
Marvel: Infinite Personalities

MC ends up in the marvel world but with the ability to gain and switch to personality of fictional characters. Each switch of personality will give the MC all of that personality abilties and power levels but at the same time their attitudes. This leads to an confusing and interesting MC that changes the canon. _________ This is not mine, I'm just translating it and editing it. So, sorry for any mistakes. __________ Editing to make it readable and somewhat logical is hard, so please support the book. Thank you. _______ Eventhough the MC has a system, don't expect him to be able to defeat Thanos in the first two chapters.

Pitch_black · Anime & Comics
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71 Chs

Chapter 38: Impossible Kill.

  [Desert Eagle], also known as the "Deagle", was basically known to everyone in America, a country where guns are legally allowed.

  Because of its extremely high appearance rate in various Hollywood film and television blockbusters, its popularity was also amazing. Many firearms enthusiasts have collected this most famous pistol.

  It is undeniable that the power of the Desert Eagle is basically the top in the various types of pistols.

  When it comes to powerful pistols, the first word that comes to many people's minds is Desert Eagle.

  However, its practical value is far less than its fame.

  The reason is simple.

  Although its power is great, its recoil is equally astonishing, and the weight of the gun body is much heavier than that of ordinary pistols. It is difficult for ordinary people to even use it.

  Probably only some specific groups of people can use it.

  That's not why Vincent's tone was so strange, though.

  The Desert Eagle may indeed be difficult for ordinary people to hold, but for the vast majority of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, it is nothing.

  Even if Raymond could use the Desert Eagle, he wouldn't be surprised.

  The problem is that the current test scene is a fixed-point attack and defense scene, and pistols are generally only suitable for street fights or hand-to-hand combat, and are not suitable for the current situation at all.

  At this time, Raymond assembled a desert eagle, which seemed to be completely nonsense.

  "Am I really thinking too much?" Vincent couldn't help muttering to himself.


  In the weapon room, 'Raymond' who  just finished assembling the desert eagle, had his lips moving slightly.

  He barely made a sound, but he did seem to be talking to himself.

  "Don't worry, how could I be defeated by that kind of stereotyped player... Accident? No, no, no, in front of the absolute gap, there has never been any accident..."

  'Raymond' had a confident smile on his face as he retrieved bullets from a shelf beside him.

  When he left the weapon room, the lef time was not too much, it was already one minute and fifty-seven seconds, and the door was about to be locked automatically in just three seconds.

  On the other side, Leonid had already left the weapons room and reached the commanding heights.

  Leonid, who was the first to prepare, quickly explored the high-tech equipment in the commanding heights area, and found some suitable gadgets at the fastest speed.

  When 'Raymond' entered the arena, Leonid's side was already fully prepared, just waiting for 'Raymond' to appear.

  He was confident that as long as 'Raymond' dared to take the lead, there would be no chance for him to attack, and he didn't need to keep defending.

  Offense is the best defense!

  As long as he can kill 'Raymond', this first defensive mission will be a success.

  Squatting behind a cover, Leonid, who was observing the surroundings through a small piece of equipment, thought with a sneer, "Although I don't know where you got the confidence to think that you can compete with me, the result has long been..."

  Bang! ! !

  With a huge force on the top of his head that came from nowhere, he pressed his whole body down, and a metal collision sound came from his ear, which made his head dizzy!

  what happened?!

  This sudden situation directly confused Leonid!

  Before he could figure out the situation, the loudspeaker of the base suddenly sounded a mechanized announcement: "Agent Leonid has been killed. In the first match, Dr. Raymond won!"

  "I'm... dead?"

  Hearing the announcement from the loudspeaker, Leonid's whole person was in a bad mood.

  What the hell just happened?

  I haven't seen his figure yet, why did he die in action? ?


  What Leonid didn't know was that it wasn't just him who couldn't figure out the clues, but the people who were watching the whole test through the two screens at the moment also didn't understand what the situation was.

  The onlookers and teachers outside the open-air base were in an uproar!

  Even the two deans in the central control tower fell into shock!

  "What just happened?" Weaver looked at Vincent, wanting to see if he could see clearly.

  As a civilian, Weaver didn't know much about the battle, so when she found that she couldn't understand, her first reaction was to ask Vincent.

  Although Vincent, the dean of the Communication Academy was not as famous as Leonid, he was also a high-ranking agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.

  That's why Weaver asked him for the first time.

  What Weaver didn't expect was that Vincent was no different from her in this matter, and he was also suspicious.

  Vincent frowned, as if thinking about something.

  After a while, he suddenly moved!

He quickly walked towards the console of the central control tower.

  "Hey Dean—"

  The people over there who are in charge of operating the console are all from the Communication Academy.

When he saw his dean coming, he quickly said hello.

  Vincent didn't have time to greet them. After nodding, he waved his hand to signal them to get out of the way.

  Then his hands quickly slid on the console, and as he slid, the picture on the central screen was also quickly switched, becoming a sideways shooting angle.

  Soon, the picture was quickly played back, and a red dotted arc appeared. 

  This dashed line starts from where 'Raymond' is, and ends just behind the barrier on Leonid's vantage point.

  "Is that true..."

  Vincent's eyes lit up, and then he swiped his hands again, and the pictures on the screen continued to switch.

  The camera angle was again reversed, this time from the side where 'Raymond' is, and the replay began again, all the way to the seconds before Leonid was pronounced dead!

  "It should be this time, you see—"

  Vincent pointed to the screen and motioned Weaver to watch carefully.

  Weaver focused her attention at that time, staring at 'Raymond' on the screen... Suddenly, she saw 'Raymond', who was looking at the commanding heights, casually swinging the arm holding the gun.

  Immediately afterwards, the mechanized notification sound of the loudspeaker sounded in the screen.

  "My God, the action just now was actually shooting? Leonid was shot in the head by that shot!" Weaver suddenly lost her voice.

  "I'm afraid yes." Vincent also looked shocked.

  Because judging from the screen switching a few times just now, this shot should never hit Leonid who was hiding behind an obstacle on the commanding heights!

  No matter the angle or the direction, it is impossible to hit the head!

  Moreover, because of the use of training bullets, there is no possibility of passing through the wall and killing the enemy. It must be directly shot to produce a kill judgment!

  It was impossible to hit Leonid at this angle, unless the bullet turns!

  But how is this possible?