
Marvel: Impact From The Maelstrom's Web

Transmigrated into the body of Peter Parker (MCU). Naruto Uzumaki Takes on his new life in becoming Marvel's web slinger. Disclaimer: I do NOT own Spider-man. I do NOT own Naruto. the cover is ai generated with a few filters added. if you would like to give me pointers and suggestions... let me now in the comments/reviews. Q&A: 1.) Will I be writing Naruto the same as in cannon? - No. I will keep some of the traits he had like his willingness to help people and do the right thing... maybe even keep his verbal tick but I will not be spamming it like in some fanfictions. This will be the story of Peter Parker as spider-man, taking on the role of the smart scientists/Inventor. And since Peter knows that this world will have trials, his role is to become Overpowered to overcome any outcome. 2.) Will this be a harem? - Not 100% Sure. I know that there is at least one pairing that I have decided on at the creation of this story, but if I do choose to go that path there will only be 3-5. No Massive harems here. 3.) Will there be "lemons" - Yes. And if don't go down the path of the harem then I'll make this happen. Not promising that it will be good... I'll do my best. I don't really know what I'm doing so will try to take this day-by-day, and hopefully I'll create a story that will stick with a few people... even though the beginning looks like its all filler. Update: I've been using a free A.I. to help lengthen the story from my prompted ideas. however it seems to be too guided to hopeful/happy endings... with is nice but spider-man stories aren't as joyous as it wants to guide the story. if I can't give this a finished product, I'll go back and refine the story. Same With some of my other creations

FanFic_Listener · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

New Skillful Talents

As time passed and Peter entered middle school, his friendship with Rogue only grew stronger. Their bond, forged in the innocence of kindergarten, had evolved into a deep connection built on shared interests and mutual understanding. Together, they delved into their passion for drawing, honing their skills and pushing each other to new heights of creativity.

But their shared love for art wasn't the only thing that brought them together. As they navigated the ups and downs of adolescence, Peter and Rogue found solace in their shared love for cosplay. With their newfound skills in sewing and crafting, they transformed themselves into characters from their favorite comics and movies, bringing their imaginations to life in stunning detail.

Despite the changes and challenges that came with growing up, Peter and Rogue remained inseparable, their friendship serving as a constant source of strength and support. Together, they faced the pressures of school, the uncertainties of adolescence, and the joys and sorrows of life.

However, amidst the camaraderie and excitement of their shared interests, there was a lingering sense of sadness for Peter. A few weeks ago, his friend Mary Jane had moved away, leaving a void in his heart that even his close bond with Rogue couldn't quite fill. Though they kept in touch through letters and phone calls, Peter couldn't help but feel the absence of his childhood friend keenly, a bittersweet reminder of the ever-changing nature of life.

Despite the loss, Peter found solace in the unwavering support of Rogue and his loving aunt and uncle. With their encouragement and friendship, he found the strength to face each day with courage and optimism, knowing that no matter what challenges lay ahead, he wouldn't have to face them alone.

As they continued their journey through middle school, Peter and Rogue remained united by their shared passions and shared experiences. With each passing day, their bond grew stronger, a testament to the enduring power of friendship in the face of adversity and change. And though the road ahead was filled with uncertainties, Peter knew that as long as he had Rogue by his side, he would always have a friend to share in life's joys and sorrows, one cosplay adventure at a time.

As Peter delved deeper into his passion for cosplay, he found a new outlet for his creativity and talent: sharing his craft with the world through online videos. Setting up a makeshift studio in his bedroom, he meticulously recorded each step of his costume-making process, from sketching out designs to sewing intricate details and adding finishing touches. With each upload, he invited viewers into his world, offering tips, tricks, and insights gleaned from years of practice and experimentation.

But cosplay wasn't the only thing keeping Peter busy. In his backyard, he continued to push his limits through rigorous training sessions, his muscular body a testament to his unwavering dedication and determination. From acrobatic stunts to strength-building exercises, Peter pushed himself to the brink, his relentless pursuit of excellence driving him to new heights of athleticism.

Despite the physical challenges, Peter found solace in the rhythm of his training, the adrenaline coursing through his veins as he pushed himself to surpass his previous limits. With each leap, each twist, each somersault, he felt a sense of freedom and exhilaration unlike anything he'd ever experienced before.

As the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, Peter's online following grew steadily, his videos garnering praise and admiration from fans around the world. But amidst the whirlwind of success, Peter remained grounded, his focus unwavering as he continued to pursue his passions with humility and grace.

With each new costume, each new training session, Peter found himself growing stronger, both physically and mentally. And though the road ahead was filled with challenges and uncertainties, he faced the future with unwavering confidence, knowing that as long as he stayed true to himself and followed his heart, there was nothing he couldn't achieve.

As he looked towards the horizon, Peter knew that the journey ahead would be filled with twists and turns, highs and lows. But with his passion for cosplay, his dedication to his training, and the unwavering support.

As Peter continued to share his cosplay journey online, his videos began to gain traction, attracting a growing community of followers on social media. With each upload, his audience expanded, drawn in by his talent, enthusiasm, and genuine love for the craft. Comments flooded in, praising his creativity, craftsmanship, and attention to detail, fueling Peter's passion and inspiring him to push the boundaries of his art even further.

But amidst the praise and admiration, there was one comment that stood out to Peter above all others—a message from a fellow cosplayer and gadget enthusiast who went by the username "StarkFan23." Intrigued by Peter's ingenuity and creativity, StarkFan23 reached out to him with words of encouragement and admiration, expressing a shared passion for technology and innovation.

As Peter delved deeper into StarkFan23's profile, he discovered a world of cutting-edge gadgets, inventions, and technological marvels—all inspired by the legendary inventor and philanthropist, Tony Stark. Drawn in by Stark's ingenuity and brilliance, Peter found himself captivated by the possibilities of combining his love for cosplay with his newfound interest in gadgetry.

Inspired by Stark's legacy, Peter began to experiment with incorporating technology into his cosplay creations, adding LED lights, sound effects, and even moving parts to bring his costumes to life in ways he'd never imagined possible. With each new invention, he marveled at the limitless potential of technology to enhance and elevate his art, opening up new realms of possibility and creativity.

But Peter's fascination with gadgetry didn't stop at cosplay. As he delved deeper into the world of invention and innovation, he began to dream of one day following in Tony Stark's footsteps, using his passion for technology to make the world a better place. With each new gadget he built, each problem he solved, he felt a sense of purpose and fulfillment unlike anything he'd ever experienced before.

As he continued to share his journey online, Peter's following grew exponentially, his videos inspiring a new generation of cosplayers, inventors, and dreamers to pursue their passions with courage and determination. And though the road ahead was filled with challenges and uncertainties, Peter faced the future with unwavering confidence, knowing that with the inspiration of Tony Stark guiding him, there was nothing he couldn't achieve.

Author's Note: this is the end of the chapter, if you like it consider showing your support.

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Side Note: thank you to those who sent in power stones off of the first chapter, it is great to see the support. Take Care.