
Marvel: Gwen was stunned

Li Xiu transmigrates to Marvel X The Boys world. Just as he was cursing his luck....'Ding'.............'Life Simulation system' activated.. [Day 1: Relying on your strong physique, you helped Gwen, and she now has a good impression of you! 】 [The fifth day: The super villain Frozone has killed four people in your school, you are lucky to escape the disaster. 】 [Day 21: The body has reached the limit of normal people, unable to improve further, you are feeling down. Gwen comforts you. You got closer, took her home and repaid her. 】 [Day 25: Gwen was bitten by a spider and mutates to become Spider-Woman. You follow her lead and mutate too! 】 [Month 7: You injected Compound V and gain the abilities of the Homelander!】 [Year 9: Thanos snaps his fingers, you are dead. [The simulation is over, strength is transferred to reality! 】 Get powerful physique! Get mutant abilities! Get the ability of the Homelander! Become stronger with each simulation.. [Translating from faloo][PROCEED WITH CAUTION] [ Author--- Watermelon Hair] [ Not original] [original---Marvel: Simulates Spider ability, stunned Gwen]

GamingwithGreat · Anime & Comics
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The Devil Hero

[The Iceman brigade joined the Demon Army and attacked the Justice Army!.

Watching this scene, it was difficult for countless people to comprehend.

They couldn't figure out why Spider-man's team was attacking the Justice League.

Could Spider-man also belong to the Demon King?

The Light of Humanity is actually someone from side of the Demon King?

This incident is like a Nuclear bomb, spreading like a shockwave in all directions, everyone's heart has taken a critical hit.

Countless people went numb!

It is really hard for them to believe that the light of mankind, the belief of mankind is actually from the Demon King's faction!

When little Spider-Man saw this scene, it was like a lightning strike, and he was unable to speak or move, almost getting killed by the enemies.

The situation changed again, and the Justice Coalition Army was attacked by the Spider-Man's team, which made everyone's actions sloppy for a while.

But this successfully offset the Justice League's advantage in the offensive.]

[With this wave of procrastination, you finally broke through the final hurdle, increasing the success rate of the Iceman experiment to 100%.

You do the latest Iceman experiment on yourself.

The best and the most effective but also the most painful of the Iceman experiments you have performed

The upside - The most advanced and effective version of Cryokinesis (Ice ability) .

This kind of pain undergoing mutation, not to mention ordinary people even the superhumans may not be able to withstand it, but for you who has a physique with power over 100 tons and has already inflicted inhumane pain upon yourself , its like a child play.

After the complete mutation spreading in your each body cell, you have successfully acquired the top tier Cryokinetic ability!

You hear the screams and constant battle noises outside, and your subordinates have left you the information about the layout of the siege of the enemy.

Analyzing, you realize that the encirclement is thorough and you know that you can't escape.

But you have no fear.

But you understand that you have to answer and fight for all those who fought with their lives for you.

You do the finalized Iceman experiment on the dozens of people left and then dozens of powerful Icemen come out fresh.

Adding about a hundred or so Icemen guarding you in the lab.

You still have more than 200 Icemen in hand.

You equip your advanced Spider battlesuit 2.0 and walk out of the building. ]

[Twenty-ninth month: You walked out of the building and see that the whole world was red, as if it had been raining blood for years.

One after another high-rise buildings collapsed into ruins, with countless corpses near them, blazing flames burning them, and endless river of blood flowing .

It's like an apocalyptic scene.

You see, your subordinates have become corpses, some standing in the rubble, or lying doem in the rubble.

You can't see a trace of fear on their faces.

They fought and died for you with no regrets because they followed you and were loyal to you.

In your cold and cruel eyes, there was a trace of emotion.

You know, you have to give them an answer.

Seeing you coming out in a white cobweb battle suit, the entire battlefield turned silent for a second.

You alone have become the centre of attention.

The Justice army and the people who saw all this through the cameras in the rest world all had their pupils shaken.

The outside world guessed that you were the devil's person, but they still couldn't believe it until you came out and verified their conjecture.

What happened next further shocked everyone.

You look towards the battlefield, under your strong physique, your voice is like a bell, your tone is cold but firm.

"Your lord, that is, I shall live and die with you!"

Jin Ping looked at you from a distance, and he waved his arm

"Live and die with your majesty!"

Hearing your will, the blood of all your subordinates is boiling, and they feel honored and honored.

Everyone roared and responded to your words

"Live and die with your majesty!!!"

The voices of countless people gathered together to form a thunderous sound, and the earth and the sea of ​​clouds seemed to tremble.

The roar of the Demon army was like thunder, smashing into everyone's heart, leaving countless people's heads blank.

Spider-man turned out to be the devil!

The greatest superhero throughout the history turned out to be the devil himself!

This is something that no one expected.

The symbol of light and the root of darkness are the same person!

This makes it difficult for countless people to accept that their god is the most evil person.

Hearing, they felt their hearts tearing and they felt their world crumble .

In many people's minds, Spider-man hunts criminals while he also hunts innocents with the Demon King, these two events coincide at once.

All hunting, all catching of the people.

It turns out that Spider-man has always been the devil, and Spider-man's crazy hunting of criminals is actually because he has huge amounts of demand for living people, in order to satisfy his conspiracy.

Little Spider-Man looks at you and almost collapses. Since his debut, he has used you as an example and worked hard to get close to you, but he didn't expect you to be the devil who killed countless people.

Then came the endless anger, the anger of being deceived.

His eyes turned red.

Furious and broken, he roared,

"I'm going to kill you!"

Whole of the justice Army is coming towards you.

You lead the Iceman guards into the war, and the brutal slaughter begins.

As soon as you waved your hand, the cold air like a tidal wave poured out, and a 100-story building was frozen in an instant, and the enemies above were all turned into ice sculptures.

You waved your hand again, and the terrifying cold air broke out, sweeping and engulfing a large number of people from the Justice Army, turning them into ice sculptures!

Your terrifying power made countless people tremble, but no one thought that you had such amazing strength.

That's the result of your Iceman experiment, and that's why you have been working tirelessly.

Because he can feel that the upper limit of the Freezing Ability is extremely high, if it is developed to its full potential, maybe it can freeze a city or even a larger area with a wave of your hand. ]