
Marvel: I picked up Gwen at the very beginning

Alex got into the world of comics, and just wanted to earn money in peace and quiet and be an inconspicuous writer. But then he has a system of daily registration. [Successful registration, get the skill of driving a Ferrari with one hand...] [Successful registration, get a super-powerful limit magnetic field...] [Successful registration, get the silver Superman template..] ...... Until one day Alex picked up an unconscious Gwen Stacy near his house. Alex: "What the hell, picking up a corpse on your own doorstep?". "Wait, she seems to be a Ghost Spider-Man, Gwen Stacy?". ......

RanobeMen · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
38 Chs

Tony's Discovery, Peter Parker's Mutation

"The night was foggy.

Alex's car stopped not far from Gwen's house.

"Alex, just stop here."

"If my father sees you, he will ask questions about this and that. Interrogate you like a prisoner."

Alex smiled knowingly.

Before getting out of the car, Gwen kissed Alex on the cheek once more.

"The next time you make a wrong move, you won't get a kiss."

She was acting like a little girl.

After seeing Gwen home, Alex left Gwen's neighborhood.

Very little time has passed since Alex left.

Nearby, two vertical animal pupils were looking in the direction of Gwen's house.

It took some time before they disappeared into the night.

When Gwen returned to the house, she found George sitting on the sofa and looking at something intently.

She didn't make a sound and quietly approached George.

The scene before her was unexpected.

George had actually read A Song of Ice and Fire, and judging by the cover, it was already the second part.

After watching George flip through several pages in a row, Gwen whispered: "Isn't that cute, Dad?".


George answered and immediately turned his head to see Gwen smiling.


"I wanted to find out what books you usually read. It would be fair if adults and children find something in common with each other."

Gwen smiled a little: "Enjoy reading, I'm not going to despise you."

"Because Alex's novels are really good."

George wanted to nod his head in agreement, but his inner pride as an adult did not allow him to do so.

All he could do was pretend to be condescending and say, "Well, that's really good."

"He's a great writer."

Gwen saw right through him.

At that moment, Gwen's mother came out of the kitchen, her face flushed.

Her mood was much better.

When she saw Gwen, a look of loss flashed in her eyes.

Gwen didn't notice, but George did.

He couldn't help but flinch.

In the future, if Gwen doesn't spend the night at home, he will have to go to the police station to work overtime.

Even if he didn't have a free shift, he would have to switch with someone else.

A few more times, and I'm afraid it would have fallen apart!

Gwen took a step forward to the table, even though the dishes on it were far from Alex's food.

But, in the end, my mother asked for it.

Gwen liked it too.

The family ate with pleasure, and George ate and watched the news on TV live.

Soon there was a report about Spider-Man.

George wanted to say something.

But I thought it was better not to.

Let's not bring emotions home from work.

George has always believed that this is the greatest respect for his family.

At the dinner table, one could only talk about family matters.

However, in the middle of the meal, George's phone rang, and when he picked up the receiver, he saw that it was a colleague on duty at the police station.

As soon as he picked up the phone, an alarmed voice came from the other end: "Chief, there's been an incident at Empire State University."

"What do you mean?"

When the report was over, George's face became serious.

Turning his head, he looked at Gwen: "Gwen, did you run into Parker today?".

As the friend Gwen grew up with, George also knew Peter.

And he liked his stubborn streak, if he hadn't studied so well to go to university.

George would like to take him to the police.

Gwen, who was eating, did not realize the seriousness of the situation.

"Well.... I ran into him when I was going to class this morning."

"What's wrong, Dad?"

"Something happened to him."

"Something happened to him, Professor Kurt Connors and the whole lab, to be precise....".


A cordon was set up near the laboratory.

A group of policemen entered it fully armed, and several others surrounded the laboratory staff and questioned them about something.

At this time, a black car stopped behind the cordon.

George and Gwen got out of the car.

The policemen standing in the cordon saw that it was the chief, and immediately retreated.

They all knew the boss's daughter, Gwen.

Some of them even grew up watching Gwen.

Gwen looked around and immediately approached the lab employee in a white coat.

The man still looked a little dazed.

Even more surprising was that one of his sleeves was empty, so he was clearly one-armed.

Gwen walked over to him.

"Professor Connors, you're all right."

Peter Parker's mentor, chief researcher, Kurt Connors.

"Gwen, you're here too."

Connors also noticed George behind Gwen: "Officer."

"Professor Connors, what exactly happened, can you tell us about it?".

Connors was silent for a moment at George's question.

At that moment, the officer next to him handed him a folder: "Chief, all the testimony is here."

"It's a little unbelievable."

After reading the statement he was holding in his hand, George's face changed.

"It's all me, it's all because of me that this boy was killed!"

"I shouldn't have left him alone in the lab, I should have taken him with me...".

Gwen knew immediately that Peter was in trouble.

About to continue questioning Connors, George handed Gwen the statement he was holding in his hand.

By all rights, non-police personnel were not allowed to read it.

But who asked her to be the chief's daughter.

After reading the statement, Gwen also finally understood what was going on.

It turned out that the people from Osborne Industries were dissatisfied with the course of the Connors group's experiments, and at the same time their contract expired.

Therefore, financial support was discontinued, and, according to the contract, all experimental data and experimental equipment had to be taken away.

In the process, both Peter and Connors fought for it, but to no avail.

The people from Osborne Industries insisted on taking everything related to the experiments.

On the other hand, regenerative genetic agents have already had great success on animal bodies, and they lacked only human trials.

Not wanting to end it like this, Peter didn't listen to Connors and injected himself with a regenerative genetic agent.

By the time Connors returned, the scene was in complete disarray.

Only among the debris was a figure like a lizard that escaped into the sewer...

According to Connors' description and surveillance data from the lab.

The mutated lizard man was Peter Parker..."