
Marvel: Infinite Draws

Kyle finds himself in WWII looking at Captain America in front of him. He also sees a series of dense cards appearing in his face [Pistol Proficiency] [Boxing Proficiency] [True Vibranium Shield ] [Rare Super Soldier] Do you choose to draw? Wait, not only abilities but also any futuristic technology and superpower can be drawn? (This will slowly diverge from just a good Marvel translation. Over time interesting changes will occur.) Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s)

Liquid_Culture · Anime & Comics
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65 Chs

Rainy Raid on Germans

(New Auxiliary Chapter created containing all his most important Card Skills incase anyone was still confused. If anyone is curious about spoilers, there will be a few.)


In the darkness of night.

Storms, thunder and the firing of bullets can be heard.

Kyle's face was gazing downward as he fell with constant acceleration. The night's wind blew fiercely on his face.

He chose to come to the rescue team with Steve, first to test his transformed strength in actual combat with his [Vibranium Gold Prototype Necklace].

The second is that he can safely gain military exploits and loot during this attack.

The third and most important reason was to gain an alibi for his strength. This place was a research facility that uses technology for unknown reasons, according to the military at least. To not gain suspicions surrounding his powers, he needed to make an excuse from something in this facility to show Captain America. Then he will have a witness and be able to avoid unwanted attention whenever he draws cards in the future.

Steve, who was not far below, opened his parachute to descend. Kyle also estimated the timing of deploying his parachute, soon Kyle opened his parachute device right after Steve. The two floated in the sky about 25 meters above the ground.

*Da da da!*

The enemy soldiers below seemed to have discovered their traces and kept firing into the sky.

"I'll attract their bullets!" Steve shouted, worried a bullet would hit Kyle. He immediately controlled the parachute to rush down first.

Kyle shook his head and smiled, he knew that Steve wore something to protect him, but still that didn't mean he was completely bullet proof.

After reaching 5 meters from the ground, he cut the parachute with a knife. Losing the buoyancy of the parachute, Kyle quickly fell to the ground.

"Is that guy trying to die faster?"

"What a dumbass!"

"He is coming straight to us!"

The German soldiers were still paying attention to Kyle. After Kyle fell from that height, he rolled on the soil ground and stood up after a few seconds.

"My legs feel fine after falling while wearing the suit underneath my uniform. I can really do things that ordinary people can't do." A smile appeared on Kyle's grim face. This was his first real test with the [Vibranium Gold Prototype Necklace], so he wanted to take a small exciting risk.

This physical durability is beyond a human's level, the hundreds of combat skill cards were the lock and the [Super Soldier] was the key to unlock this Treasure Chest. The mutual cooperation between these skills cause unimaginable changes to his body overtime.


Kyle heard a thunder strike mark the start of his test against the German Soldiers. He decided to try his speed first.

"What are you waiting for?! Shoot him!"

Several German soldiers were still watching Kyle in a daze, and after the leader shouted his reminder, they hurriedly raised their guns to aim and shoot.

But Kyle's reaction was faster, instead of retreating, he advanced, holding a saber in his right hand as he quickly rushed towards the muzzle of a German soldier.

The Germans started to release a rain of bullets towards Kyle who was moving at speeds that were hard to follow. Kyle was a small blur that kept zigzagging closer to them.

His left and right movements kept avoiding the bullet fire that were trailing him. This was the test of his super speed with a super suit!

Kyle's movement speed is about 100 meters in 5 seconds normally, while his full-sprint can be 100-meters in under 3 seconds.

Calculating the distance between the enemy and him, he sees the distance between them is only 25 meters, which he could close in a single breath.

'Thanos had a weakness at his head that he admitted himself but was still unstoppable. Just like him, the weakness I have right now is at my head because of my body and super suit not being good enough. Still, normal helmets are useless because they just fly off or cannot protect me enough to be worth wearing it.' Kyle was thinking random thoughts while running around the battlefield.

'I won't have to worry about that for now anyways with my speed.'

After the second wave of bullets, Kyle did not give them a chance to shoot a third wave. He dashed at the enemy soldiers, raising his weapon and slashed, creating a loud sound as it passed.

The head of the team leader's eyes were still full of terror as it rolled on the ground. Then the rifle in his hand fell to the ground. There was a horizontal bloodstain on his neck, and his head was completely detached from the body.


The soldier behind the leader screamed in fear as he was going to retreat. Kyle quickly took a step forward, stretched out his left hand and snatched the back of his neck. He lifted his opponent's whole body in the air with one hand.

"L-Let him go!" Another soldier shouted in a panic, aiming his gun at Kyle who was nearby, but before he had time to shoot, a scalpel was lodged in-between his eyes.

"You are really slow." Kyle chuckled, turning his attention to the soldier in his hand. He started squeezing his neck and pressing his face down into the soil.

"I wonder if Lieutenants can get a vacation. Maybe I can go to Wakanda for a helmet." Kyle began to press harder until the soldier's neck snapped.

Kyle began to think when Steve would show up. He was starting to think Steve was struggling with these weak German soldiers.

As he started slicing more soldiers, Kyle began to move closer to the guarded factory facility.

Many soldier limbs flew and twirled in the air, until the entrance was completely visible.

'After I wait for some time, Steve will show up. Until he does, I will wait inside after sneaking in.'

After Kyle finished thinking, he set off first in the direction of the entrance he saw before.

At the same time Kyle was approaching the entrance, Steve was struggling with the German Soldiers due to his inexperience in battle. Someone in American spandex could be heard yelling things about justice in the night. Unfortunately, Kyle was already long gone and could not hear the voice him anymore.

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