
Marvel: Infinite Draws

Kyle finds himself in WWII looking at Captain America in front of him. He also sees a series of dense cards appearing in his face [Pistol Proficiency] [Boxing Proficiency] [True Vibranium Shield ] [Rare Super Soldier] Do you choose to draw? Wait, not only abilities but also any futuristic technology and superpower can be drawn? (This will slowly diverge from just a good Marvel translation. Over time interesting changes will occur.) Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s)

Liquid_Culture · Anime & Comics
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65 Chs

Unique Super Soldier

(Thanks for the feedback. LD and SW were basically tied, so I picked who I wanted. Lady Death will be the Main Wife much later. They will both be very important anyway, and trust me, it won't be disappointing. Plus Thena is also a waifu because she is amazing.)


- 'Warning! This card extraction takes 1 Hour!'

- 'Warning! This Unique Ability Card will change the body forever.'

- 'Warning! Once extracted, this Unique Ability Card cannot be Sacrificed later, and will stay in {Card Space} forever under normal circumstances.'

He didn't think about it too much, his mind made a quick decision.

'Extract [Super Soldier] from Captain America!'

The super soldier card is a must have. Even if there are small conditions, there is no reason for Kyle to give up this extraction.

These limitations were basically about eternal changes. Unique Ability cards seem to have special attributes that come with them, the Tesseract is a Unique Unranked Item Card that provides many benefits like abilities, but has a long extraction process. This Unique Blue Ability Card also provides a few smaller benefits, but forces changes that cannot be reversed under 'normal circumstances'.

Still, at the current stage of the Marvel World, there are not so many people even holding a Rare Green Ability Card. Even though this Unique Blue Card will be bound to him, he will just consider it as a small benefit that can be removed if need be with an Infinity Stone later.

There were many things that go beyond 'normal circumstances', which means it can be removed if it becomes a negative thing ever.

After an hour of continuous card extraction time, Kyle spent a lot of time explaining the final counterattack battle to Steve and Carter in detail.

Of course details like [Sneak], [Vicious Dog], the [Leftover Tesseract Energy Storage], and parts of Thena were left out of the story.

"..., I infiltrated the arsenal storage of the large base like this,... I even happened to meet the enemy commander in the basement of the warehouse,... After killing him, I installed a Timed bomb and left quickly."

"My next step was simple. Just escaping from the pursuit of the German soldiers and leaving the warehouse to detonate the bomb. The internal defense mechanism of the base was destroyed, and it became difficult for them to stop the raid of our army of 100 troops when they were under-armed." In order to delay the card extraction time, Kyle completely slowly explained the story until it was finished.

He took a sip of water with a dry mouth, only to realize that Steve and Carter were still immersed in the description of the battle just now.

"Infiltrating alone and destroying the defense system of the enemy's base with your own strength is really exciting." Steve praised with admiration, and a trace of envy flashed in his eyes.

This was the War experience he had only dreamed of.

"Sneaking into the base alone. You really managed to do it and not die." Carter concluded shortly.

"If you do not believe in yourself, how would anything be possible." Kyle smiled confidently, looking at the two in front of him, and said with certainty : "Even if you give me another chance to bet my life, I will once again choose to risk it again for the greater good."

"Instead of watching a great country burn, we should be protecting it once more with our lives! Nothing is a greater reward than freedom for our people!" Kyle continued to speak while trying to give a motivational speech. All he was motivated about doing right now, was staying within range to extract [Super Soldier] from Steve.

"As long as I am here, I won't disappoint our fellow soldiers!"

Looking at the man with an incomparably more powerful faith and aura in front of her, Carter's beautiful eyes couldn't help showing strange emotions.

"Kyle, you're right, life should be rewarding while we do what's right." Steve clenched his fists quietly, as if he was stimulated by the speech of Kyle. He was so excited that he wanted to go to the front line right away to fight for his country.

"Don't worry, Soldiers will always shine. Steve, your strength is genuine and you are absolutely qualified to battle alongside me for America. I am sure of this." Kyle said with a smile.

After all, as one of Marvel's greatest heroes, Steve was already set for the path of being a Superhero that fulfils justice in battle. This script from Kyle just helped motivate him more to become the real 'Captain America'.

"Oh yeah. Carter, you follow Steve so closely, are the two of you..." Kyle winked playfully.

Carter glanced at him coldly, "This is just work, in order to collect follow-up information on super soldiers."

