
Marvel:I'm copying that one gacha system

I'm copying metaverse gacha really good story in my opinion you should really give it a try metaverse not my garbage. ⚠️warning⚠️ I don't really know what to put here but okay Blood gore and other nonsensical stuff you have been warned But it's just probably

Cpal_Yshed · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

Unexpected meeting

Pain, honour, vengeance, slaughter, Killua, Father, hero, Monster.

-Gon rap-Dps

4TH POV is basically story telling from his pov but with breaks in times basically it is so no one can say anything about me fucking the pov up.


|4TH POV| Louis Selene Eldritch | Dude |

I woke up with a start, gasping for breath, drenched in cold sweat. My heart pounded loudly in my ears, and my body trembled with fear. The nightmare had felt so real—too real. I tried to steady my breathing, clutching the sheets tightly as I attempted to shake off the lingering terror.

In the dream, I had been standing in the middle of the city, surrounded by familiar faces—my friends, my family, everyone I cared about. But their expressions were twisted with anguish and pain, their eyes empty and lifeless. I couldn't move, couldn't speak as they accused me of being the cause of their suffering.

My best friend, Tyrone, pointed an accusing finger at me, his voice filled with hurt and anger. "You did this, Louis! It's all your fault!" he shouted, and the others echoed his words, their voices blending into a cacophony of blame.

"No, it's not true! I didn't do anything!" I tried to defend myself, but my voice was drowned out by their accusations.

Then, an unknown figure emerged from the shadows, their face hidden in darkness, but their presence looming over me like a sinister cloud. They moved towards me, their steps deliberate and purposeful, and my body froze with fear.

The figure's voice echoed in my mind, a chilling whisper that sent shivers down my spine. "You can't escape your fate, Louis. You are marked, and the consequences of your actions are unavoidable."

I felt a weight pressing down on me, a crushing burden of guilt and regret. The brand of death burned on my skin, its malevolent presence tormenting me with every step. And worst of all, the souls of those I loved haunted me, their eyes filled with anguish and despair, blaming me for their fate.

In the nightmare, I was powerless, a mere puppet in a twisted play orchestrated by unseen forces. The darkness enveloped me, its tendrils wrapping around my body, constricting and suffocating. The pain was unbearable, and I screamed, but no sound came out.

"I can't bear this! Please, let me go!" I pleaded, but the figure only chuckled, their laughter ringing in my ears like a haunting melody.

"You brought this upon yourself, Louis. You made choices, and now you must face the consequences," the figure said coldly, their voice sending a chill down my spine.

In the nightmare, I was trapped, a prisoner of my own guilt and fears. It felt like an eternity before I finally woke up, back in my own room. The echoes of the nightmare still reverberated in my mind, leaving me shaken and disoriented.

As I sat there, trying to catch my breath, I couldn't shake the feeling that there was something more to these dreams, something beyond just my subconscious playing tricks on me. It felt as if there were forces at play, ancient and powerful, that were manipulating the events in my life.

With a newfound determination, I decided that I needed to confront these mysteries head-on. No more running away, no more ignoring the signs. I would face whatever awaited me, no matter how terrifying or unsettling it might be.

As the sun rose, casting a warm glow over the city, I looked out of my window, feeling a mix of trepidation and curiosity. The unknown figure from the nightmare still haunted my thoughts, their ominous words lingering in my mind.

"I don't know what awaits me, but I won't let fear control me," I whispered to myself, steeling my resolve.

Little did I know that my journey was only just beginning, and that the line between reality and nightmare would blur in ways I could never have imagined. But I was determined to uncover the truth, to face whatever darkness lay ahead, and to find a way to break free from the shackles of this ominous fate.

I stood up from my bed, pushing aside the lingering fear from the nightmare, and walked to my small closet to get dressed for the day. Inside were clothes that reflected my laid-back and casual style. I wasn't one to follow expensive fashion trends; instead, I preferred comfort and individuality in my outfits.

I picked out a faded black T-shirt with a worn-out "Big Daddy" logo emblazoned on the front. The logo had once been vibrant, but time and numerous washes had given it a vintage and cool look. The shirt was one of my favorites, and I loved how it fit perfectly, hugging my lean frame just right.

