
Marvel:Grinding to Omnipotence

REWRITE of MCU: Grinding to Omnipotence. I am the original author and I wrote the original at 14. This is much better as I have gone through a much needed maturity process and higher level English classes at school. Synopsis: Reincarnation into Marvel universe, multiple crossovers, overpowered main character but it still has genuine plot and it takes time to get overpowered. Update schedule: 1 chapters every week and but they will be long (5k words minimum). Maybe a 20k chapter for giggles on a holiday. Depends on the noggin, honestly.

Universal_Foodie · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 8: Waking up

The wind was quiet around me…I was awake for a while now, but I refused to move. I could feel it in my surroundings that I wasn't in my hideout anymore, I wasn't even outside. The wind was too gentle for the high altitude cliff and I was laying on grass with no sounds of water in the vicinity.

Also I can hear the breathing of someone, whatever that world engine thing was… it changed me.. I remember what it was saying…those sequences, the "unique/ultimate skill" terminology used in a certain slime anime that I used to watch a while back. 

Anyways it was quite weird listening to this person breathe…

Yeah there was a person in this room. I kept my eyes closed, but I could hear them…

Every time they inhaled… the wind moved north towards their direction and every time they exhaled, the wind picked up and started moving south and this wasn't just a small radius around us. No..no this was much larger, it was too natural to be some-sort of power play or special breathing method. The wind was naturally flowing in these directions.

He was mimicking or rather so in tune with his surroundings that his natural breath was akin to the breeze of the wind.

Who the hell was this?

Wait… I know this person… This breath, I know it. I couldn't sense it before, but now I can…

THE SPAR. One of the monks had this breathing…

"How long are you going to pretend that you're still asleep? That may fool others, but you're a few millennia too young to think about swindling me child." Monk 2 spoke out loud with his eyes glittering in amusement.

I sighed and opened my eyes and looked at him, "how long did you know?"

Staring at the Monk, I had dubbed 'Monk 2' a few months ago.

This monk…he's a man whose presence is felt long before it is seen. My eyes can't look away from him… as if my body is almost scared that if I do and by a random chance this monk turns violent… I wouldn't stand a chance.

How cute.

In appearance, He is an imposing figure, tall and robust, with a muscular build that speaks of decades, if not centuries, of rigorous training. His skin is weathered, yet resilient, much like the ancient trees that adorn the landscapes of K'unlun. 

His face was marked with small, almost invisible scars that told of stories of battles fought, lessons learned, and mysteries unraveled. His black eyes were piercing, reflecting a lifetime of experience and knowledge. They carry a calm intensity, a reminder of his status not just as a fighter, but as a teacher and guide.

Huh.. lets see who you really are..

I got up from the bed that I was laying on and stared at the man ten feet away from me.

Unique Skill: Schema, initializing.

Schema?? Is that the name of the wikipedia skill now?

A bluish screen hovered in front of my eyes.

Name: Lei Kung

History: K'unlun's strongest warrior monk, Appointed General of the Seven Capital Armies, Combat Instructor of all warrior monks, Immortal Demigod of Kung-Fu, Most trusted Confidante of all past, present, and future Iron Fists, Adopted brother of The August Personage, The Black Tortoise In the North, Vanquisher of a Thousand Demons, Bane of K'unlun's enemies, The Tranquil Storm, K'unlun's Eternal Fury, Lei Kung The Thunderer.

Relevance to User: Important character for user growth 

Goddamn it, I'm screwed.

"The moment you woke up, your body stopped pulsing red in color." The newly dubbed Lei Kung interrupted my slight panic attack.

Could anyone blame me? This is equivalent to facing a level 99 boss, when you're a level 2 noob with zero hacks.

I sighed and looked at him.

"What happened?" Might as well play dumb.

His left brow rose at the questioning, "I believe, I should be asking that question young one."

Commando mode it is then.

My facial muscles relaxed instantly, my eyes widening the tiniest bit, and a slight scrunch at the nose, all done to convey confusion through body language and to add legitimacy to what I'm going to say next.

"You're the respected immortal master sir, how could I be knowledgeable about something that you aren't. I was merely doing the Eight Brocades and suddenly I fell on my knees feeling very warm." I spoke with a slow drawl to emphasize my confusion.

He smiled in response.

