
Marvel Happy System

Alright before we get started this is not my fan fic. I just finished reading it and I thought it was good, so I decided to share with you guys. If you would like to read it you can check it out on Deadly Novels but you have to pay so that's why I'm posting it here. I will be posting 2-4 chapter a day but if I can’t their will always at least be one a day so expect 7-28 chapters a week. ——————————————————————————— Synopsis: I, Lyon Coulson, the nephew of Agent Coulson in SHIELD. I have a system which almost copies anyone's power who have a good relationship with me.

Aurelius04 · Movies
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33 Chs




Not only Clint Barton, but even Lyon, who was very confident at the beginning, after listening to the detailed report on the scene, felt like their temple will blast.

It's not that their health is poor, it's just that the situation in front of them is bad. which made them optimistic at first, and disappeared at once.

Lyon thought that this would be a novice task, followed by a wave of Hawkeye, and he will earn some experience, but he didn't imagine that this group of terrorists actually played so big.

Twenty people blocked the entire building, and they were still invisible, holding all the people in the building.

Moreover, they did not dare to break into the door directly and enter while shooting the gangsters.

Who knows, If they will not be happy, they will kill one or two hostages to play.

This is also why, the on-site police and special police, did not dare to take any action, so they only block the perimeter of the building, and waiting for support.

Otherwise, this kind of thing that does not belong to the SHIELD work will not require the super-special agent of the Hawkeye.

However, there is good news, which made Clint Barton's frowning eyebrows little loose. The number of opponents is only twenty. If dispersed in various areas, there will definitely be unguarded floors.

As long as they can enter the building quietly and then quickly attack the surveillance center and recapture the surveillance cameras in the entire building, it is equivalent to controlling the sight of the entire building!

In this way, according to the monitoring screen, it will not that difficult to break the enemy layer by layer and rescue the hostages.

The difficulty of this kind of "rescue hostage" task is actually how to ensure the safety of the hostage while killing the enemy inside the building.

In this case, the gangsters who hold

hostages are generally required.

However, this time, the Hawkeye did not think

of it.

"What? They didn't make any requests or conditions?!"

The report of the on-site FBI commander caused Hawkeye to frown again and whispered: "Then why and for what, they hold the hostages?"

Standing next to Clint, Lyon's heart suddenly moved, as if he thought of something, and said: "Sir, I think, we all are getting the wrong idea!"

Listening to Lyon, Clint Barton turned his head and looked at newcomer Lyon who made his first mission.

"What do you mean?"

Seeing everyone's eyes focused on his body, Lyon did not show a flustered expression. "I think the reason they need hostages is not to use hostages as a bargaining chip, but a key!"


Everyone looked confused, and Hawkeye showed a look of contemplation. After a while, Lyon solemnly said a name: "Norman Osborne!"


"I think their purpose is obvious, the Osborne Group's biotechnology!"

"'As the world's top biotechnology company, the Osborne Building stores the technological crystallization of the entire group. The value of these technologies cannot be measured by money!"

"And these technologies are naturally kept in a very safe place, and obviously, only one or two specific people can open the place...

Lyon stepped forward and pointed to the skyscraper in front of him. He said with a slap in the face:

"So, I think, while we are discussing how to save the hostages from them, they may have got what they actually want!"

After listening to Lyon's analysis, Clint Barton also played his role of captain and summarized the words of his subordinates:

"That is, we can't drag it anymore!"

After that. Clint Barton also looked at Lyon with a look of appreciation.

Kid your brain works very well.

After clarifying the purpose of the enemy, everyone who felt that they have very less time, looked at the majestic building in unison.

Their goal is in the building. However, the first problem that Clint Barton, Lyon and others have to face is how to enter the building without being discovered by terrorists.

It is almost impossible to enter the building from the gate. The roof is the same.

The other party must have foreseen that the roof will be a good place to enter the building, and the other party will definitely be heavily guarded at the top of the building.

If they choose to make a strong attack on the top of the building, they will only be discovered by the enemy and will fall into the front and back of the opponent.

This is not a good choice for them and the hostages in the building.

Just as everyone discussed how to get into the building, Lyon was attracted by the cranes of the next building.

The huge yellow tower crane, the tower arm is like a yellow steel bridge across the sky, making people scream.

Looking at the long arm of the tower crane, Lyon suddenly thought of a bold plan! At a steady pace, he came to Clint Barton and pointed at the conspicuous tower crane and said: "I think we can use this big yellow guy to enter the building...

The crowd looked at the tower crane and

repeat in confusion.

"Tower crane?"

Just when everyone seems confused to him, Lyon told his own sneak plan.

"Since the enemy has already controlled the monitoring of the building, we want to enter the building without being discovered, it is impossible.


Lyon paused and showed a charming smile to everyone. "If we enter the building, and immediately regain control of the monitoring center?"

"Okay, tell about your plan.

Clint Barton looked at Lyon, who looking confident, and said again.

"The case is this, I have just checked the architectural drawings of the Osborne Group Building and found a very interesting place.

He said, holding a notebook from the SHIELD, he showed it to everyone.

On the computer screen, it is a three-dimensional architectural drawing of the Osborne Group.

Pointing at one of the buildings, Lyon said: "The 18th floor is the floor where the monitoring center is located."

"According to the structure of the building and the length of the tower's maneuvering arm, if we can use the boom of the tower crane, move to the surface of the building, that is, the position of the monitoring center, and then break the outer wall of the monitoring center and enter the building to

eliminate the monitoring and the enemy of the center.

"As a result, we can implement the previously formulated rescue plan without knowing it!"

Control monitoring, breaking through layers. Everyone listened to Lyon's plan and felt very feasible.

However, now the problem is that the monitoring center is on the 18th layer. If anyone accidentally fell off the tower arm, it was not discussed directly.

Moreover in order not to attract attention, the candidates for the implementation of this semi-air sneak plan got less and less.

Therefore, after the deliberation of the people, the burden of the implementation of the plan, put on the shoulders of Clint Barton, and the plan proposer Lyon!