Next, I grabbed a pair of simple, black cotton shorts that reached just above my knees. They were comfortable and allowed me to move freely, which was essential for someone like me who loved spontaneous activities and sports. These shorts had been with me for a while, and they had been through a lot—playing basketball, climbing trees, and even the occasional paintball match.

I slipped into a well-worn pair of Adidas slides, the rubber soles slightly scuffed from constant use. They were easy to put on and off, perfect for someone like me who was always on the go. I appreciated the convenience they offered, especially during the warm days when I wanted my feet to breathe.

As I stood in front of the mirror, I adjusted my appearance slightly. My blonde dreadlocks cascaded down my shoulders, and I ruffled them slightly for that carefree look. My bright blue eyes stared back at me, holding a hint of curiosity and determination.

To complete my ensemble, I put on a cap that read "Big Daddy's Dad" in bold letters. The cap was my little joke, as if I was advertising myself as a dad figure to my friends. It always sparked a laugh or two, and I enjoyed the camaraderie it brought.

Looking at myself in the mirror, I felt confident in my choice of clothes. They represented who I was—relaxed, fun-loving, and never taking myself too seriously. While I knew my fashion choices might not appeal to everyone, I embraced the uniqueness and comfort they brought to my life.

With my outfit sorted, I headed downstairs to greet my family and start the day. As I stepped out of the house, the warm rays of the sun touched my skin, and I felt a sense of renewed energy and purpose. Today would be a new day, filled with mysteries to unravel and challenges to face. And no matter what happened, I knew my clothes would be there, supporting me as I ventured into the unknown.

As the morning sun painted the sky in shades of orange and pink, Louis stood at the bus stop, waiting for the bus to take him to Lichtenstein Highschool. With a backpack slung over one shoulder and a sense of anticipation in his heart, he couldn't help but feel excited about the day ahead.

Louis was a tall, lanky teenager with blonde dreadlocks and bright blue eyes. He had a laid-back style, wearing a short-sleeve shirt with "Big Daddy" written in massive bold letters, black shorts, and a cap that read "Big Daddy's Dad." His clothes might not be expensive brands, but they suited his carefree and confident personality.

As the bus approached, Louis checked his watch, making sure he wasn't running late. The doors opened with a hiss, and he stepped on board, greeted by the warm smile of the bus driver, Mrs. Thompson.

"Morning, Louis! Ready for another day at Lichtenstein?" she asked cheerfully.

"Morning, Mrs. Thompson! You know it!" Louis replied with a grin, dropping his bus fare into the slot.

He made his way down the aisle, searching for an empty seat. Spotting one near the back, he sat down and pulled out his earphones, getting lost in the melodies of his favorite songs while gazing out of the window.

As the bus rolled along, Louis watched the world go by, lost in his thoughts about the day ahead. He thought about his classes, his friends Tyrone and Devonte, and the random discussions they often had on the bus.

"Hey, Louis! Ready to debate which character from 'The Seven Deadly Sins' would win in a mathematical battle?" Tyrone asked as he and Devonte approached, both wearing amused expressions.

Louis chuckled, removing his earphones. "You know it! This is gonna be interesting."

And so, the bus ride turned into a spirited debate about the characters from the anime. Tyrone argued that Meliodas would win, given his immortality and combat skills, while Devonte passionately advocated for Escanor, citing his power that grew with the rising sun.

Louis, being a fan of "The Seven Deadly Sins" himself, jumped into the discussion, presenting complex mathematical equations to prove that Merlin's magical prowess would ultimately make her the winner. Their playful banter filled the bus with laughter, drawing curious glances from other students.

As they approached the school, the trio decided to continue their debate during lunch break, each determined to convince the others of their chosen character's superiority.

With smiles on their faces, they disembarked from the bus and headed into Lichtenstein Highschool, ready to continue their friendly argument and enjoy the rest of the day together. The bus ride had been more than just a means of transportation; it had set the tone for an exciting day filled with camaraderie, laughter, and the joy of being among friends who shared a common love for anime and spirited debates.

