
Marvel: I picked up Gwen at the very beginning

Alex got into the world of comics, and just wanted to earn money in peace and quiet and be an inconspicuous writer. But then he has a system of daily registration. [Successful registration, get the skill of driving a Ferrari with one hand...] [Successful registration, get a super-powerful limit magnetic field...] [Successful registration, get the silver Superman template..] ...... Until one day Alex picked up an unconscious Gwen Stacy near his house. Alex: "What the hell, picking up a corpse on your own doorstep?". "Wait, she seems to be a Ghost Spider-Man, Gwen Stacy?". ......

RanobeMen · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
38 Chs

Gwen's Confession

"At the police station.

George, along with Gwen and other police officers, was in the evidence room, looking through the recordings from the laboratory's surveillance cameras.

Since most of the previous cameras in the laboratory were dismantled by Osborne Industries,

there was only one camera left, which gave a general idea of the scene taking place in the laboratory.

"It has now been established that Mr. Peter Parker mutated into a lizard-like monster due to the use of a genetic potion."

"At the moment, we have no way to know for sure whether he will harm the population."

"That's why we need to develop a response plan immediately."

Soon George, father and daughter were left in the study, and George said encouragingly: "Don't worry, Gwen, I'll help you get Peter back."

"He's a good boy, I'm sure he just couldn't come to terms with his change and found a place to hide."

"He won't hurt anyone else."

Gwen nodded, "Dad, if you have something to do, I want to be alone."


Since childhood, Gwen has always treated Peter as her best friend.

As a result, she didn't expect things to turn out this way all of a sudden.

And Gwen, being a student at a state university, knew perfectly well what this mutation was.

Whether Peter will be aggressive or not, whether he will attack people.

It depended on the restorative genetic potion used at the time, extracting the genes of the reptile species.

If it was a herbivore, then, of course, there was no need to worry that Peter would harm people.

But if it was a carnivore...

Thinking about this, Gwen immediately left George's office and headed towards the detention room.

Gwen, who had often visited the police station since childhood, knew the location of this place.

Thanks to Connors' cooperation, he was now temporarily held in custody as a suspect.

It was not carefully guarded.

Gwen just made up a random excuse to see the teacher, and the policeman let her in.

Once inside, Gwen immediately found Connors.

Connors was sitting in the corner of the detention room with an embarrassed expression on his face.

It was a look in which there was still the look of a first-class biologist.

"Professor Connors, I have something you need to answer me."

"Gwen, I've said everything I needed to say, I'm sorry about Peter!"

"Find the boy quickly, you can't let him make a mistake."

These words immediately made Gwen realize the seriousness of what had happened: "Professor Connors, what kind of reptile was used for the genetic potion."

Connors took a deep breath.

It was a question that a group of police officers didn't ask because they were stupid.

To protect Peter as much as possible, he also did not volunteer to explain.

Unexpectedly, it was Gwen who asked this question.

"Gwen, promise me."

"Be sure to convince Peter to come back, only you can convince him."

"Professor Connors, tell me quickly."

Connors came over: "It's a carnivorous lizard with a strong regenerative ability."

The worst has come true.

Gwen wasn't so worried about the cops.

Since they would, of course, be armed with firearms during the search, they could still resist if they met him.

But if ordinary people had stumbled upon him.

What should I do then?

Gwen shrugged and left the holding cell.

Back in George's office, Gwen immediately picked up her own backpack and headed for the door of the police station.

She had to do it her way and catch Peter.

He couldn't be allowed to make an even bigger mistake.

Just outside the door, Gwen saw Alex's car parked near the entrance to the police station.

Alex was standing by the car.

At one point, Gwen seemed to find catharsis and rushed into Alex's arms: "Alex, Peter is not a bad guy."

"I know."

Alex stroked Gwen's head and let her lean against his chest.

Although in this world, Gwen was Spider-Man.

But besides Spider-Man, she was also a girl.

It was quite normal for a girl to be sentimental.

After a short silence, Gwen spoke up: "How did you know I was at the police station?".

"It was on the breaking news, and I knew you and George would be there."

"So I asked the Red Queen to find your phone and came right away."

Gwen's heart warmed as she listened.

"Alex, I actually want to tell you something."

"You won't approve of what I'm going to do next if I don't tell you."

"You're Spider-Man."

Alex beat Gwen to it.

Gwen's eyes widened as she looked at Alex in disbelief: "Did you know all this?"

Alex nodded.

Pretending to be an analyst, he said, "Mutant superpower, black and white tracksuit and this figure."

Hugging him tightly, Gwen blushed.

"So do you mind if I go?"

"Of course, becoming Spider-Man is the path you've chosen, and Peter is your friend you want back."

"You'll hate me for the rest of your life if I stop you, won't you."

Gwen shook her head and said she didn't know.

"So, Alex, what should I do next?"

"It's so late, and Peter has escaped by running into the sewers, and it won't be easy to find him."

"I'll take you back first, we'll talk about the rest later."

There was nothing else to do, so Gwen had to nod and agree.

In order not to worry George, she called him and told him she was going home.

George agreed that Gwen wasn't in the best of moods, and being at the police station wouldn't help much.

Going home was the best option.

When Gwen got home, she told her mother about what had happened.

Gwen pouted, went back to her room, locked the door and changed into a spider costume.

She opened the window and jumped down.

Alex was waiting downstairs.

Once in the car, Alex handed her a laptop: "The Red Queen hacked all the cameras in New York."

"As soon as Peter appears, he will immediately fall under the surveillance of the Red Queen."

Countless images flashed on the screen.

"In addition, I asked the Red Queen to hack Osborne Industries and get all the information about Peter's experiments."

"Maybe we can find a way to deal with Peter about this or get Peter to recover."

These things could really be done without the Red Queen, with Alex's hacking skills.

But Alex didn't like to do things that could be solved with one action by himself.

"Alex, I should have told you about Spider-Man's identity earlier."

Unconsciously, Gwen's admiration for Alex became even deeper...

"It's not too late...".

Alex hit the gas and drove away.
