
Marvel: I am Flerken

The recipe for this fanfic is: We take the soul of a person from our world, stuff it into the body of an alien cat, reminiscent of the miscarriage of Cthulhu and Slaanesh and possessing internal subspace. Next, we throw, attention, without mixing, it all into the Marvel universe and sprinkle the hilarious moments, action and kawaii cat-girls. And yes, how could it be without conquering the world, how could it be without this... Support me on Patreon and get access to chapters before everyone else!!! - https://www.patreon.com/Oldbush_Evgen

Oldbush_Evgen · Movies
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9 Chs


"When you get up, come to my scent, but don't you dare wake me up!" - she said, and then she was out of sight.

"Now, that's behavior! Now that's faith in us!" - Somewhat faintly and rather for propriety I marveled, having long ago lost that thread of logic and rationality, which is in this world, very strange and incomprehensible.

Only I do not understand why she so carelessly leaves us alone, do mothers do that? This metal chair will fall on one of us and it's all over for the kitten. But... I remember our first fight and then my flying into the wall. Ordinary kittens would have played in the box a long time ago, but we didn't care. I think with our strength and digestive system, this chair is more of a good chance to restore our iron stores than a threat that can cause injury. Heh-heh.

My siblings, a little rested after a hearty breakfast, went into the "awl in the butt" stage again.

Zirk, zirk, zirk.

As if on command, each of them have give a burst of vigor and they began to look at each other or at the surrounding objects of interior, which can easily catch the eye. And all of them made such faces, you can guess what these little electric locomotives were up to.

Apparently, having come to some tacit agreement, each of them turned over on their feet, and then they began to spread out little by little in different directions, looking curiously at various appliances in the kitchen. I wouldn't be surprised if they decided to try anything they could get their teeth on, or in this case, fangs. That's what all kids do, especially little ones, when they've just gotten their teeth, and here we have monsters in cute disguise.

It is worth noting that, like the rest of the apartment, the kitchen looked expensive and rich. There was a beautiful glossy furniture with various built-in kitchen appliances, which only emphasized the futuristic style of the apartment, the surfaces attractively shone with polished metal. Wow, I guess even famous chefs wouldn't mind working in a kitchen like this.

I, too, decided that time was of the essence, so I slipped out of the kitchen, letting the little ones and myself be alone at the same time.

Deftly stepping my paws over the wooden floor, I ran back down the hallway without stopping. When we left the room we were born in, we found ourselves in a spacious hall with panoramic windows. Now the view out the window was probably one of the few ways to learn more about the world I found myself in. When I got there quickly, I nestled my face against the glass to see the familiar human metropolis of the twenty-first century.

The panorama of the city before me was incredibly beautiful, and I involuntarily admired it. When I came to my senses, I began to look more carefully at the picture that opened before me. Well, the first thing that caught my eye was a huge number of high-rise buildings, which as a support group clustered around one or a group of skyscrapers, pointing to the sky. If you lowered your eyes down to the ground, you could see a whole network of roads, on which bright and not quite cars were running here and there, and next to them, pressed by sidewalks against the buildings, numerous crowds of people were moving. Looking at such a familiar city from a very unusual height for my previous life, I became more and more convinced that I was on my home planet - Earth, which is the third planet from the Sun.

Moreover, thanks to Hollywood movies, I could even determine where exactly I was now.

Looking at the wide rectangular park surrounded by skyscrapers, I could confidently assume that I was in New York City. Besides the famous Central Park, I could see the Statue of Liberty in the distance, and a little aside among the skyscrapers I could see the Ozcorp Tower, decorated with gargoyles, just like in the movie. In addition to the famous billionaire's building, I saw brightly colored signs of IBM, Roxon, Hammer, Stark, Trask, and Apple.

"And people also say that all roads lead to Rome. Maybe it used to be so, but now it's more correct to say that all roads lead to New York. You see, even death has brought me here..." - I thought melancholically, but as I shifted my gaze to one particular building again, I was struck by lightning. - "Wait! What do you mean Stark Industries? What the hell?"

Due to the inertia of my thinking, I didn't immediately notice one detail that was unnecessary to my perception. Stark Industries doesn't exist, it's a company that's just a fiction, but my eyes prove the opposite. Okay, and the Ozcorp tower...

(P.A. The hero was only surprised by these two, because in reality the rest have an analog.)


After comprehending and comparing everything that had happened earlier with the newly discovered facts, I tsked thoughtfully: "Hmm, I've been reborn as Marvel? What a clichéd cliché..., but it explains a lot."

A couch now hovered in the air in front of me. It was being held by my tentacles, which, as it turned out, I possessed intuitively and could control with surgical precision. That's awesome, no training, no torture, just born and already you can do dark things to most of the planet's inhabitants.


Easily letting go of the couch, I brought my outgrowths back. They naturally disappeared into my little body. I haven't figured out my own sensations yet, but I feel like I have some kind of bottomless hole in my mouth.

"I became a fleurken, a very dangerous alien with a portal to another dimension, if not an entire dimension, instead of a stomach, but I have the appearance of an ordinary cat. - Running my rough tongue over my quite feline teeth, I pondered about what was going on. - And to top it all off, I'm in a universe I've known since my last life. Things I've seen on TV or seen in comic books have become real to me. Mm, it looks wild and unbelievable, but it's no less interesting and promising".

I haven't thought much about future events described in movies, animated series and comics right now. For one thing, I don't know what version of this universe I'm in. The mere presence of Ozcorp suggests that it's a different place than the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Second, I'm not so much of a superhero fan that I know anything and everything. No, I can tell you the plot of the movies and name the most famous and a couple of less popular villains and heroes that have been encountered in the comics, describing what their super powers are, but that's about it.

In addition to thinking about where I'd be, I ran around the penthouse, scouting out my territory. I looked in different rooms, poked my nose into all available drawers and closets, and it was no problem with my tentacles. Where I could, I went through things carefully.

In the end, I found the following facts. Goose isn't the only one living here. Taking into account the clothes I found, besides the cat there is another person living here - a man, a bachelor, he must be about forty. This is indicated by the tasteless furnishings in the house, a large stock of convenience foods, men's magazines in the toilet and on the coffee table, one toothbrush, the size of the clothes and a set of books, complicated and not interesting for young people, and a chessboard with an unfinished game, all these things spoke volumes.

I had my suspicions about the owner of the place, but I kept them to myself for the time being.

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