan's whip. A violent electric current erupted from it, but it didn't seem to have any effect on the figure in front of him.


[Reputation points from Ivan Vanko +185]

[Reputation points from Tony Stark +75]

[Reputation points from Natasha Romanoff +60]

'Sure enough, as the impressions of the characters were established, there's no longer that shocking feeling for those who were familiar with them.'

Inside the antique shop, Ryan looked at the points that appeared in the system panel and pondered.

Obviously, both Tony and Natasha already knew Master Roshi's character to a certain extent. Therefore, it was impossible for them to be as easily impressed. Very different from Ivan, who met him for the first time.

In short, the more they saw him, the less they were shocked.

'Looks like I need to adjust the plans for the future. I can't rely on a single character to collect reputation points too often.'

In the antique shop, Ryan kept thinking about his plans, while on the other side, the fight with Ivan hadn't stopped.

Although Tony and Natasha would only provide lesser points from their initial encounter, Ivan was a new figure. Master Roshi was a complete stranger to him, so it was only natural for him to provide a lot more points.

With that in mind, Ryan took control of his clone. With a little effort from Master Roshi, he pulled on Ivan's whip and pulled the entire person and armour toward himself.

"How is this possible!"

[Reputation points from Ivan Vanko +210]

Seeing Master Roshi pulling himself and his armour with that skinny body, Ivan couldn't quell the shocked look on his face. Master Roshi's strength had gone far beyond his perceived definition of an old man.

At that moment, in his eyes, Master Roshi had gone from a skinny old man to a monster in human form.

Bang, bang, bang --

Ivan knew that if he came close to Master Roshi, he wouldn't end well. He could see that from the decommissioned robot armours around him. So, he quickly moved his own suit and started flying upwards with a fierce jet of flame from the soles of his feet.

"Not bad."

The current Master Roshi was, after all, only a clone with a quarter of the strength. He wasn't as strong as the original [Master Roshi] card.

Feeling the strength from his palms, the clone slightly smiled. He didn't want to bother with fighting Ivan any longer. Instead, he simply let go and allowed his opponent to leave his attack range.


Controlling the armour and flying into the air, Ivan looked down at Master Roshi, who was still on the ground. The rough face under the steel helmet looked slightly relieved.

However, in the next second, he saw that the place where the figure was standing before empty.


"Looking for me?"

Ivan didn't even have time to change his expression to shock when he heard a raspy, elderly voice from behind him.

Subconsciously turning his body, he saw Master Roshi, who was on the ground a moment ago, was now hovering in mid-air, looking at him with a smirk on his face.

[Reputation points from Ivan Vanko +300]

[Reputation points from Tony Stark +230]

[Reputation points from Natasha Romanoff +190]

Although the clone wasn't as powerful as the real Master Roshi, the clone who was acting as Master Roshi right now had some abilities that he didn't have.

The Sky Dance Technique, a unique move from the [Crane Style], was an ability that Master Roshi's [Turtle Style] didn't originally have.

"Immortals can fly?"

Looking up at the clone hovering in mid-air, Tony couldn't help but ask Natasha, who was standing beside him.

In previous battles, the immortal master had never displayed his ability to fly.

"I don't know." Natasha shook her head as she silently gazed at the figure in the air.

The new ability that Master Roshi had displayed reminded the S.H.I.E.L.D. agent of the mysterious Peng Lai behind him. Natasha clearly remembered Master Roshi had mentioned that he wasn't the only immortal.

"You can fly!?"

In mid-air, Ivan looked at Master Roshi and couldn't hide the surprised look on his face. After all, although he was also flying, he needed to rely on his armour. Instead, the person in front of him could fly with such ease without needing any help from technology.

"Of course."

Gently nodding, Ryan didn't force it and answered with a relaxed tone.

Ivan felt that his scientific education was challenged, "How is that possible?! Humans can't fly without help."

Master Roshi: "That's because I'm not an ordinary human, I'm an immortal."


[Reputation points from Ivan Vanko +245]

"Hmm, that's enough chatting." Collecting some points once again, Ryan looked at Ivan through the clone. He thought it was time to end the farce. The disturbance Ivan caused was big but apparently not much of a threat to Ryan.

He slightly rolled up his sleeves and looked at Ivan. He originally wanted to get rid of the other party with a Kamehameha, but when he gathered his hands, he seemed to think of something. He withdrew his Kamehameha gesture and instead switched to a one-handed open stance and cried out, "Kiai --"

As Master Roshi's voice dropped, white Ki from his palm converged into a powerful wave of light and struck Ivan.

Although the Ki Blast Cannon wasn't as powerful as Kamehameha and Tri-Beam, it was still a very powerful move and had the ability to increase its power based on the user's own strength.

Boom --

With the violent impact from the Ki Blast Cannon, Ivan, who had not leveraged in mid-air, was blown back to the ground as if he had been struck by a wrecking ball. The aftermath of the blast created a crater on the ground and left Ivan in the middle. His armour was shattered to pieces, scattered all over the place, looking like he had no life left in him.

[Reputation points from Ivan Vanko +1200]

[Reputation points from Tony Stark +200]

[Reputation points from Natasha Romanoff +150]