
Marvel: Infinite Personalities

MC ends up in the marvel world but with the ability to gain and switch to personality of fictional characters. Each switch of personality will give the MC all of that personality abilties and power levels but at the same time their attitudes. This leads to an confusing and interesting MC that changes the canon. _________ This is not mine, I'm just translating it and editing it. So, sorry for any mistakes. __________ Editing to make it readable and somewhat logical is hard, so please support the book. Thank you. _______ Eventhough the MC has a system, don't expect him to be able to defeat Thanos in the first two chapters.

Pitch_black · Anime & Comics
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71 Chs

Chapter: 70 Shocked Lorna!

  In order to prevent the situation from getting worse, Sonia, who had recovered, quickly explained to John in a low voice, and then John understood what was going on just now.

  It turned out that after Sonia sat down, she habitually planned to use her abilities to sense whether the three were malicious to them.

  She didn't expect to meet Betsy, a mutant who also has psychic abilities, and her psychic abilities are obviously much stronger than hers.

  Not only did she discover her detection, but she also gave her a small lesson.

  She suddenly hugged her head in pain just now, because Betsy's counterattack caused the ability to backfire.

  After listening to Sonia's explanation, John also realized that Sonia might really be unreasonable in this matter, because rashly using psychic abilities on others is an offensive behavior in itself.

  Although there is no law that prohibits the use of psychic abilities on others at will, there have been some established tacit understandings in the circle of mutants for a long time.

  For example, if you use psychic ability directly on others without their consent, it is basically equivalent to directly declaring war, and there is nothing to talk about.

   Betsy didn't turn around because of Sonya's unreasonable actions, but just gave her a small lesson, which was definitely merciful.

  In this case, his reaction just now was undoubtedly a bit ridiculous.

  "Sonia's actions just now are definitely not intended to offend, I apologize to everyone for her!" John, who realized that he had made a big joke, said a little embarrassedly.

  "Forget it, it's over."

  Betsy waved her hand casually, glanced at him lightly, and said, "However, if it wasn't for Dr. Raymond's house, you would have been dead by the way you talked to me just now."

  "And you, little girl..."

  When she said this, she looked at Lorna again, and showed a smile, "Next time if you want to shoot at someone, you will either kill with one strike, and don't put on a threatening posture like this again. , because doing so won't do anything except getting yourself killed!"

  Before the words fell, the nails in front of Betsy were suddenly wrapped in a translucent purple light, and pulled these nails to Lorna's eyes instantly!

  During this period, Lorna was shocked to find that her control over the nails was completely unable to stop the purple light from pulling the nails, and she could only let the nails hit her!

  Of course she knew what that meant...

  If this strange woman in front of her was really hostile to her just now, she could kill her in an instant, but she couldn't stop her even a little bit!

  "Okay, don't scare her." Raymond shook his head and chuckled.

  Betsy heard the words, and then smiled and dissipated the purple light, letting the nails fall to the ground.

  Lorna was still immersed in the panic brought about by that sense of powerlessness, and she couldn't come back to her senses for a long time.

  John, who saw this scene, was no better shocked than Lorna.

  Although the woman didn't really hit them hard, but through the brief confrontation just now, he could also understand how terrifying she was.

  It can completely suppress Lorna in the confrontation of abilities, making Lorna powerless to fight back, and also has a more powerful psychic ability than Sonia, what kind of terrifying strength is this?

  John has seen many mutants, but among the mutants he has seen, none of them seem to have the power of this woman.

  If she is hostile to them, she will be able to kill them all without any effort, not to mention that there is next to her Carl who makes him and Lorna helpless, and a person who just looks like a tank.

  Although John didn't know the Juggernaut, considering the fact that mutants were divided into groups, he didn't think that him, who could accompany Carl and Psylocke, would be a pushover.

  It was only now that he finally believed that these people were really not hostile to him and others.

  "Now that we're done saying hello, can we sit down properly?" Raymond gave them a step.

  After seeing the strength of  Betsy, how could John and the others dare to have any opinions? Even Lorna, who had just recovered, sat down honestly, and did not dare to mess around again.

  Seeing that these little guys finally stopped, Raymond shook his head and smiled, but he didn't care too much.

  It just played the role of the host and helped them introduce each other.

  With Raymond, the host, and Carl, the atmosphere quickly became harmonious.

  In particular, Clarice and Lorna quickly became acquainted with Betsy.

  However, this is not because of how approachable she is. People like Carl who are familiar with her know that this black queen always looks at people through nostrils.

  Even within the Hellfire Club, there are not many people who can let her down.

  The reason for this is that, on the one hand, she has a very high status in the Hellfire Club, and her strength is not simple. On the other hand, her background does make her qualified to be so proud.

  And she will put down her dignified air before Clarice and Lorna, of course, it's because these two little girls are the same kind of person as her to some extent.

  Lorna's ability, and her familiar aloof temperament, made it hard for Betsy not to associate her with the mutant underworld boss.

  Her real age is much older than she looks, and she is also an old acquaintance with Magneto, and has dealt with him many times.

  What's more, there is also a The Juggernaut between them who has a good relationship with both sides.

  If Lorna is really Magneto's daughter, even if it's not for Raymond's face, she won't embarrass her too much.

  Not to mention Clarice.

  Raymond is now in his own house, and he is still a psychopath with unfathomable strength. Clarice has such a brother, who would want to provoke her?

  For Clarice, having her brother, Raymond, is her biggest background.

  In general, whether it is Clarice or Lorna, they are all members of the 'clan with a man on it'.

  She saw her own shadow in them, and of course she lost her air.

  However, for the couple John and Sonia, she was not so approachable, and she never looked at the two of them in the first place.

  It's not just her, Carl is almost the same.

  It's just that Carl is not as self-willed as she is, at least on the surface, he has done enough.

  However, John is not a fool, and he soon saw the situation clearly, and the expression on his face became a little unnatural.

  Sonia keenly noticed her boyfriend's strangeness, held his hand, and asked him if he was okay with her eyes, but John, who was in a very bad mood, didn't want to respond at all.

  John's strange reaction, except Clarice and Lorna, the two little girls who didn't know much about the world, didn't notice, the rest of the people noticed.

  Raymond is no exception.

  But he didn't bother to pay attention to it, saying something bad, how could John want to keep his business behind.

  At this moment, the red tank suddenly stood up, turned his head to his side and said, "Walk with me?"


  Raymond saw that the Red Tank should have something to talk to himself alone, and he did not refuse.