
Marvel: I picked up Gwen at the very beginning

Alex got into the world of comics, and just wanted to earn money in peace and quiet and be an inconspicuous writer. But then he has a system of daily registration. [Successful registration, get the skill of driving a Ferrari with one hand...] [Successful registration, get a super-powerful limit magnetic field...] [Successful registration, get the silver Superman template..] ...... Until one day Alex picked up an unconscious Gwen Stacy near his house. Alex: "What the hell, picking up a corpse on your own doorstep?". "Wait, she seems to be a Ghost Spider-Man, Gwen Stacy?". ......

RanobeMen · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Do it here?

"In the office.

Happy watched the other three, enthusiastically sipping milk tea.

They looked like they were really enjoying it.

Especially Tony, who usually ignored drinks and drank wine like plain water.

He was clearly enjoying it.

Happy swallowed, 'Tony, is it really that delicious?'

'Of course! I told you that you'd regret not trying it.'

'No, I won't regret it.'

Despite his words, Happy approached Black Widow.

He said, 'Natasha, I actually wouldn't mind having a drink with you.'

'Happy, do I need to call you a doctor?'

Happy simply ignored Tony's concern.

'Sorry, but it's over.'

'Have you finished it all?'

So much time has passed, and so much has been drunk!

Happy looked at the empty cup of milk tea.

Now he was certain.

This new drink was called milk tea.

It must be very tasty!

Black Widow was also shocked to the core. As the best agent, her heart had long been as cold as ice.

But when she drank this milk tea, it was as if she had discovered something new.

This feeling almost brought her to tears.

Fortunately, thanks to her training, she restrained herself.

'Okay, I'm done drinking.'

'Happy, Natasha, show me out.'

Happy looked at the backs of the two departing women. He initially wanted to follow them immediately, but then hesitated and stayed behind.

'Tony, where did you get this drink? I want some too.'

'I'll get you some later.'

'I told you that you'd regret not trying it.'

Tony finished the sentence he had just started.

'Come on! Well, I really regret it.'

'Come on, tell me where you bought it.'

'It's an exclusive recipe. No one else can buy it.'

Happy was about to continue when he heard Pepper shout, 'Happy!'

'Coming, Miss Pepper...'

When everyone left, Tony was alone in the office, and his expression instantly became serious.

He went to a corner of the office where there was a large object covered with a cloth.

When he uncovered it, he found a model of the City of the Future that Howard had left.

'Is there really something here that you left behind?'

'Old man...'

Looking at it, Tony's eyes gradually became more contemplative.

On the road.

Tony was driving a sports car, and on the passenger seat lay a disassembled model of the City of the Future.

Meanwhile, in the women's bathroom.

Black Widow used her communication device to contact Nick Fury. 'Get in touch with Tony Stark.'

'What's up?'

'As stated in the information, he's showing symptoms of palladium poisoning, and it seems to be serious.'

Even through the communication device, Black Widow could sense Nick Fury's ominous mood at this moment.

'Inform me of all his further movements as soon as possible.'


After leaving the ladies' room, Black Widow couldn't help but look in the other direction and saw a figure swinging among the tall buildings.


'This is interesting...'

Hanging on the glass facade of a tall building, Gwen listened to the police communication channel on her headset.

'It looks like it's a very quiet day in New York.'

'Will Spider-Man be out of work the day after he takes office?'

New Yorkers down below also saw Spider-Man and took out their phones to take photos and videos.

Then they uploaded them to social media.

Some even started acting as Spider-Man's eyes and ears, ready to report crimes to Spider-Man.

Soon, another armed robbery was reported on the police communication channel, and Gwen headed there as fast as she could.

Running into a jewelry store, she immediately dealt with all four or five robbers, and then webbed them up.

By the time George arrived with the cops, the jewelry store clerk was already tidying himself up.

'Hello, Officer.'

'This is the gift that Spider-Man left for you.'

George came over and looked at the bewildered thieves tied up with webbing that still had a note on it.

'You're welcome, sir.'

'Your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man!'

There was a drawing of Spider-Man's head on the note.

It looked very nice.

But George was not happy at all and said loudly, angrily tearing the note in his hand: 'Remove this person and assemble a team!'

'Damn Spider-Man, mind your own business!'

After wandering around the city a little more, Gwen found herself not far from Alex's estate.

Finding a place to take off the Spider-Man suit she was wearing, Gwen thought about it, looking at the suit in her hand: 'Should I tell Alex the truth?'

After thinking about it, Gwen decided not to do it yet.

Because she was afraid that he would be disgusted with her.

Therefore, she wanted to confess her Spider-Man identity after Alex was mentally prepared.

As she approached the entrance to the manor, a bell rang from the side, startling Gwen.

'Welcome back, Miss Gwen.'


Gwen looked curiously at the intercom when the Red Queen replied, 'I am the artificial intelligence Red Queen, the AI butler.'

'You can order me to do everything in my power at any time.'

The Red Queen?

An AI butler?

Gwen wondered how she hadn't heard Alex mention this before, and looked skeptical.


Alex greeted her from his chair with a smile.

'Alex, what is this butler thing?'

Alex pointed to the laptop on the table and casually said: 'I just made it.'

'Wow, she's so cute.'

'Hello, my name is Gwen Stacy.'

'Hello, Miss Gwen, I'm the Red Queen.'

The Red Queen could become a powerful assistant to Spider-Man, just like Jarvis.

After a pleasant exchange of opinions, Gwen called George and asked if he would come home in the evening.

The family was cooking a delicious dinner today.

Gwen agreed.

'Alex, I'll be back tonight.'

Alex stood up and smiled: 'Then we will treasure the time we have left...'

Gwen's white face flushed furiously: 'Here?'

'That's good too...'"