Suddenly, he was in my face.

A bit too close for comfort, his eyes barely a few inches from mine..

For a few seconds, all he did was deeply scan my face and when I say deeply, I mean DEEPLY.

Then, he laughed. 

No, He roared in laughter.

I couldn't help but ask while slightly annoyed, "What's so funny?"

The laughter ceased.


I could feel the blood rushing to my ears in slight embarrassment.

A "what?" escaped my lips.

He tilted his face down and silently stared at me.

I hated that gaze. 

That smug gaze of knowing something that the other person didn't know.

That piercing gaze that just sees through your existence and judges you silently, but surely.

Is this how people felt when I stared at them in my past life?

"Such fine conscious control of unconscious expressions is rare, child. Such insight in body language to deliver deceit is something I can't help but admire." He said, with a smile

"You're not mad?" I asked curiously

"Talent is something I try not to diminish. You're a child lying to an elder because you don't wish to be punished. If this becomes a bad habit then you shall be admonished properly, but until then I don't mind it." Lei Kung spoke with amusement.

I exhaled with relief.

I looked at him with surprise and alarm.

This height difference was making me so annoyed. Lei Kung was the tallest individual I've seen in K'unlun, an estimated height of nearly 6,3. 

An inch taller than me in my past life.

"I appreciate that thought process." I genuinely did, this man in front of me was reasonable and I appreciate that.

He nodded, taking the complement in stride.

I looked at him for a couple seconds.

Lei Kung wore the traditional garb of a warrior monk of K'unlun. His outfit is a combination of functionality and symbolism, designed not just for combat efficiency but also to reflect his esteemed position. He donned a long, flowing robe that was both elegant and unrestrictive, allowing for ease of movement. The robe was usually done in earthy tones – deep greens, browns, or grays – adorned with subtle embroidery that symbolizes various aspects of K'unlun's culture and history. His robe had all three colors and it looked really aesthetic.

Around his waist, Lei Kung wore a sash or belt, which is both a practical accessory and a fashion statement??. His footwear were traditional boots, suitable for the varied terrain of K'unlun, and made from some type of leather.

There was a slight awkward silence between us.

Lei Kung just stared at me as well, extenuating the awkward scenario we were trapped in. 

"What do we do now?" I asked, trying to shift the focus from the awkwardness of the moment.

Lei Kung's eyes twinkled with a hint of mischief. "Well, we could start by measuring who's taller," he quipped, a playful nod to our height difference.

I rolled my eyes, ignoring the quip. "Seriously, what's next? I think I missed the academy orientation."

Lei Kung's expression turned to one full of amusement. "The orientation was over yesterday. You've been asleep for nearly 24 hours."

My surprise quickly morphed into worry. "Damn it, Gelong-ma Dolma is going to be mad at me."

Lei Kung shook his head, a reassuring smile on his face. "No, she won't be. She understands that you were here with me, involved in... let's call them 'matters of importance.'"

I raised an eyebrow, slightly skeptical. "Really? She's just going to believe that?"

Lei Kung nodded confidently. "Gelong-ma Dolma trusts my judgment. Besides, it's not entirely untrue. We did have a matter of importance to attend to – your unusual condition."

Feeling a bit more relieved, I couldn't help but ask, "And what about that condition? Any idea what happened to me?"

Lei Kung's expression turned thoughtful. "That, young one, is a mystery we still need to unravel. Your chi surge was... extraordinary. It's not something we see every day, even in K'unlun."

"So, what's the plan?" I inquired, eager to understand more about the strange event.

"For now, rest and recover. We will monitor your chi and ensure there are no lingering effects. Once you're fully recovered, we'll start some investigations," Lei Kung replied, his tone a blend of seriousness and curiosity.

I nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. 

Looking down, I noticed that I was shirtless, dressed only in my robed pants. Glancing around, my eyes landed on my shirt, left out to dry on the balcony. It had clearly been washed recently. Walking over, I picked it up, feeling the warmth of the fabric in my hands.

"Thanks for washing my shirt," I said, turning to Lei Kung with a note of gratitude in my voice.

He waved off my thanks with a chuckle. "Don't thank me. One of the nurses took care of that. They're thorough in their care."