"Kyle, don't talk nonsense we aren't..." Steve quickly waved his hand to clarify.

"You two are a good match, don't you think you should think about it more?" Kyle continued.

*Bang clank!*

A spoon was thrown on an iron plate. Carter couldn't help standing up from her seat and shout: "I'm done eating", and walked towards the cafeteria door's exit.

Steve sighed and complained, "Kyle, you're too blunt."

"I'm creating a chance for you man." Kyle patted his shoulder in a good way and gestured towards the door, "Are you sure you don't want to chase after her?"

"Uh. Oh I get you. Ok, I'll find you in the afternoon." Steve was transformed by the super soldier serum, which means his intelligence was much higher compared to before. He nodded quickly and chased the direction where Carter left.

After the two left, Kyle took a breath and pressed his hand tightly on his chest, with a lot of hot sweat overflowing from his forehead.

The [Super Soldier] extraction is complete!

This Unique blue ability card was stored in the card space, occupying a dominant position right above all the other cards.

At the same time, a tingling sensation from the inside out, making Kyle feel like he was on a burning grill. The heat was expanding all across his body while his eyes felt like they were extremely dry.

He knew that a physique-type ability card like the [Super Soldier] would completely transform his own genes and physique. It was extremely painful, but he was very tolerant towards pain and displayed no changes in his facial expression.

"I must find a place to complete this genetic transformation on my body." Kyle said to himself, and quickly thought of a safe and reliable place.

Training base, public shower room.

Since the performance on the other side of the stage has not yet finished, there is no one in the shower room other than Kyle.

Entering a separate shower, Kyle took off his clothes and equipment, turned on the shower and let cold water pour down from the top of his head, washing his strong body filled with many scars.

Despite this, the tingling and hotness in his body became stronger and stronger! Even his bones were having an audible creaking!

Something in his body is breaking, shredding, then forcibly reshaping!

"SHIT!" Kyle's eyes were all bloodshot, he then materialized the [Manly Dress], biting it between his teeth to avoid screaming out in pain.

If there were outsiders. They would have seen Kyle's naked body swelled a little bit, then shrivel back a little bit, as if adjusting to the most ideal appearance.

The blue veins appeared free and unevenly, and his muscles became stronger and leaner after the expansion and callback. It continued to burn him more as time passed.

The transformation time lasted three minutes.


Kyle opened his mouth, the [Manly Dress] fell directly to the ground. As it fell, many teeth holes and parts of the Dress were shredded to pieces.

His chest muscles were still beating rapidly, but they had calmed down. His skin was steaming out, and the battle scars that existed on him seemed to be washed away by water, leaving no signs of his past.

- Transformation successful!

Kyle is clearly aware of this because he can feel that his body is full of powerful energy that he could not possess before.

"I can't be considered a human anymore even though a super soldier is the best physique a human can get right now." Kyle said to himself, his vitality, natural aging of cells, physical strength, learning memory and thinking speed, etc., were no longer first class human, but supernatural.

It is not an exaggeration to say that he is a humanoid monster.

"Finally I can cover my main weakness. Still I seemed to have learned something from Unique cards once again." Kyle also breathed a sigh of relief, reducing a lot of burden and pressure.

Although he has gained [Sneak] which had a few minor abilities, he knew it wasn't too amazing. When he got the Tesseract, he realized Unique Cards are built different from how the originals would normally appear.

The Tesseract came with {Space} abilities, and this [Super Soldier] came with {Labor Proliferation} and {Born Worthy} among other benefits.

Therefore, it seemed that Unique Abilities are a Mutation among Card Ranks. He left that thought aside for now because the [Super Soldier] ability was a big step in the growth of Kyle's strength.

He would learn later that it was not only an important step for the future, but also an indispensable step for his development in Marvel.

After Kyle took a shower and put on his military uniform, he noticed that he had grown a little taller, being nearly 195cm.

His forearm and abdominal muscles were also much tougher and stronger. His clothes were a bit stretched, which made him look more intimidating.

Fortunately, the pain had gone away completely by now, being replaced with a cold glacial feeling.

Kyle sighed, then left the shower room not noticing his eyes were glowing bright blue for a moment.

Later chapter because I watched 'Blue Period' and 'Komi Can't Communicate' all day and forgot to finish final edits.

Liquid_Culturecreators' thoughts