
Marvel : Godly Lottery System

Why did Apocalypse die naked on the street? Why did Iron Man scream miserably in the middle of the night? Why does Wakanda repeatedly fall into the wrong hands? Why is Asgard frequently targeted by thefts? Why couldn't Thanos snap his fingers, and who was behind it? What lies behind the Avengers' worried faces? Is it the distortion of human nature or the decline of morality? Stay tuned to this book as we follow the protagonist into their inner world... . . . . . . . . Not my story. Translation If you want to support me you. My pat*eon Id is--> pat*eon.com/Lord_Immortal_0170 Or you feel like tipping me for my hardwork you can do so on Ko*fi --> ko-fi.com/lord_immortal_0170

Lord_Immortal_0170 · Movies
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Accompanied by Gabriel's incredulous murmur, she was incinerated into ashes by the flames unleashed by Satan the next moment, drifting away with the wind in the air.

Meanwhile, the Ancient One, who had been silently observing the situation, showed no intention to intervene whatsoever. Zane keenly noticed that at the moment of Gabriel's death, there seemed to be a faint smirk at the corner of the Ancient One's mouth, but it was only for a fleeting moment, disappearing without a trace the next.

Zane couldn't help but think, 'Huh, women!'

Even though she cared a lot, she always pretended not to.

"Ancient One, I only need that person's soul. Once I have it, I'll return to Hell, never lingering in the mortal realm. What do you say?"

After killing Gabriel, Satan pointed to Constantine, who was now rolling his eyes and gasping for breath.

The Ancient One didn't say anything, but instead looked at Zane, who was standing by, enjoying the spectacle. Through magic, she had already learned that this incident was caused by Zane, the time traveler.

Zane, undaunted, faced the 'death stares' of the two big shots without flinching. He swiftly pulled out the sword piercing Constantine's chest and delivered another blow to his head, ending Constantine's life once and for all.

... ... ... ... ...

At the same time, he collected his soul into the [Realm of Dead] and separately allocated a region for Constantine, to prevent him from being mentally incapacitated by the rules of the [Realm of Dead] and reduced to the intelligence level of a five-year-old.

Seeing Zane's actions, Satan's eyes seemed to burn with angry flames. The entire wasteland was shrouded in Satan's immense killing intent, and all life on the wasteland was instantly annihilated into powder, including the microorganisms in the soil.

Satan, with just the projection of his aura, turned a radius of several kilometers into a complete death zone. One can only imagine what it would be like if his true form descended!

Zane, unafraid, openly confronted Satan with his own aura, setting the stage for an imminent confrontation.

Just then, the silent Ancient One spoke up.

"You cannot fight here on Earth!"

However, both Satan and Zane seemed to ignore the Ancient One's words, simultaneously exerting their auras on each other. The entire wasteland seemed to form two distinct boundaries between the two, unable to bear the pressure emanating from them, emitting sounds similar to shattered glass. Sparks occasionally flashed between Zane and Satan in the void.

"I said, you cannot fight here on Earth!"

This time, the Ancient One raised her voice, and at the same time, a gigantic magic array of golden light enveloped the entire wasteland, trapping both Zane and Satan within.

Feeling the threat from the Ancient One, both Zane and Satan involuntarily withdrew their auras. Zane then looked at the Ancient One with a flickering gaze.

"Indeed, last time you and I fought, you didn't use your full strength," Zane thought to himself.

"Ancient One, I respect you, but that doesn't mean I fear you. I will claim that soul today. According to the rules set by God, you, and me, that soul rightfully belongs to me," Satan said to the Ancient One coldly.

The Ancient One nodded in agreement, then turned to Zane.

"Mr. Zane, what do you say?"

"John Constantine swore allegiance to me before his death and willingly became my follower. Your rules have no jurisdiction over him since the moment he kneeled before me in prayer!" Zane said indifferently.

The Ancient One nodded, indicating that she understood. She looked at Zane and Satan, who were still on edge and ready to start a war at any moment. Even the formidable Ancient One felt a headache dealing with these two lawless individuals. If it weren't for her presence, they would have probably fought countless times already.

After pondering for a while, the Ancient One finally came up with a somewhat unconventional solution.

"Lucifer and Zane, since both of you have valid points, I will give you a battleground. I will act as your witness. The one who loses must voluntarily give up Constantine's soul. How about it?"

"Good!" Satan confidently nodded. He didn't believe he couldn't defeat Zane, even though he was currently just a projection.

Facing Satan's acquiescence, the Ancient One nodded in satisfaction. However, when it came to Zane, he hesitated.

"I disagree. Constantine is currently in my hands. Why should I use my possessions as a stake? Winning gains me nothing, but losing means losing what I already have," Zane decisively rejected the Ancient One's proposal.

"What do you want then?" Satan asked, his face dark with murderous intent.

"100 million souls. If I win, I want 100 million souls from your Hell. I believe for the Lord of Hell like you, this is nothing," Zane said with a smirk of cunning triumph.

Since he couldn't plunder souls from Hell, he would demand them directly from Satan. That was the reason he had been waiting for Satan's arrival. Otherwise, he would have dragged Constantine's soul directly into the [Realm of Dead] at home. Zane wasn't in the business of making losing deals.

"How about that, Lucifer?"

"Human, originally, I intended to let you off the hook. But since you're asking for it, I'll oblige!" Satan was thoroughly provoked by Zane at this moment, his murderous intent not hidden.

"Alright, let's draw up the contract then!"

Saying so, Zane sent a strand of his power of faith towards Satan. This was a utilization method he discovered for his power of faith. Once the contract was signed, it was almost impossible to violate it because if broken, the consequences would be far greater than the wager they placed. Zane couldn't trust Satan to honor their informal agreement once he lost. Dealing with demons, you lose, you lose everything.

Satan didn't say anything, quickly scanning the information within Zane's power of faith. After finding no issues, he also sent out a strand of his faith power. Unlike Zane's radiant gold, Satan's faith power was pure black, seeming to devour all light.

As a god for thousands of years, Satan naturally knew about this application of the power of faith. In fact, the parchment contracts peddled by Mephisto were similar to Zane's and Satan's methods now.


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