I nodded, appreciating the attention to detail that was a hallmark of K'unlun's healers. Slipping my shirt on, I figured it was time to leave and start figuring out my next steps. "I should probably get going," I mentioned, moving towards the door.

As I reached the doorway, it dawned on me – I had no idea where I was going. I'd never been to this part of K'unlun. Hesitating, I looked back, only to see Lei Kung watching me with an amused expression, clearly anticipating this moment of realization.

He chuckled at my obvious disorientation, a not so rare display of humor from the usually stoic Thunderer that I was expecting from the comics. Before I could react, he strode over, his steps surprisingly light for a man of his stature. In one swift motion, he scooped me up and hoisted me over his shoulder.

I was momentarily taken aback by the suddenness of his action, a mix of surprise and mild protest on my lips. But it was clear that Lei Kung had decided to personally guide me out of his palace, a gesture that, despite its unexpected nature, spoke volumes of his care and concern.

Reluctantly accepting Lei Kung's unorthodox mode of transport, Lei Kung spoke "Close your eyes and count to ten child, I have a little trick to show you."

 I complied with his instruction to close my eyes and count to ten. He promised a trick, and despite my initial reservations about being carried over his shoulder, curiosity got the better of me.

As I began the count, Lei Kung moved. His speed was astonishing. Even with my eyes closed, the sensation was unmistakable – we were moving at an incredible pace. The wind whipped against my face with such force that it felt like being on a high-speed roller coaster. The air rushed by, creating a roaring sound in my ears, a testament to Lei Kung's almost supernatural agility.

"One... Two... Three..." I continued to count, trying to anchor myself to the sensation of the wind and the sound rather than the unsettling feeling of rapid movement.

As Lei Kung navigated through K'unlun, he moved with a grace and speed that defied belief. He was not just running; he was practically gliding over the rooftops of the city, each step light yet powerful. 

The ease with which he traversed the landscape of K'unlun, from the smooth tiles of the roofs to the occasional leap over open spaces, was a clear display of his mastery over his body and his deep understanding of the land.

"...Seven... Eight..." I was more than halfway through the count, and I felt a momentary urge to sneak a peek at our surroundings. But just as I was about to give in to the temptation, Lei Kung's voice cut through the wind, "Don't open your eyes if you don't want to experience intense tunnel vision and dizziness."

I heeded his warning, keeping my eyes firmly shut. The thought of disorientation and nausea was enough to dissuade me from looking.

"...Nine... Ten." As I reached the end of my count, the sensation of rapid movement began to slow. The wind against my face lessened, and the sound of rushing air subsided. Lei Kung's incredible sprint across K'unlun had come to an end, the trick complete.

I opened my eyes slowly, adjusting to the light and the stillness, a stark contrast to the sensory overload of just moments before. The experience, while disconcerting, was also exhilarating.

As Lei Kung set me down, my feet touched the ground with a slight unsteadiness. It took a moment to shake off the lingering dizziness from the whirlwind journey. I looked around, orienting myself, and recognized the orphanage nearby. 

A thought crossed my mind about its existence in a place like K'unlun, where children were a rare blessing. Considering the character of the residents of K'unlun and their great care/adoration for children , why does the orphanage even exist? I understood my unique case, but what about the other kids; they were born here.

My train of thought was interrupted when Gelong-ma Dolma emerged from the front door of the orphanage. Our eyes met, and to my surprise, she closed the distance between us at a brisk pace that belied her middle-aged appearance. She enveloped me in a hug, her concern evident.

"Is everything well, Daniel?" she asked, pulling back to look at me.

"Yes, everything's fine," I assured her, feeling a bit relieved under her maternal gaze.

Gelong-ma Dolma then turned her questioning eyes towards Lei Kung, who stood a few steps behind me. I glanced back at him too, and with a simple nod of his head, he silently communicated that all was indeed well. 

There was a moment of scrutiny as Gelong-ma Dolma held Lei Kung's gaze, searching for any sign of unspoken words. Eventually, she seemed to accept his silent assurance and turned her attention back to me.

Without warning, she reached out and playfully tugged at my ear, her expression a mix of relief and mild reprimand. "Don't you disappear like that again," she scolded gently. "You missed the academy orientation and my speech. I had hoped you would be there."