So the friends sat in the middle of the math class just

As the discussion about "Seven Deadly Sins" continued, our excitement began to blend with our competitive spirits. Tyrone, Devonte, and I were always up for a challenge, and this time, we wanted to determine who would be the ultimate character to reign supreme in mathematical terms.

"All right, let's settle this like true

mathematicians," Devonte declared, pushing up his glasses with a grin. "We'll assign numerical values to different attributes of the Sins, and then calculate their overall power."

"Sounds like fun," I replied, nodding eagerly. "But let's make sure it's fair. We need a proper grading scale for each attribute."

Tyrone leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms. "Agreed. We should consider strength, speed, intelligence, and magical abilities."

After some brainstorming, we assigned numerical values to each attribute, ranging from 1 to 10, with 10 being the highest:

- Strength: Escanor - 10, Meliodas - 9, Ban - 8

- Speed: Meliodas - 10, Escanor - 9, King - 8

- Intelligence: Merlin - 10, Gowther - 9, Meliodas - 8

- Magical Abilities: Merlin - 10, Meliodas - 9, Diane - 8

"I think I have the perfect formula to calculate their overall power," I said excitedly, grabbing a notepad and pen. "Let's multiply their strength, speed, intelligence, and magical abilities, and then divide the result by 4."

Devonte nodded, leaning in to see my calculations. "That's a solid plan. Let's start with Escanor."

We proceeded to calculate the overall power of each character, using the formula and our assigned numerical values. The classroom turned into a makeshift battlefield of calculations, as we fiercely debated the attributes and rankings of the characters.

"Wait, wait, we forgot about Elizabeth's healing abilities!" Tyrone exclaimed suddenly. "We should give her a numerical value too."

"Right! I think we can give her a solid 7 for her healing powers," I suggested.

With Elizabeth's value included, we recalculated the overall power of each character, ensuring we didn't miss any crucial details. The tension in the room grew as we scribbled numbers, and our excitement reached its peak.

After a few intense minutes of calculations, we finally had our results:

- Escanor: 9.0

- Meliodas: 9.1

- Merlin: 9.5

- Ban: 7.5

- King: 6.6

- Gowther: 5.4

- Diane: 6.4

Devonte looked at the final scores, a satisfied smile spreading across his face. "And the winner is… Merlin!"

We all cheered in agreement, accepting the result of our mathematical battle. It was a fun and lighthearted way to showcase our love for "Seven Deadly Sins" while incorporating our passion for numbers and calculations.

As the bell rang, signaling the end of the school day, we couldn't help but laugh at how our friendly debate had turned into a full-fledged mathematical showdown. Little did we know that soon, we'd be facing challenges far beyond mathematical calculations—a journey that would put our strength, speed, intelligence, and magical abilities to the test in ways we could never have imagined. But for now, we were just three friends, bonding over anime and embracing the joy of friendly competition.

|Time skip|

After a day filled with classes, discussions about anime, and laughter with his friends Tyrone and Devonte, Louis headed home feeling content. He entered his living room, dropped his backpack on the couch, and stretched his arms with a satisfied sigh.

As he was about to head to the kitchen to grab a snack, an unexpected sensation washed over him. A tingling, numbing feeling spread through his body, and before he could react, he found himself engulfed in darkness. It was like being trapped in a pitch-black void, unable to see or move.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't the host I've been looking for. Nice living room, by the way. Very cozy!" a voice chimed in, oozing with sarcasm.

"Whoa, who are you?" Louis asked casually, as if he was merely meeting a new neighbor.

"I'm Acid, a Klyntar. I come from a distant world that was destroyed, and I've traveled through the cosmos to find a new host," the voice introduced itself.

Louis chuckled. "Well, Acid, this is quite a surprise. A Klyntar in my living room. Can I offer you a drink or something?"

"Uh, I don't drink, but thanks for the offer. Listen, I seek a bond with you. You're the chosen one, the host with the most," Acid said.

"Host with the most, huh? I like the sound of that. So, what's in it for me if I become your host?" Louis inquired, still remarkably composed.

"With our bond, you'll gain incredible abilities, super strength, shapeshifting, all that cool stuff. And I'll have a host to help me out, protect me from cosmic bullies," Acid explained.

"Super strength? Shapeshifting? Well, that does sound tempting. But let me think about it," Louis replied nonchalantly.

