
Marvel : Godly Lottery System

Why did Apocalypse die naked on the street? Why did Iron Man scream miserably in the middle of the night? Why does Wakanda repeatedly fall into the wrong hands? Why is Asgard frequently targeted by thefts? Why couldn't Thanos snap his fingers, and who was behind it? What lies behind the Avengers' worried faces? Is it the distortion of human nature or the decline of morality? Stay tuned to this book as we follow the protagonist into their inner world... . . . . . . . . Not my story. Translation If you want to support me you. My pat*eon Id is--> pat*eon.com/Lord_Immortal_0170 Or you feel like tipping me for my hardwork you can do so on Ko*fi --> ko-fi.com/lord_immortal_0170

Lord_Immortal_0170 · Movies
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204 Chs


Before, as a representative of Skynet Technology, Zane had also attended a hearing at the White House.

But now Zane's purpose in coming here again is completely different.

Although Zane knew that with his personality and abilities, it was only a matter of time before he reached this point.

But he didn't expect it to come so soon.

It can only be said that Zane underestimated the greed and arrogance of those politicians.

This time, Zane didn't procrastinate, and directly teleported to the White House with the Statue of Liberty.

The Statue of Liberty, towering over 40 meters high, cast a shadow over the White House.

The agents responsible for guarding the White House raised their guns at the drastically altered Statue of Liberty.

Although they seemed loyal on the surface, only they knew their guilt.

At this moment, an old man with a megaphone rushed to the front of the Statue of Liberty.

"Mr. Zane, I am the Secretary of State of the United States. Please consider the consequences of your actions."

"Now, your superhuman friends are holding a conference to announce the 'Superhuman Protocol' with representatives from 117 countries."

"If you do this, it will be tantamount to going to war with them. Please reconsider."

As a Secretary of State who has been maneuvering in the political arena for decades, his words were skillful.

He didn't pressure Zane with the U.S. government, because that would only make Zane angrier.

Instead, he used Tony and Spiderman to persuade Zane to stop.

Facing the emotional and rational words of the Secretary of State, Zane's expression remained unchanged.

He just glanced expressionlessly at the dazzling White House below, then without a word, he directly gave orders to the Statue of Liberty.

"Tear this place down for me!"

With only a few small pistols for defense, the White House couldn't withstand the destruction of the Statue of Liberty, over 45 meters tall.

With just two legs and a sword, the modified Statue of Liberty turned the White House into ruins.

Zane looked coldly at the people below, who were either fleeing or struggling to survive under the ruins.

He understood the words the Secretary of State had just said to him when he killed the man who came to his house.

In fact, when Tony and the others decided to sign that nonsense agreement, it was destined that they would come to blows.

Zane admired them, but he wouldn't change his principles because of them.

If they were to turn against him in the near future, Zane wouldn't show any mercy.

Choices come with consequences, and both Zane and Tony need to pay for their decisions, don't they?

There's no such thing as a perfect solution in this world; it's better to follow your heart.

Even if the whole world is against you!

Even if the whole world is your enemy!

Zane wouldn't regret his choices.

He hoped Tony and Peter wouldn't regret either, otherwise Zane would despise them from the bottom of his heart.

"Zane Sy, are you declaring war on the United States, on the world?" the Secretary of State, who had survived the attack of the Statue of Liberty, roared hoarsely.

Zane stood on the shoulder of the Statue of Liberty, coldly glancing at him without saying a word.

He just gave a glance to Lorna beside him.

Lorna nodded, indicating she understood.

In the next moment, Lorna directly activated her abilities.

The central part of the already ruined White House gradually swelled up with Lorna's power, forming a mound of earth.

Two seconds later, the mound of earth continued to rise, revealing a huge titanium alloy-made safe house.

The metal door of the safe house was as thin as a piece of paper in front of Lorna, and she effortlessly tore it off.

Inside were dozens of panicked government officials, and in the middle, protected by them, was the President of the United States, who had taken refuge in the safe house as soon as he sensed danger.

At the moment the door was torn off, the President looked up at the god-like figure on the shoulder of the Statue of Liberty, took a deep breath, and pushed aside the agents protecting him.

"Mr. President, please don't move, this terrorist is very dangerous!" the agent said anxiously.

But the President of the United States said nothing, just smiled resolutely and pushed aside their obstruction.

He stepped out of the safe house in large strides and came to the feet of the Statue of Liberty.

The government officials still inside the now seemingly illusory safe house didn't know why.

At this moment, looking at the back of the President, there was a sense of tragic heroism as if the wind was cold and the water was cold, and a hero would never return.

"Mr. Zane, I am Matthew Ellis, the current President of the United States of America. Now I request an opportunity to have an equal dialogue with you!"

The President snatched the megaphone from the Secretary of State's hand and shouted at Zane.

Zane's eyes flashed with a hint of surprise at these words. Indeed, not anyone can become the ruler of a country.

It seemed that this President was not just playing tricks; his courage and boldness alone surpassed the vast majority of people in the world.

Zane didn't let the Statue of Liberty crush him with one foot, but instead made the Statue of Liberty lower herself and inserted her left sword into the ground.

Then she placed her empty left hand in front of the President, indicating for him to come up.

Zane was also curious. At this point, what else did they have to talk about?

The President looked at the huge palm in front of him, took a deep breath, and somewhat awkwardly climbed up.

When the Statue of Liberty stood upright again, the President quickly hugged her thumb to stabilize his swaying body.

Preventing himself from falling down and dying in vain.

When he reached the same height as Zane, he faced him face-to-face for the first time.

It was this reckless young man who slaughtered several armies, kidnapped the Statue of Liberty, and finally destroyed the face of the United States political world.

Facing Zane, President Ellis did not hide his immense malice and hatred, staring fearlessly at Zane.

Seeing his openly displayed emotions, Zane's gaze flashed with a hint of admiration. People who dare to love and hate are not disliked anywhere, are they?

"Tell me, at this point, what else do you want to say to me?" Zane asked curiously.

In an instant, President Ellis's heart surged with myriad emotions.

His expression was extremely complicated, with hesitation, reluctance, fear, and hatred...

In the end, all the expressions turned into a firmness as solid as a rock.

"Mr. Zane, isn't this enough? Hasn't your anger subsided?" President Ellis shouted loudly.

There was no other way. He was now more than 45 meters high in the air, and the strong wind was almost blowing him away. If he didn't shout loudly, he couldn't even hear his own words.

After hearing these words, Zane calmly shook his head, as if it were only natural, and said:

"Not enough!"


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