

Hulk: Hulk is invincible! Saitama: Can you let me? I’m going to the supermarket to buy specials. Thanos: I see, I conquer! Lord Boros: The duel between the overlords, I have been looking forward to it for a long time! Devourer: Earth, I’ll eat it. Kakarot: Can’t you eat something else? Batman: I want to get rid of the Gotham Gang. JOJO: Today I want to become a gangster star here! General Zod: Krypton will return to its glory on the earth! Six Path Naruto: Dude, this is your relative. Clark: . . .

Renz_Udquin · Movies
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283 Chs

Chapter 18 Garli’s instinct

Guy is a professional killer and an eagle dog hired by the gang. His boss, Frank, is a drug lord on West Blue, who specializes in smuggling drugs and selling children.

Just four days ago, a gangster who held an important position in the gang disappeared. After sending someone to look for it, it turned out to be a residue.

When they got the news, the police had already sealed off the scene. As the boss of the underworld, why didn't they get in touch with the local police in the United States?

So at a price, the gang called out the video taken by the camera. The United States has no more probes than the sky. Because of the privacy, it only found clues in a distant probe.

There are not a few people passing by in this alley. Of course, the police will not arrest people without evidence. Could they be arrested in Chengdu?

Just when they could only swallow the bitter fruit into their stomachs, someone found Xu Mo's figure at the carnival scene, and his figure appeared in the probe.

Xu Mo's kick of the pumpkin bomb seemed to them to have a certain amount of force, perhaps it was the murderer who killed the gang members.

After finding the suspected murderer, the underworld had its own set of methods and sent Guy En to kill the people directly.

Even if it's not, it doesn't matter if you kill the wrong one.

The eldest Frank has already investigated Xu Mo's information clearly. Both of his parents have died, he inherited a small company, and recently adopted a girl.

I was close to the young master of the Osborn Group, but now I can't protect myself, what kind of personal connections.

"Boss, I'm already near the target residence." Guy Eun, dressed in black casual clothes and a baseball cap to hide his face, hid in the alley, and said respectfully to the other end of the phone.

"You are waiting for an opportunity, don't leave any traces." An indifferent voice came from the phone, freezing to the bone.


"By the way, bring that little girl here. If you want to live, you can sell it for a good price."

"Yes, I remember."

Guy hung up the phone, put it in his inner bag, packed his clothes and got ready for action.


An electric scooter was ridden in the distance. Guy stood vigilantly and looked at it. Judging from this costume, he was a takeaway.

The deliveryman came to Xu Mo's residence without noticing him at all. He was about to get out of the car and knock on the door. His brain had an idea.

What a godsend opportunity.

Guy turned into an afterimage and approached with lightning speed, his five fingers were cut into a knife, he stunned, and dragged into the alley.

"Sure enough, hum."

Guy checked the information bar on the outsourcing, the delivery destination is here, and he put the delivery staff away.

He didn't kill this person, if he killed the takeaway, there would be traces left on the scene. Coupled with Xu Mo disappearing at home, the police is likely to make associations and follow the vine.

In particular, Xu Mo has something to do with the chief of the New York City Police Department. The chief can't tolerate any sand in his eyes. It would be very uncomfortable for the gang to be targeted.

So only knocking out is the best, the delivery staff did not see his face.

Guy put on his baseball cap and went to the electromechanical car, put the package on it, and secretly said: Just to have a meal after the killing, this time the goal is really good.

Guy en walked to the door and rang the doorbell. With the sound of "ding dong", he had heard the sound of footsteps from far and near.



The door opened, and Guy also heard Xu Mo's complaint, and while slowly raising his head, he coldly revealed his killing intent.

"Sir…no takeaway."

Guy raised his right hand instinctively, clutching the alloy dagger tightly, and the tip of the blade was shivering with chills, and it slashed towards Xu Mo's neck.

He practiced this movement no less than a hundred times, and there were fifty deaths with a single cut of his throat, without exception, and it is the same today.

The target did not move at all, he had no time to dodge at all, he was dead.

Guy vowed to secretly secretly, what was the flavor he even planned to take out in his mind.

However, in the next second, his face froze directly.


The metal collided with a hard object, making a clear and loud sound, and Guy's pupils suddenly shrank to a point.


What did he see?

In fact, what Guy looked at was normal.

In fact, what Guy looked at was normal.

Xu Mo's neck and knife point.

But the combination can make your scalp numb.

The tip of the knife is now close to the side of Xu Mo's neck, Guy's hand holding the dagger suddenly becomes trembling, no matter how hard it is, he can't cut it, and the imaginary spring of blood can't come out at all.

This dagger has killed countless people. It is made of rare alloys and is extremely sharp. There are even two grooves on it. To be honest, it can pierce the skin even if it is touched slightly sideways.

This skin is too thick! !

Mutants? !

Guy can only think of this, thanks to Magneto's assassination of the president. The first suspected abnormal phenomenon is mutants. Even Spider-Man and Green Goblin at the carnival are suspected to be mutants.

"It's so arrogant without takeaway."

Xu Mo's face was gloomy and water dripped out. Whenever someone opened the door, someone stabbed him with a dagger and had a bad temper. It's no wonder that Gale was lying on the sofa. She knew there was no takeaway at all.

This person is not a takeaway, he should be a killer.

Xu Mo's eyes burst out with a strong killing intent, and his left hand directly clamped the dagger and took it away. Looking at Guy's panic expression, he directly applied force.


The dagger was broken directly and fell to the ground.

Xu Mo pinched Guy Eun before he could react, and lifted it up. If an outsider was there, he might laugh out loud.

Guy is a strong white man with a height of nearly 1.9 meters. In comparison, Xu Mo is a lot thinner, only nearly 1.8 meters. It is strange to mention that Xu Mo.

"Who are you?"

Xu Mo asked flatly.

Guy graciously heard the words, and just snorted: "…damn mutant!"

"It seems I don't want to say, then go to death."

Xu Mo doesn't want to waste time on this killer, this kind of person cannot speak unless it is Hypnosis brainwashing.


The lv2 light wave ball was formed out of thin air. Compared to the level 1 level, he was slightly larger. Xu Mo shot him into the assassin's body.


"Ah!" Guy Eun had a hideous face, his veins burst out, and he wailed hysterically.


The assassin's body suddenly burst open, blood splattered from it, and the scum spilled but was stopped by the purple cover, and then shrank into a small purple blood cell.

Then it fell into Jia Li's hand, put it in front of her nose and sniffed.

Xu Mo asked: "You want to eat?"

"Well, don't you like me like this?" Jiali asked softly, looking up at Xu Mo.

"I don't usually eat this, I just think it's bad."

After living with Xu Mo for a period of time, Jia Li's instinct became more and more obvious. He can eat raw food and be friendly to some humans, but he is not blindly thinking that humans are all good people, which makes him feel at ease.

"You like it yourself."

Xu Mo touched Jiali's little head.

A murderer is always killed by a person, and it is the same as being eaten and killed.

He, Xu Mo is not a superhero, let alone a defender.

Maybe he is a villain.

"Xu Mo, find out his phone, I will help you find the person behind the scenes."

"Do you still have this ability?"

"Of course, our clan was the most advanced civilization in the universe at that time."

"and then?"

"It exploded."