
Marvel: gojo of the seven sets

After a devastating betrayal, Dominic finds an unexpected conversation with his old friend Ethan, little does he know, Ethan is actually an omnipotent being on vacation, who decides to give Dominic a second chance at life. leading to an unbelievable twist of fate. Awakening in the Marvel Universe with mysterious new abilities and the appearance of Gojo Satoru, Dominic must navigate his new reality, uncovering the secrets of his reincarnation and the true extent of his powers. Will he become a hero, a force of chaos, or something entirely different? “I wonder what will happen if I use my domain on…”

Fredozy · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Chapter 13:

As the dust settled and the battle concluded, Gojo used his telekinesis to lift Amora and the rest of the Masters of Evil, carrying them effortlessly back to the Avengers. The team began securing the villains with high-tech restraints. Black Widow called in SHIELD to pick up the criminals, her voice steady despite the recent chaos.

"SHIELD, this is Widow. We need a pickup at our location. We've got all the Masters of Evil in custody."

Gojo floated down, depositing the villains gently on the ground. Tony turned to him, still processing the events. "Jarvis, do we have any background info on our friend here?"

"Indeed, sir. His name is Gojo Satoru, a resident of Bayville. Exceptional abilities detected, far beyond normal human parameters."

Tony raised an eyebrow, turning to Gojo. "Bayville, huh? What brings you all the way to New York?"

Gojo shrugged, his usual nonchalant demeanor returning. "Just wanted to see the city. Didn't expect to run into this much excitement."

Black Widow approached, keeping an eye on the villains. "You handled yourself well out there. What exactly are your abilities?"

Gojo smiled slightly. "A little bit of Telekinesis, Telepathy and short distance teleportation." Trying to only let out info on the powers they seen him use and not reveal more considering who was asking he definitely needed to be careful what he says.

As they conversed, the sound of an approaching aircraft grew louder. A Quinjet descended, landing on the destroyed area. Agents rushed out with high-tech restraining devices, securing the villains. Nick Fury emerged from the ship, his coat billowing and his eye patch glinting in the sunlight. He looked directly at Gojo, his expression unreadable.

Gojo began to float up, intending to leave, but Fury's voice cut through the air. "And where do you think you're going, motherfucker? You're an unknown individual with no supervision and enough power to take on Avengers-level threats. Did you think it'd be that easy to just come and go after what you did here?"

Gojo hovered, looking at Fury. Inwardly, he was geeking out at seeing Samuel L. Jackson in real life, but he maintained his composure. "I just did what I had to do. I'm not looking to stick around."

Fury crossed his arms, his gaze unwavering. "You could do more, help more with SHIELD. We could use someone with your abilities."

Gojo shook his head. "No, I'll pass. And besides," he glanced at some agents and Maria Hill, who were subtly moving their hands to their weapons, "I thought you saw all I did. What makes you think you can take me in easily?"

Captain America stepped forward, his shield at his side. "Director Fury, Gojo helped us significantly. He's not a threat."

Thor nodded in agreement. "Aye, his actions have been honorable."

Gojo raised a hand, silencing them. "While you're here trying to force me into joining you, there are over 635 people injured who need your help and medical attention." He pointed around, his voice stern.

Fury hesitated, then nodded to his agents, who began coordinating medical aid and rescue efforts. Gojo floated a bit higher, concentrating. A golden energy rippled from his body, racing through the collapsed buildings, destroyed streets, and vehicles. Slowly, everything began to reverse itself, as if time were rewinding. The damaged structures rebuilt, the streets repaired, and the vehicles restored.

The Avengers and SHIELD agents watched in awe. Tony looked at Gojo suspiciously. "Jarvis, what just happened?"

"It would seem the damages done are being undone, sir."

"How?" Tony asked, incredulous.

"An unknown energy was detected, sir. Origin: unknown."

The team was stunned. Captain America watched the scene, gratitude and curiosity in his eyes. Thor looked at Gojo with newfound respect. Black Widow silently marveled at the power she had just witnessed. Fury's gaze was more analytical, but even he couldn't hide his amazement.

As Gojo hovered above the ground, Nick Fury's voice cut through the chaos, sharp and demanding. "What the fuck did you just do?"

Gojo paused, considering his words carefully not to reveal his use of the rejection.

"I telekinetically rearranged everything back to how it once was."

Fury's brow furrowed, clearly not satisfied with the simple explanation. Tony Stark, hovering nearby in his Iron Man suit, interjected. "Telekinesis can theoretically move and manipulate objects at a molecular level. But the control required to reverse such extensive damage, on this scale, is immense. It's not just about brute force—it's about precision."

Tony's mind raced through the implications. 'Telekinesis can explain the movement and restoration of structures, but the speed and efficiency—it almost seemed like time itself was rewinding. Yet, using telekinesis at that level would need an unparalleled mastery of control.'

Ant-Man, standing beside wasp also thinks. 'Yeah, it sounds plausible, but something feels off. Reversing molecular damage without any residual signs? Even with telekinesis, there should be some detectable discrepancies, especially at this scale... is his telekinesis really that powerful??'

Hawkeye, keeping an arrow nocked, agreed. "I've seen a lot of weird stuff, but this... it's almost too perfect. Feels like there's more to it."

Thor, watching the scene unfold, couldn't shake a sense of familiarity. 'This energy—it resembles the power of the Time Stone, the ability to rewind time itself. I have known only a few who could wield such power. My father, Odin; my mother, Frigga; and perhaps even my brother, Loki. Then there is the Ancient One, a sorcerer with profound control over time.'

Gojo, sensing their doubts and the mix of awe and suspicion, decided not to elaborate further.

Having finished his work, turned to the team. "Take care of them," he said, nodding towards the villains. "I've got to go."

As he began to blink out of existence, Fury's voice rang out once more. "You know where to find us if you change your mind."

Gojo smirked. "I'll keep that in mind."

In an instant, he disappeared, leaving the Avengers and SHIELD agents to process what had just happened. Fury looked at the spot where Gojo had been, deep in thought. "Well, that was something."

Tony sighed, looking at the now-restored city. "Yeah, something indeed."

Gojo, now back at his hotel, sat on the edge of his bed, reflecting on the day's events.

"New York," he murmured, a small smile playing on his lips. "Never a dull moment."