Her words were tinged with a hint of disappointment, but the warmth in her voice and the gentle manner of her reprimand spoke volumes of her care and regard for me. I nodded, accepting the admonishment and feeling a bit guilty for causing her worry.

As Gelong-ma Dolma and I turned to head inside the orphanage, Lei Kung's voice carried over to us from where he stood. "Daniel," he called out, capturing our attention. " In an hour's time go to Erhai Lake where you observed my lesson with Norbu."

I paused, turning back to look at him. I had a feeling for where this was going and I was kind of excited for it.

"It's time for you to lay the foundations to become a true warrior monk," Lei Kung added, his voice carrying a mix of challenge and encouragement.

The ear to ear grin on my face showcased my excitement quite well.

To train by that lake was not just a physical endeavor; it was a rite of passage, a step towards being towards true strength and a chance to ascend the ranks of K'unlun.

Gelong-ma Dolma released my ear and gave me a nod, an acknowledgment of the importance of Lei Kung's directive. "Go inside and prepare," she said softly. "This is an important part of your journey. We can talk more when you return."

I nodded in excitement and then nodded back to Lei Kung.

Without wasting another moment, I turned and dashed into the orphanage, heading straight to my room to prepare for the training ahead. My mind was already racing with the possibilities and challenges that lay in store for me at the lake.

Meanwhile, outside, Gelong-ma Dolma and Lei Kung watched my hurried departure, a knowing look exchanged between them.

"Do you think he'll maintain that enthusiasm after a few rounds at the Circle?" Gelong-ma Dolma asked, her tone laced with a mix of amusement and curiosity.

Lei Kung chuckled softly. "I give him six laps around the Circle before he starts to complain," he said, his voice betraying a hint of jest.

Gelong-ma Dolma smiled, her eyes twinkling with mirth. "I have a bit more faith in him. Let's say eight laps."

Their light-hearted wager on my endurance went unheard by me. In my room, I was frantically gathering the essentials: a jar of water to stay hydrated, comfortable training clothes made of loose cotton for ease of movement, and towels to mop up the inevitable sweat from the rigorous session ahead.

After a short while, Gelong-ma Dolma entered my room, her presence always bringing a sense of calm. "I will prepare some porridge for you to get some energy. Come to the dining table when you're ready," she offered, her voice warm and nurturing.

"Thank you, Gelong-ma!" I replied, my voice brimming with gratitude and eagerness. "I'll be there soon!"

True to my word, about ten minutes later, I rushed to the dining table, fully prepared for the day ahead. The aroma of freshly made porridge filled the air, a comforting scent that reminded me of the care and attention that Gelong-ma Dolma put into everything she did. 

As I sat down to eat, the warmth and comfort of the porridge seemed to perfectly complement the morning's excitement. Gelong-ma Dolma watched me for a moment before speaking, her voice carrying a blend of seriousness and kindness.

"This training you're about to undertake," she began, "is an important step in your journey to becoming a warrior monk. It's a path that requires dedication and discipline, but it's also a path of great learning and personal growth."

She paused, ensuring she had my full attention. "But remember, you are still young, and it's important to enjoy your childhood too. The path of a warrior monk is rigorous, and while we see great potential in you, if you ever feel it's becoming too much, or you simply wish to attend the academy like the other children, just let me know. I'll speak with Lei Kung. We can adjust your training to something more suitable for your age."

"I appreciate that, Gelong-ma," I said earnestly, feeling a deep sense of gratitude for her consideration and care. "I'll keep that in mind."

Gelong-ma Dolma gave me a gentle smile, then stood up. "Good," she said. "Now finish your porridge. You'll need the energy for your training."

As she left the room, I sat there for a moment, and then I proceeded to nearly inhale the remaining porridge.

I got up and walked to the kitchen and washed my bowl, dried it, and let it rest on the table.

I walked up the stairs, grabbed the bag I prepared, and walked downstairs again. I turned at the stairs to walk down the small hallway to Gelong-ma Dolma's room. I peeked through the crack in the door and looked at her.

She was meditating, her eyes opened and she smiled with a nod.

I nodded back with a smile.

"Thanks for everything" I whispered.

Her eyes widened, but she gave a heartfelt smile and replied, "It was my pleasure."

I turned around and started walking towards the exit of the orphanage.

I closed the door behind me and then I stared at the sky.

"Time to grind."