"Take your time, but let me tell you, the sooner you say yes, the sooner we can start the party," Acid said enthusiastically.

Louis raised an eyebrow. "Party, you say? What kind of party are we talking about here?"

"Adventure party, dude! We'll travel the stars, fight bad guys, and maybe get some sweet intergalactic swag. It's gonna be a blast!" Acid said, sounding like an overenthusiastic tour guide.

"I must admit, the prospect of intergalactic swag is intriguing. Okay, Acid, you've convinced me. Let's do this. I'm ready for the adventure," Louis said, sounding surprisingly calm about the whole thing.

"Awesome! You won't regret this, partner! Together, we'll be unstoppable!" Acid exclaimed.

And just like that, Louis and Acid formed a bond, and he could feel a surge of power coursing through him. It was a strange and exhilarating sensation, but Louis took it all in stride.

"So, Acid, what's our first mission?" Louis asked, a mischievous glint in his eye.

"Oh, I don't know, maybe we could go find some space pirates or save a cute alien princess? The universe is our playground, dude!" Acid replied with excitement.

"Sounds like a plan. But first, let's clean up this living room. Can't have a messy cosmic base, can we?" Louis said, chuckling as he waved a hand, and the scattered items in the room levitated back to their places.

Acid chuckled along. "You got style, partner. This is gonna be one wild ride!"

As the night wore on and Louis and Acid started to plan their villainous path, there was an underlying tension in their interactions. Despite Acid's friendly and enthusiastic demeanor, Louis couldn't help but feel a certain coldness toward the symbiotic entity.

"I hope you realize that we're doing this for mutual benefit, Acid. I don't need any emotional attachments or camaraderie," Louis said, his voice laced with a distant tone.

Acid seemed undeterred by Louis' aloofness. "Of course, partner. I understand. Our bond is based on a shared goal, not emotions. We'll achieve greatness together."

Louis nodded, appreciating Acid's pragmatism, yet still finding it hard to fully trust the Klyntar. "Just remember, I'm in control here. Don't overstep your boundaries. We need to be efficient and ruthless if we want to succeed."

Acid tilted its amorphous form in agreement. "I'm here to assist you, Louis. I won't interfere with your decisions. We're a team, after all."

The symbiotic bond between them allowed Acid to sense Louis' hesitations and reservations. But it didn't falter in its resolve to prove its worth to its human host.

"We'll play this game well, Acid. But don't expect any emotional connections from me. This is a means to an end," Louis stated firmly, drawing a fine line between them.

Acid's form rippled, almost as if it was acknowledging Louis' words. "I'm not here for emotions, Louis. I'm here to ensure our survival and success. Our goals align."

Louis stared at Acid for a moment, silently contemplating the strange entity's presence within him. He couldn't deny the power it provided, nor the opportunities that lay ahead. But he was wary of becoming too dependent on the symbiote's abilities.

"Just remember, you're a tool, Acid. A tool I will use to achieve my ambitions," Louis said, his gaze firm and unwavering.

Acid's response was surprisingly calm. "Understood, partner. I'll be the tool you need to carve your path to greatness."

Despite Acid's understanding, Louis couldn't shake off the unease he felt. He knew that forming an alliance with a Klyntar was a risky endeavor, and he needed to be cautious. The symbiotic relationship offered immense power, but it also came with its own set of challenges.

As the night continued, Louis and Acid further honed their plans, mapping out the steps they would take to rise through the criminal ranks. Although Louis maintained his cool and distant demeanor, he couldn't deny the growing sense of camaraderie that developed between them.

Acid, on the other hand, continued to be friendly and supportive, even in the face of Louis' reserve. It remained eager to prove its worth to its human host, determined to help Louis achieve the greatness he sought.

Their journey into darkness had only just begun, and Louis knew that the path ahead would be treacherous. He would need to keep a tight rein on his emotions and maintain his focus on the goals they had set. As he and Acid forged ahead, the balance between them would become a delicate dance, one that could either lead to unparalleled power or inevitable downfall.


Hope you liked this shit and obviously had to include the Klyntar in this bitch plus this also adds on some of that venom action but venom ain't here yet he will arrive a hell of a lot later.